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Top Chinese baby names and their meanings

Writer's picture: Kostas DrakatosKostas Drakatos

Updated: Apr 16, 2024

Looking for that exquisite set of Chinese baby names? Here it is: Rich with depth and beauty, we present our list of Chinese baby names and their meanings!

Oh! This tiny bit of magic reflected on two beautiful, deep-set eyes! We get that feeling! Your love for your baby can fill you with gratitude and peace!

Chinese baby names

You would only wish to watch them thrive, full of enthusiasm for life!

If you’re concerned about giving your baby the best start, remember the power of a name!

While toys are fun, a baby name embodying spiritual depth and imparting lifelong virtues would be perfect!

A well-chosen name is a legacy that lasts a lifetime!

Powerful in their strong meanings, our top Chinese names are nothing short of inspiring!

Names such as 天赐 Tiāncì (heavenly gift), 慧 Huì (symbol of wisdom), or 勇 Yǒng (exemplar of courage) would instill your baby with a rich heritage!

In this article:

So, read on and find the perfect name that will guide your baby on a path full of hope and goodness!

Chinese baby girl names:

  1. 芳 (Fang): Fragrance or virtue

  2. 静 (Jing): Peaceful or Tranquil

  3. 雷 (Lei): Mound of rocks great, or thunderous.

  4. 丽 (Li): Pretty or strength

  5. 敏 (Min): Quick or “clever

  6. 伟 (Wei): Great

  7. 艳 (Yan): Gorgeous, swallow bird

  8. 丹丹 (Dāndān) - Cinnabar red

  9. 丽丽 (Lìlì) - Beautiful

  10. 丽华 (Lìhuá) - Beautiful and splendid

  11. 乐欣 (Lèxīn) - Joyful heart

  12. 佳佳 (Jiājiā) - Excellent

  13. 凤凤 (Fèngfèng) - Phoenix

  14. 凯凯 (Kǎikǎi) - Triumphant

  15. 华 (Huá) - Flower or blossom

  16. 和 (Hé) - Harmony, peace; Lotus; river, stream

  17. 妍妍 (Yányán) - Beautiful

  18. 妮妮 (Nīnī) - Petite and lovely

  19. 姗姗 (Shānshān) - Graceful

  20. 娜娜 (Nànà) - Graceful

  21. 婉婉 (Wǎnwǎn) - Graceful

  22. 婧婧 (Jìngjìng) - Elegance

  23. 婷婷 (Tíngtíng) - Graceful

  24. 宁馨 (Níngxīn) - Peaceful heart

  25. 宛秋 (Wǎnqiū) - Like autumn

  26. 宝宝 (Bǎobǎo) - Precious, treasure

  27. 彤彤 (Tóngtóng) - Red and vibrant

  28. 心心 (Xīnxīn) - Heart, heartfelt

  29. 忆梦 (Yìmèng) - Dream memory

  30. 思佳 (Sījiā) - Thinking of beauty

  31. 思宁 (Sīníng) - Thoughtful peace

  32. 思彤 (Sītóng) - Thinking of red

  33. 思思 (Sīsī) - Thoughtful

  34. 怡君 (Yíjūn) - Joyful ruler

  35. 惠子 (Huìzǐ) - Benevolent child

  36. 慕晨 (Mùchén) - Longing for morning

  37. 慧君 (Huìjūn) - Wise ruler or wise person

  38. 慧慧 (Huìhuì) - Intelligent

  39. 慧敏 (Huìmǐn) - Wise and quick

  40. 昕昕 (Xīnxīn) - Bright morning

  41. 昕蕊 (Xīnruǐ) - Morning blossom

  42. 映萱 (Yìngxuān) - Reflecting daylily

  43. 映雪 (Yìngxuě) - Reflecting snow

  44. 春燕 (Chūnyàn) – Spring shallow

  45. 晓晓 (Xiǎoxiǎo) - Dawn

  46. 晓月 (Xiǎoyuè) - Dawn moon

  47. 晨晨 (Chénchén) - Morning

  48. 晴岚 (Qínglán) - Clear mountain mist

  49. 晶晶 (Jīngjīng) - Crystal clear (such as spin-and-span purity)!

