Are you on the lookout for a name for your little one that brims with celestial charm and profound meaning? Look no further - our list of Christian baby boy names and their meanings can effortlessly deliver.
Drenched in biblical significance and lavishly endowed with transfiguring meanings, Christian boy names capture the essence of spiritual epiphany and unwavering devotion to the Holy Trinity.
Each biblical baby name, radiant with ethereal beauty and conveying a sense of divine admiration in luxuriant profusion, is a prayer, a blessing, a tribute to Jesus Christ, and a communion with God!
Your child will carry a piece of this spiritual legacy with him, finding courage and solace in God just by invoking his name!
In this article:
With that being said, it's time to delve into the top 208 Christian baby boy names and their meanings:
Christian baby boy names:
Aaron - Mountain of Strength, exalted, strong
Abel - Breath, Vanity, or Meadow
Abraham - Father of many
Adam - First man
Albert - Noble, bright
Alexander - Defender of mankind
Alfred - Counselor, sage
Aloysius - Renowned warrior
Amadeus - Love of God
Ambrose - Immortal
Amos - Carried by God
Ananias - God is gracious
Andrew - Manly, brave
Anthony - Priceless, admirable
Apostolos - Apostle, messenger
Ariel - Lion of God
Arnold - Eagle power
Arthur - Noble, courageous
Asher - Happy, blessed
Athanasius - Immortal
Augustine - Exalted, venerable
Austin - Magnificent
Balthazar - God protects the king
Barnaby - Son of consolation
Bartholomew - Son of Talmai
Basil - Kingly
Benedict - Blessed
Benjamin - Son of the right hand or Son of the South
Bernard - Brave as a bear
Blake - Black, dark
Brendan - Prince, little raven
Caius - Rejoice
Caleb - Faithful, devoted
Calvin - Bald, hairless
Charles - Man, free man
Christian - Follower of Christ
Christopher - Bearer of Christ
Clarence - Bright, clear
Clement - Mild, merciful
Conrad - Brave counsel or Brave Advisor
Corbin - Raven
Cornelius - Horn
Cosmas - Order, beauty
Crispin - Curly-haired
Cyprian - From Cyprus
Cyril - Lordly
Cyrus - Lord
Damian - To tame, subdue
Daniel - God is my judge
Darius - Wealthy, kingly
David - Beloved
Dennis - God of wine or Follower of Dionysos
Dionysius - Devoted to Dionysos (God of wine)
Dominic - Lord's child
Eben - Stone
Edmund - Prosperous protector
Edward - Wealthy guardian or Guardian of Riches
Eleazar - God has helped
Eli - Uplifted, ascent or My God
Eliezer - My God helps
Elijah - Yahweh is God
Elisha - God is salvation
Emanuel - God with us
Emmett - Truth
Ephrem/Ephraim - Fruitful, fertile, productive
Ernest - Serious, determined
Ethan - Firm, strong
Eugene - Well-born, noble
Ezekiel - God will strengthen
Ezra - Helper
Fabian - Bean grower
Felix - Happy, fortunate
Francis - Frenchman
Franklin - Free landowner or Free man
Frederick - Peaceful ruler
Gabriel - God is my strength or Strong Man of God
George - Farmer
Gerard - Brave spearman
Gideon - Feller, hewer
Gilbert - Bright pledge or Trustworthy
Giles - Shield of goat skin
Godfrey - God's peace
Gregory - Watchful, alert, vigilant
Henry - Home ruler
Herbert - Bright army
Hezekiah - God strengthens
Hosea - Salvation
Howard - High guardian
Hubert - Bright heart
Hugh - Spirit, intellect, heart
Ian - God is gracious
Ignatius - Fiery one
Irenaeus - Peaceful
Isaac - Laughter
Isaiah - Salvation of the Lord
Ishmael - God hears
Ivan - God is gracious
Jacob - Supplanter
James - Supplanter
Jared - Descendant
Jason - Healer
Jasper - Treasurer
Jeffrey - Peace of God
Jeremiah - God will uplift
Jeremias - God will uplift
Jerome - Sacred name
Jesse - God's gift
Jesus - God is salvation
Jethro - Excellence
Joachim - Established by God or Raised by God
Job - Persecuted
Joel - Jehovah is God
John - God is gracious
Jonah - Dove
Jonathan - Gift of Jehovah
Joseph - He will add
Joshua - The Lord is my salvation
Josiah - Jehovah heals
Judas - Praised
Jude - Praised
Julian - Youthful
Justin - Just, fair
Kenneth - Handsome
Lawrence - From Laurentum
Lazarus - God has helped
Lemuel - Devoted to God
Leo - Lion
Leonard - Brave lion
Levi - Attached, joined
Liam - Strong-willed warrior
Linus - Flax-colored
Lucas - From Lucania
Lucian - Light or Illumination
Lucius - Light or Illumination
Luke - Light-giving
Malachi/Malakai - Messenger of God
Malcolm - Devotee of Saint Columba
Mark - Warlike
Martin - Warlike
Matthew - Gift of God
Matthias - Gift of God
Maximus - Greatest
Maxwell - Great stream
Micah - Who is like God?
