Dive into the mystical allure of the top Elvish baby names, drawn from the rich tapestry of fantasy literature and age-old mythology!
These names capture the mysterious beauty of ancient forests under the molten light of the night sky, embodying the Elvish mystique's perennial charm.

Whether you seek a name steeped in regal dignity or one bursting with ethereal vibes, our selection spans the magical spectrum.
Which one would be the best fit for your little one? That depends on what you truly believe would spark a feeling of connection with what you expect.
Elves are known for their fabled powers. They often live for hundreds, if not thousands, of years, and witness the slow dance of the cosmos in harmony with nature.
Selecting an Elvish name connects your child to a world of beauty, balance, and enduring spirit.
In this article:
Let’s examine Tolkien’s beautiful tapestry of Elvish names. Read on and discover their unique meanings!
Elven Names and Meanings:
Arwen: Known, also, as "Evenstar," Arwen means "Noble maiden." Throughout the popular series “The Lord of The Rings,” Arwen stands out for her choice to live a mortal life, as she stays committed to her love for Aragorn. However, her life is at stake due to Middle Earth's tempestuous spread of evil. Her act is a poignant symbol of sacrifice.
Elrond: Meaning “Vault of Stars" or "Star-dome,” this name belongs to one of the wisest Elves of Middle Earth - a perfect combination of the royal strength and the gnostic power of knowledge of the unique Elvish spirit.
Galadriel: Meaning “radiant hair” or “glittering hair.” She is ‘The Lady of Lothlórien,’ known for her wisdom and powerful nature.
Lúthien: Meaning "Daughter of flowers" or "enchantress." A princess of Doriath, renowned as the most beautiful of all the Children of Ilúvatar.
Tauriel: Meaning "Daughter of the forest," mostly known from the Hobbit trilogy as a captain of the Elven guard of Mirkwood.
Idril: Meaning "Sparkling brilliance." Also known as Idril Celebrindal, Idril is a famous character in "The Silmarillion," known for her beauty and wisdom. A baby name that is beautiful beyond imagining is added to your repertory. It can, also, go a long way to bestow a radiant glow on your baby’s smile!
Celebrían: Meaning "Silver queen."
Aredhel: Meaning "Noble elf."
Haldir: Meaning "Hidden hero" or "Hero." Haldir guides the Fellowship through the golden wood.
Nellas: Meaning "Yellow bell" or "bellflower."
Elwing: Meaning "Star spray."
Anairë: Meaning "Holiest."
Earwen: Meaning "Sea maiden."
Finduilas: Meaning "Hair like the glint of fine gold."
Gilraen: Meaning "Star wanderer" or "netted star."
Indis: Meaning "Wife" or "woman."
Míriel: Meaning "Jewel daughter."
Varda: Meaning "Sublime" or "raised."
Yavanna: Meaning "Giver of fruits."
Írimë: Meaning "Desired."
Nienna: Meaning "Tear" or "she who weeps."
Thranduil: Meaning “vigorous spring.”
Tinuviel: Meaning “daughter of twilight.”
Tuilë: Meaning “spring.”
Voronwë: Meaning “steadfast.”
Iorhael: Meaning “old and wise.” This is the Elvish name for Frodo.
Iston: Meaning “wise one.”
Ithil: Meaning “moon.”
Legolas: Meaning “green leaves.”
Lindir: Meaning “fair singer.”
Eryn: Meaning “forest.”
Estel: Meaning “hope.”
Ethuil: Meaning “spring.
Gandalf: Meaning “wand elf.”
Fingolfin: Meaning "Finwe's hair" or "Skillful Finwe."
Gil-galad: Meaning "Star of bright light." This name is tinged with the colorful stroke of shining light!
Glorfindel: Meaning "Golden-haired"
Finrod: Meaning "Noble, valiant one."
Fëanor: Meaning "Spirit of fire."
Celeborn: Meaning "Silver tree" or "Tall silver."
Eärendil: Meaning "Lover of the sea" or "Devoted to the sea."
Círdan: Meaning "Shipwright" or "Ship-maker."
Gildor: Meaning "Star-lord" or "Heder of stars."
Having explored the enchanting realm of fantasy elf names inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien's literature, let us now delve into a wider array of names with Elvish meanings:
Boy Elf names:
Aelfraed: Of Old English origin, meaning "elf counselor."
Alberad: Of German origin, meaning "elf counsel."
Alf: Of Old Norse origin, meaning "elf."
Alvin: Of Old English origin, meaning "elf friend."
Alwyne, Alwyn, or Alwen: Of Old English origin, meaning "elf."
Batī: Of Punjabi origin, meaning "elf." Pronounced "bar-tee."