  50. 欢欢 (Huānhuān) - Joyous

  51. 欢馨 (Huānxīn) - Joyful heart

  52. 欣怡 (Xīnyí) - Happy and pleasant

  53. 欣悦 (Xīnyuè) - Joyful delight

  54. 欣欣 (Xīnxīn) - Joyful, cheerful

  55. 淑珍 (Shūzhēn) - Gentle and precious

  56. 珊珊 (Shānshān) - Coral

  57. 珍珍 (Zhēnzhēn) - Precious

  58. 琪琪 (Qíqí) - Precious stone

  59. 琪芳 (Qífāng) - Precious fragrance

  60. 琬琬 (Wǎnwǎn) - Bright and beautiful

  61. 琳珊 (Línshān) - Beautiful coral

  62. 琳琳 (Línlín) - Gemstone

  63. 瑶瑶 (Yáoyáo) - Precious stone

  64. 瑶瑾 (Yáojǐn) - Precious and bright

  65. 瑾瑾 (Jǐnjǐn) - Bright and precious

  66. 璐璐 (Lùlù) - Glossy

  67. 童童 (Tóngtóng) - Childlike

  68. 红叶 (Hóngyè) - Red leaf

  69. 红红 (Hónghóng) - Red

  70. 纯洁 (Chúnjié) - Pure and clean

  71. 绮丽 (Qǐlì) - Gorgeous

  72. 美兰 Měilán: Beautiful orchid

  73. 美玉 (Měiyù): Beautiful jade

  74. 美美 (Měiměi) - Pretty

  75. 美花 (Měihuā): Beautiful flower

  76. 艳艳 (Yànyàn) - Gorgeous

  77. 艺艺 (Yìyì) - Artistic

  78. 芮佳 (Ruìjiā) - Auspicious beauty

  79. 芳芳 (Fāngfāng) - Fragrant

  80. 芷若 (Zhǐruò) - If like an orchid

  81. 芸芸 (Yúnyún) - Luxuriant

  82. 茹雪 (Rúxuě) - Like snow

  83. 莉莉 (Lìlì) - Jasmine

  84. 菲菲 (Fēifēi) - Delicate

  85. 萌萌 (Méngméng) - Sprouting, cute

  86. 萍萍 (Píngpíng) – Duckweed

  87. 蓓蓓 (Bèibèi) - Budding

  88. 蕊蕊 (Ruǐruǐ) - Flower bud

  89. 诗涵 (Shīhán) - Poetic grace

  90. 诗诗 (Shīshī) - Poetic

  91. 语嫣 (Yǔyān) - Gracious words

  92. 雅彤 (Yǎtóng) - Elegant and red

  93. 雅雅 (Yǎyǎ) - Elegant

  94. 雅静 (Yǎjìng) - Elegant and calm

  95. 雨欣 (Yǔxīn) - Joyful rain

  96. 雪雪 (Xuěxuě) - Snowy

  97. 霏霏 (Fēifēi) - Light snowfall

  98. 露 (Lù) - Road

  99. 青青 (Qīngqīng) - Youthful

  100. 静宜 (Jìngyí) - Suitable quietude

  101. 静曼 (Jìngmàn) - Quiet and gentle

  102. 静梅 (Jìngméi) - Quiet plum

  103. 静静 (Jìngjìng) - Quiet, calm

  104. 韵宁 (Yùnníng) - Melodious peace

  105. 颖然 (Yǐngrán) - Outstanding

Chinese baby boy names:

  1. 东 (Dōng) - East

  2. 丰 (Fēng) - Abundant

  3. 亮 (Liàng) - Bright

  4. 会 (Huì) - Able, meeting

  5. 俊 (Jùn) - Handsome

  6. 俊杰 (Jùnjié) - Handsome talent

  7. 俊逸 (Jùnyì) - Handsome unrestrained

  8. 修杰 (Xiūjié) - Cultivated talent

  9. 光 (Guāng) - Light

  10. 冬 (Dōng) - Winter

  11. 凯 (Kǎi) - Victorious

  12. 刚 (Gāng) - Strong

  13. 利 (Lì) - Benefit

  14. 力 (Lì) - Strength

  15. 勤 (Qín) - Diligent

  16. 南 (Nán) - South

  17. 博 (Bó) - Learned, extensive

  18. 启 (Qǐ) - Open, begin

  19. 哲瀚 (Zhéhàn) - Wise and vast

  20. 嘉 (Jiā) - Excellent

  21. 嘉懿 (Jiāyì) - Admirable virtue

  22. 天睿 (Tiānruì) - Heavenly wisdom

  23. 天翼 (Tiānyì) - Wings of heaven

  24. 天赋 (Tiānfù) - Heaven's gift

  25. 奇 (Qí) - Extraordinary

  26. 子晨 (Zǐchén) - Child of the dawn

  27. 子轩 (Zǐxuān) - Noble elegance

  28. 子默 (Zǐmò) - Silent child

  29. 宁 (Níng) - Peaceful

  30. 宁海 (Nínghǎi) - Peaceful sea

  31. 宇昂 (Yǔáng) - Lofty universe

  32. 安 (Ān) - Peaceful

  33. 宏 (Hóng) - Grand

  34. 家豪 (Jiāháo) - Family pride

  35. 峰 (Fēng) – Peak and summit

  36. 平 (Píng) - Peace

  37. 庆 (Qìng) - Celebrate

  38. 康 (Kāng) - Healthy

  39. 开 (Kāi) - Open

  40. 弘 (Hóng) - Vast

  41. 强 (Qiáng) - Strong

  42. 彦君 (Yànjūn) - Elegant lord

  43. 志新 (Zhìxīn) - Ambitious and new

  44. 志明 (Zhìmíng) - Aspirational brightness

  45. 思聪 (Sīcōng) - Intelligent and thoughtful

  46. 思远 (Sīyuǎn) - Thoughtful distance

  47. 成 (Chéng) – Accomplished

  48. 才 (Cái) - Talent

  49. 昊 (Hào) - Vast sky

  50. 昊天 (Hàotiān) - Vast sky

  51. 昊强 (Hàoqiáng) - Vast strength

  52. 昊轩 (Hàoxuān) - Vast height

  53. 明 (Míng) - Bright

  54. 明哲 (Míngzhé) - Bright and wise

  55. 明杰 (Míngjié) - Bright talent

  56. 明辉 (Mínghuī) - Bright radiance

  57. 明远 (Míngyuǎn) - Bright and distant

  58. 星宇 (Xīngyǔ) - Starry universe

  59. 星泽 (Xīngzé) - Starry grace

  60. 星海 (Xīnghǎi) - Starry sea

  61. 星辰 (Xīngchén) - Stars

  62. 昱磊 (Yùlěi) - Bright rock

  63. 晨 (Chén) - Dawn

  64. 景云 (Jǐngyún) - Scenic clouds

  65. 景明 (Jǐngmíng) - Bright scenery

  66. 景瑞 (Jǐngruì) - Scenic and auspicious

  67. 景致 (Jǐngzhì) - Scenic view

  68. 景行 (Jǐngxíng) - Scenic journey

  69. 智渊 (Zhìyuān) - Wise depth

  70. 权 (Quán) - Power

  71. 杰 (Jié) - Outstanding

  72. 桥 (Qiáo) - Bridge

  73. 永思 (Yǒngsī) - Eternal thinking

  74. 汉 (Hàn) – Brave or ferocious

  75. 池 (Chí) - Pond

  76. 沐风 (Mùfēng) - Wind bath

  77. 波 (Bō) - Wave

  78. 泰然 (Tàirán) - Peaceful and composed

  79. 泽民 (Zémín) - Benefiting the people

  80. 泽洋 (Zéyáng) - Ocean of grace

  81. 浩 (Hào) - Vast, extensive

  82. 浩宇 (Hàoyǔ) - Vast universe

  83. 浩然 (Hàorán) - Vast and natural

  84. 海 (Hǎi) - Sea

  85. 海蓝 (Hǎilán) - Sea blue

  86. 海阳 (Hǎiyáng) - Ocean sun

  87. 涛 (Tāo) - Waves