Michael - Who is like God?
Miles - Soldier
Moses - Drawn out of the water or Delivered from the Water
Naphtali - My struggle
Nathan - Given
Nathaniel - Gift of God
Nehemiah - Comforted by Jehovah or God comforts
Nicholas - Victory of the people
Noah - Rest, comfort
Obadiah - Servant of God
Oliver - Olive tree
Onesimus - Useful, beneficial
Oscar - Friend of deer or God's Spear
Othniel - Lion of God
Owen - Young warrior
Patrick - Nobleman
Paul - Small, humble, or Little
Peter - Rock or Stone
Philemon - Affectionate
Philip - Lover of horses or horse-loving
Phineas - Oracle
Ralph - Wolf counsel or Wise Wolf
Raymond - Wise protector
Reuben - Behold, a son
Reuel - Friend of God
Richard - Brave ruler
Robert - Bright fame
Roderick - Famous power
Roy - King or Red
Rupert - Bright fame
Samuel - Asked of God
Saul - Asked for, prayed for
Sean - Sean is a Biblical boy name that means "God is gracious" or "Gift from God"
Sebastian - Revered
Seth - Appointed
Shem - Name
Silas - Wood, forest
Simon - He has heard
Solomon - Peace
Stephen - Crown, wreath
Terrence - Tender, gracious
Thaddeus - Heart
Theodore - Gift of God
Thomas - Twin
Timothy - Honoring God or Honored By God
Titus - Title of honor or Of the Giants
Tobias - Goodness of God
Tobit - Goodness of God
Tristan - Tumult, outcry
Uriah - God is my light
Uziah - Jehovah is my strength
Victor - Conqueror
Vincent - Conqueror or To Conquer
Wallace - Stranger
Walter - Army ruler
William - Resolute protection
Zacchaeus - Clean, pure
Zacharias - Remembered by God
Zane - God's gracious gift
Zebedee - My gift
Zechariah - God has remembered
Zedekiah - God is my righteousness
Zephaniah - God has hidden
Zion – Monument or Highest point, but it has biblical roots and it refers to the biblical land or a place of unity and peace.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the best Christian boy's name?
Impossible to tell; there's a plethora of wonderful Christian names for boys available.
However, some popular baby boy names, brimming with exceptional beauty, are:
Joshua: Joshua is derived from the Hebrew name Yehoshua and means "Yahweh is salvation." Joshua was a prominent figure in the Bible who succeeded Moses and led the Israelites into the Promised Land.
Matthew: Matthew is a name of Hebrew origin meaning "gift of Yahweh." In the New Testament, Matthew was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus and is traditionally credited with writing the Gospel of Matthew.
David: David is a biblical name that means "beloved" or "friend."
Samuel: Samuel is a Hebrew name meaning "heard by God" or "God has heard." Samuel was a prophet and judge in the Old Testament who played a significant role in anointing Saul and David as kings.
Joseph: Joseph is a biblical boy name of Hebrew origin meaning "he will add" or "God will increase."
Benjamin: Benjamin is a Hebrew name meaning "son of the right hand" or "fortunate."
Caleb: Caleb is a Hebrew name that means "faithful" or "devoted." In the Bible, Caleb was one of the twelve spies sent to explore the land of Canaan and was known for his trust in God.
What is a godly name for a boy?
Let's explore some biblical names for boys, imbued with godliness and celestial sublimity, that add layers of religious significance to their essence:
Biblical boy names:
Gabriel: Gabriel is a Hebrew name that means "God is my strength." In the Bible, Gabriel is an angel who is associated with delivering important messages from God.
Isaiah: Isaiah is a Hebrew name that means "Yahweh is salvation." In the Bible, Isaiah is a prophet who conveyed messages of God's judgment and redemption.