Cutter: Of English origin, meaning "to slice."
Elegast: Of German origin, meaning "elf spirit."
Elfas: Of Lithuanian origin, meaning "elf."
Elving: Of Swedish origin, meaning "elf river."
Keijo: Of Finnish origin, meaning "elf."
Noralf: Of Norwegian origin, meaning "elf of the North."
Yōsei: Of Japanese origin, meaning "elf."
Girl Elf names:
Alfiva: Of Norwegian origin, meaning "gift from the elves."
Alfreda: Of Old English origin, meaning "elf counsel."
Alruna: Of Old German origin, meaning "elf secret."
Älva: Of Swedish origin, meaning "elf."
Alvara: Of Italian origin, meaning "elf warrior."
Elfriede or Elfryda: Of German origin, meaning "elf strength."
Luell: Of Old English origin, meaning "famous elf."
Nisse: Of Danish origin, meaning "elf."
Odiane: Of German origin, meaning "elven spear."
Aafje: Of Dutch origin, meaning “Elf.”
Alsol: Of Swedish origin, meaning “Sun Elf.”
Elvene: Of English origin, meaning “Elf.”
Elvina: Of English origin, meaning “Elf.”
Fay: Of Old English origin, meaning “Fairy.”
Lirazel: In Lord Dunsany's fantasy novel "The King of Elfland's Daughter," Lirazel is the enchanting daughter of the King of Elfland.
Keeva: Of English origin, meaning “gentle being.”
Pari: Of Persian origin, meaning “Fairy.”
Vilde: Of Norwegian origin, meaning “Elf battle.”
Gender Neutral Elf Names:
Aeverie or Avery: Of Old English origin, meaning "elf counsel."
Albrun: Of German origin, meaning "elf magic."
Alfsol: Of Icelandic origin, meaning "elf of the sun."
Alwine: Of German origin, meaning "elf friend."
Aveley: Of Old English origin, meaning "elf gift."
Ēlifi: Of Amharic origin, meaning "elf."
Frequently asked questions:
What is a cool Elf name?
Steeped in the charismatic allure that brims with the legendary fire of magic, the Elvish baby name Lúthien could be the perfect choice!
Lúthien is a legendary figure from J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth mythology, prominently featured in "The Silmarillion."
Born to the Elven king Thingol and the Maia Melian, Lúthien's tale is one of profound love and daring feats!
She falls in love with the mortal man Beren and together they undertake a perilous quest to steal a Silmaril from the crown of the dark lord Morgoth.
Her unyielding courage and sacrifice shape her destiny. She also portrays the transcendent power of love, showcasing its ability to forge strong bonds among diverse individuals and profoundly influence human relationships.
Additional Elven names to consider:
Arya: A beautiful baby name inspired by fantasy, particularly from Christopher Paolini’s "Inheritance Cycle." Arya is an Elven princess from the fictional land of Alagaësia. Her full title, Arya Dröttningu, translates to "Arya Queen" in the ancient language used by Elves in the series. As the daughter of Queen Islanzadí, Arya plays a pivotal role in the series aiding Eragon and his dragon in their struggle against the tyrant King Galbatorix. Known for her extraordinary beauty and wisdom, she is a symbol of strength and intelligence.
Nimriel: Nimriel means "Lady of the White Water" in Tolkien’s Elvish language, Sindarin. Thanks to its beautiful meaning, this name symbolizes purity and majesty. Evoking the idyllic image of lapping waters, Nimriel embodies the serene strength of nature. A beautiful elf name for your baby girl!
What is an Elf name for a girl?
Here are some Elvish names for girls - all beautifully ethereal and magical beyond imagining:
Girl names:
Albina: Meaning “white” or “elf” in Scandinavian.
Alfdís: Meaning “elf goddess” in Old Norse.
Alfiva: Meaning “gift from the elves” in Norwegian.
Alfreda: Meaning “elf counsel” in Old English.
Alruna: Meaning “elf secret” in Old German.
Älva: Meaning “elf” in Swedish.
Alvara: Meaning “elf warrior” in Italian.
Elfriede or Elfryda: Meaning “elf strength” in German.
Elvene: Meaning “elf” in Old English.
Luell: Meaning “famous elf” in Old English.
Nisse: Meaning “elf” in Danish
Odiane: Meaning “elven spear” in German.
Final thoughts
Elvish tales have sprung up from a secret paradise untouched by time and aging, and the protagonists bask in eternal youth.
Filled with this dreamy aura, our collection unveils the mystery tied to these tales.
While choosing a name may seem like a journey through rich lore, we hope it helped you make a heartfelt decision.