  88. 清 (Qīng) - Clear

  89. 源泽 (Yuánzé) - Original grace

  90. 滔 (Tāo) - Overflowing

  91. 炎彬 (Yánbīn) - Flaming grace

  92. 炫明 (Xuànmíng) - Brilliant

  93. 玉轩 (Yùxuān) - Jade elegance

  94. 理 (Lǐ) - Reason

  95. 琛瑜 (Chēnyú) - Precious jade

  96. 瑞轩 (Ruìxuān) - Auspicious

  97. 登 (Dēng) - Ascend

  98. 皓 (Hào) - Bright, luminous

  99. 睿 (Ruì) - Wise

  100. 睿杰 (Ruìjié) - Wise talent

  101. 程 (Chéng) - Journey, process

  102. 立 (Lì) - Establish

  103. 立 (Lì) - Stand

  104. 良 (Liáng) - Good

  105. 英卓 (Yīngzhuó) - Outstanding hero

  106. 英博 (Yīngbó) - Brilliant and learned

  107. 英发 (Yīngfā) - Flourishing courage

  108. 诚 (Chéng) - Sincere

  109. 豪 (Háo) - Heroic

  110. 超 (Chāo) - Surpass

  111. 辉 (Huī) - Splendor

  112. 辰 (Chén) - Morning

  113. 达 (Dá) - Reach, attain

  114. 逸仙 (Yìxiān) - Free and immortal

  115. 道 (Dào) - Path

  116. 金 (Jīn) - Gold

  117. 铭心 (Míngxīn) - Engraved in the heart

  118. 锋 (Fēng) - Sharp point

  119. 锐 (Ruì) - Sharp

  120. 阳波 (Yángbō) - Sun wave

  121. 靖琪 (Jìngqí) - Peaceful jade

  122. 靖轩 (Jìngxuān) - Peaceful and high

  123. 飞扬 (Fēiyáng) - Flying and soaring

  124. 高 (Gāo) - High, tall

  125. 鸣 (Míng) - Cry of a bird

  126. 鸿煊 (Hóngxuān) - Splendid and bright

  127. 鹏 (Péng) - Roc (mythical bird)

  128. 鹏翼 (Péngyì) - Roc wings

  129. 龙 (Lóng) - Dragon

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is a popular girl's name in China?

If you’ve honestly come to a pretty decent point of feeling your way through the infinite tapestry of baby names ‐ by golly, they’re so many - it can be hard to recover the feeling of being lost.

But if you’ve set to find out the most popular Chinese girl names, we’ve created a list of the top ones!

And, especially, if your heart tenderly beats under the throbbing of the Chinese spirit, you’ll most certainly find what you’re looking for in our collection of the most common Chinese names.

Popular Chinese girl names:

  1. Aihan (瑷菡) - Delicate lotus.

  2. Beihe (贝荷) - Cherished, elegant.

  3. Beiye (蓓叶) - Vibrant leaf.

  4. Caiji (彩姬) - Colorful princess.

  5. Chanchan (婵婵) - Graceful, lovely.

  6. Chanxin (婵歆) - Enchanting, delighted.

  7. Diedie (蝶蝶) - Butterflies.

  8. Diwei (娣薇) - Younger sister, rose.

  9. Fanqia (梵恰) - Pure, proper.

  10. Fulu (馥璐) - Fragrant jade.

What is the prettiest Chinese name?

Imagine crooning “Biyu” or “Lihua” over your baby’s colorful cradle! Or picture this: Your baby is cuddling up to your lap after calling little “Kexin” or “Jianyu” in the playground!

That’d be great!

So, let’s get started: These beautiful baby names will fit your wishes:

Beautiful Chinese names and meanings

Chinese girl names:
  1. Eu-Meh - "Especially beautiful" or "gorgeous."