Michael: Michael is a biblical baby boy name that means "Who is like God?" Michael is an archangel in the Bible who is depicted as a powerful spiritual warrior and protector.
Nathaniel: Nathaniel is a biblical name that means "God has given." It is derived from the name Nathan and carries the idea of being a gift from God.
Solomon: Solomon is a biblical name that means "peaceful" or "peaceable." In the Bible, Solomon was a king known for his wisdom and his construction of the first Temple in Jerusalem.
Timothy: Timothy is a Greek name meaning "honoring God" or "one who fears God." In the New Testament, Timothy was a companion and disciple of the Apostle Paul.
Aaron: Aaron is a Hebrew name that means "exalted" or "mountain of strength." Aaron was the older brother of Moses and played a significant role as the first high priest of Israel.
What baby boy names mean gift from God?
Discover some exceptionally unique names, all bestowed with undeniable god-like attributes:
Jonathan: Jonathan is a Hebrew name that combines the elements "Yah" (short for Yahweh, meaning God) and "natan" (meaning gift). Therefore, Jonathan signifies "gift of God" or "God has given" due to its deep religious roots.
Matthew: Matthew is derived from the Hebrew name Matityahu, meaning "gift of Yahweh" or "gift from God." It is a name closely associated with the biblical figure Matthew, one of the twelve apostles of Jesus.
Theodore: Theodore is a name of Greek origin that consists of the elements "theos" meaning "God" and "doron" meaning "gift."
Nathaniel: Nathaniel is a Hebrew name meaning "God has given" or "gift of God." It is formed by combining the elements "natan" (meaning gift) and "el" (referring to God).
Jonathan: Jonathan, as mentioned earlier, carries the meaning of "gift of God" or "God has given." It is a Hebrew name that has biblical origins, being the name of Saul's son and a loyal friend to David.
What is an uncommon Christian name?
Invested with Christian and biblical significances and ineffably unique, Christian names undeniably serve as a way to celebrate and honor your religious faith.
Here are some less common Christian names that will impress you:
Christian baby names for boys:
Ambrose: Derived from the Greek word "ambrosia," meaning "immortal" or "divine."
Caspian: Referring to the Caspian Sea, has no specific biblical meaning.
Ignatius: Of Latin roots, it is derived from the name "Ignatius," meaning "fiery" or "ardent."
Thaddeus: A form of the Aramaic name "Thaddai," meaning "courageous heart" or "heartfelt." Thaddeus is one of the twelve apostles mentioned in the New Testament (Matthew 10:3, Mark 3:18).
Malachi: Derived from the Hebrew baby boy name "Mal'akhi," meaning "my messenger" or "messenger of God."
Peregrine: Derived from the Latin word "peregrinus," meaning "traveler" or "pilgrim."
Shepherd: Referring to the shepherd's occupation and authority, the name symbolizes care, guidance, and protection.
Zephaniah: Derived from the Hebrew name "Tzefanyah," meaning "Yahweh has hidden" or "protected by God."
Gideon: Of Hebrew roots, it is derived from the Hebrew name "Gid'on," meaning "hewer" or "mighty warrior." Due to its special meaning, the name "Gideon" could be a unique option for parents.
Bartholomew: Derived from the Aramaic name "Bar-Talmai," meaning "son of Talmai."
Christian baby names for Girls:
Seraphina: Derived from the Hebrew word "seraphim," meaning "burning ones" or "fiery ones."
Junia: A Latin name meaning "youthful" or "young."
Selah: A Hebrew word often found in the Psalms, its exact meaning is uncertain but possibly denotes a pause or reflection.
Magnolia: Derived from the flower name, symbolizing beauty, dignity, and perseverance.
Galilee: Referring to the region in Israel where Jesus spent much of his ministry.
Elysia: Derived from the Greek word "Elysium," associated with a blissful or heavenly place.
Evangeline: Derived from the Greek word "euangelion," meaning "good news" or "bearer of good tidings."
Zaraiah: A Hebrew name meaning "seed of the Lord" or "God remembers."
Jubilee: Referring to the biblical concept of a special year of restoration and celebration.
Sapphira: Derived from the Greek word "sappheiros," meaning "precious stone" or "sapphire."
Final Thoughts
Christian boy names radiate captivating elegance and distinction, each enriched with splendidly divine meanings and its unique tale of sanctity.
That said, make, also, sure you don't lose sight of our list of the best Christian baby names and their meanings and of the top Christian baby girl names and their meanings.