  2. Lihua - "Pear blossom."

  3. Baozhai - "Stockade of treasures."

  4. Biyu - "Jasper."

  5. Daiyu - "Black jade."

  6. Guiying - "Laurel beauty."

  7. Jiayi - "Lucky one."

  8. Ming-Yue - "Bright moon."

Chinese boy names:
  1. Kai-Ming - "Open-minded."

  2. Kexin - "Dependable or faithful."

  3. Jianyu (建宇) - Meaning "building the universe," a touchingly confident boy’s name imbued with a sense of ambition.

  4. Li-ming (黎明) - Meaning "daybreak" or "dawn," a new beginning filled with luciform brightness!

  5. Jinhai (金海) - "Golden sea."

  6. Zixuan (子轩) - "Elegant and lofty."

What is a lucky name in Chinese?

Grubbing around the net for a unique Chinese baby boy name? We’ve got you covered! These inspiring baby names will spark your imagination.

In China, names are often picked up based on their meanings, the number of strokes in the Chinese characters, and how the sounds of the names might align with positive words or discord with negative ones.

The conveyance of positive meanings associated with the sound effect of an exclusively optimistic name perfectly ties to the belief that names hold the power to influence both individual fate and fortune.

“Lucky” Chinese baby names with powerful meanings:

  1. 奕辰 (Yìchén): This name carries the underlying meaning of grandeur or vastness, often related to the infinite world of the universe. Highlighting the unending possibilities for youth to pursue their goals and extolling this endless capability flowing inexhaustibly from their heart, this name is a lucky charm to grace your child with!

  2. 宇航 (Yǔháng): Meaning "universe cruise," this unique name implies the importance of exploration through the vast landscape of the cosmos. Setting against the backdrop of the infinite cosmos it reminds us of the vast landscape of the world’s canvas by entailing the illimitable chances the youngsters have to fulfill their dreams!

  3. 梓豪 (Zǐháo): Combining "catalpa tree" with "heroic," the name “Zǐháo” embodies in miniature the insurmountable strength and courage of heroes! It’s a vessel for joy and for feeling blessed that your child will tap into the plenitude of their skills and talents! Embrace this baby name and the multiverse of its all-powerful glory by instilling a sense of strength into your baby!

Chinese baby names with beautifully optimistic meanings:

  1. 福 (Fú): This name means "blessing" or "fortune." It’s one of the most auspicious names in Chinese culture and no wonder why.

  2. 安 (Ān): Meaning "peace" or "safe," this baby name suggests a life of stability and good fortune - a life filled with serenity and safety!

  3. 春 (Chūn): Meaning "spring," it conveys images of renewal, growth, and new beginnings.

  4. 明 (Míng): Meaning "bright" or "clear." This name underlies the lightening importance of brightness in intellect and one's life path.

What is a popular Chinese name?

Popular Chinese names are uber-charming! Colorful buds blooming into remarkable animation, they are bound to cast a spell on your heart:

Chinese names for boys:

  1. Hàoyú (浩宇) - "Vast universe."

  2. Hàorán (浩然) - "Vastness."

  3. Yŭxuān (宇轩) - "High universe."

  4. Yúzé (宇泽) - "Goodness, kindness."

Chinese names for girls:

  1. Mùyáng (沐阳) - "Bathed in sunlight."

Unisex Chinese names:

  1. Mùchén (沐宸) - "Bathed in celestial abode." (also as Mùchén 沐辰 - "Bathed in the morning star.")

  2. Míngzé (茗泽) - "Tea leaf benevolence."

  3. Yìchén (奕辰) - "Grand son, moon or stars."

  4. Yìzé (奕泽) - "Goodness, Kindness."

Final thoughts

With so many beautiful choices embedded in the looming, copious world of baby names, it’s only natural that Chinese monikers ray out meaningful splendor in their cultural depth!

If you're still deciding our list of the top Chinese girl names and their meanings offers some excellent choices worth checking out!


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