German baby names overflow with magnetic charm and abundant beauty, reflecting Germany's unique tapestry of history.
Wasting no time luring you to their majestical appeal our kaleidoscope of the top 386 German baby names and their meaning brims with unique choices for your baby!
Although steeped in history, traditional gems like Heinrich and Ludwig have waned in popularity over the last few years, while names like Sophia and Alexander – with their Greek roots – have found a cozy nest in the hearts of German parents; their popularity is perennial.
And then, of course, there are the beloved classics - names like Hans, Emma, and Karl, which have graced generations of German babies.
In this article:
Whether you're looking for a name packed with historical meaning or a modern one continue reading to discover the top 386 German baby names.
Top German Girl Names:
Adela - Noble.
Adelheid - Noble kind.
Adelina - Noble.
Agnes - Pure.
Alarica - Ruler of all.
Alberta - The feminine form of Albert, meaning "Noble," Bright."
Alda - Old, noble.
Alette - Noble.
Aloisia - Famous warrior.
Amalia - Work.
Anika - Grace or Sweet-faced.
Anneliese - Grace & God's bounty.
Annette - Grace.
Astrid - Beautiful, loved.
Augusta - Exalted.
Aurelia - Golden.
Ava - Life, Bird, Water, Island
Beate - Happy, blessed.
Belinda - Beautiful.
Bernadette - Brave as a bear.
Berta - Bright.
Bertha - Bright one.
Bianca - White, pure.
Birgit - Strength.
Britta - Strength.
Brunhilda - Armed for battle.
Cäcilia - Blind.
Carina - Dear little one.
Carlotta - Free woman.
Christa - Follower of Christ.
Claudia - Feeble, weak.
Cordula - Heart.
Dagmar - Famous or Glorious day.
Dania - God is my judge.
Delia - From Delos (an island).
Dietlinde - Shield of the people.
Dorothea - Gift of God.
Edeltraud - Noble/Gentle Strength.
Edith - Prosperous in war.
Elisa - God is my oath.
Elisabeth - God's promise.
Elke - Noble.
Ella - All, completely; fairy maiden.
Elsa - Noble.
Elvira - All true.
Emilia - Rival.
Emma - Universal.
Erika - "Eternal ruler" or "ever powerful."
Erna - Earnest.
Esther - Star.
Eva - Life or Living One.
Felicia - Fortunate, Lucky, or Successful.
Frida - Peaceful.
Frieda - Peace.
Friederike - Peaceful ruler.
Gabriele - God's bravest woman.
Geraldine - Spear ruler.
Gerda - Enclosure or Protector.
Gertrud - Spear Strength.
Gisela - Pledge, Hostage.
Greta - Pearl.
Gretchen - Pearl.
Gudrun - Divine knowledge.
Hanna - Grace.
Hannelore - Grace & watchful.
Heidi - Noble.
Heike - Noble.
Helena - Light.
Helga - Holy.
Henriette - Home ruler.
Hermine - Army man.
Hilda - Battle woman or warrior.
Hildegard - Battle or Garden.
Ida - Industrious.
Ilse - Pledged to God.
Inga - Guarded by Ing.
Ingrid - Beautiful or Beloved.
Irene - Peace.
Irmgard - Whole, Big, Universal, and War Goddess.
Isabella - God is my oath.
Isolde - Ice Battle or Ice Ruler.
Jacoba - The feminine version of Jacob, which means "Supplanter" or "Follow."
Jana - God is gracious.
Johanna - God is gracious.
Julia - Youthful.
Jutta - Youth.
Karina - Love or Precious
Karla - Free woman.
Katarina - Pure.
Käthe - Pure.
Katja - Pure.
Katrin - Pure.
Kerstin - Christian.
Klara - Bright, clear.
Konstanze - Steadfast.
Kristina - Follower of Christ.
Lara - Famous or Protection or Citadel. It may also have the meaning of cheerful.
Laura - Laurel.
Lea - Weary or meadow.
Lena - Torch.
Leonie - Lion.
Liesel - God is my oath.
Lieselotte - A compound name of "Liesel" (a diminutive of "Elisabeth," meaning "God's promise") and "Lotte" (a diminutive of "Charlotte," meaning "free woman").
Lina - Tender.
Linda - Gentle, soft, tender
Lisbeth - God's promise.
Lorelei - Alluring.
Lotte - Free woman.
Louisa - Famous warrior.
Lucia - Light.
Lucie - Light.
Luisa - Famous warrior.
Lya - Lion.
Magda - High tower or Woman from Magdala (when it's considered a diminutive form of Magdalena).
Magdalena - From Magdala.
Manuela - God is with us.
Maren - Sea.
Margarethe - Pearl.
Maria - Wished-for child or Sea of Bitterness and Rebelliousness.
Marie - Sea or bitterness.
Marion - Bitter.
Marlena - Woman From Magdala, Sea of Bitterness, Wished for Child and Rebelliousness.
Marlis - Combination of Mary and Elisabeth.
Martina - Warlike.
Mathilda - Mighty in battle.
Mathilde - Strength in battle.
Maxi - Greatest.
Melanie - Dark.
Mia - Mine.
Michaela - Who is like God?
Milla - Industrious.
Minna - Will, desire.
Monika - Advisor.
Nadine - Hope.
Natalie - Born on Christmas.
Nina - Little girl.
Nora - Light or Honor.
Olga - Holy.
Ottilie - Prosperous in battle.
Patrizia - Noble.
Paula - Humble.
Petra - Stone.
Rebecca - Join, tie.
Regina - Queen.
Renata - Born again.
Rike - Peaceful ruler.
Rosa - Rose.
Rosalinde - Gentle horse.
Sabine - Woman of the Sabine people.
Sabrina - From the border or sword-like.
Saskia - Saxon.
Selina - Moon.
Selma - Divine protector.
Sibylle - Prophetess.
Sigourney - Daring king.
Sigrid - Beautiful victory.
Silke - Blind.
Simone - God has heard.
Sofia - Wisdom.
Sonja - Wisdom.
Sophie - Wisdom.
Stefanie - Crown.
Stella - Star.
Susanna - Lily.
Svenja - Youth.
Swantje - Sound, melody.
Tabea - Gazelle.
Tamara - Palm tree or Date Palm.
Tanja - Fairy queen.
Teresa - Harvester.
Thea - Gift of God.
Theresa - Summer.
Traudl - Strength.
Ulla - Will, determination.
Ulrike - Prosperity and power or Mistress of all.
Ute - Rich, prosperous, or Wealthy.
Valentina - Strong.
Vanessa - Butterfly or Star.
Veronika - True image or Victory Bringer.
Viktoria - Victory.
Viola - Violet.
Walburga - Power, protection.
Wanda - Wanderer.
Wilhelmina - Resolute protection.
Wiltrud - Will, desire & strength.
Winifred - Peaceful friend.
Yara - Small butterfly or Water Lady.
Yvonne - Yew.
Zelda - Happy, Lucky, or Dark Battle
Zilla - Shadow.
Zoe - Life.
Don't miss our complete list of German girl names.
German Boy names:
Adalbert - Noble and bright.
Adalhard - Brave or Noble Strength.
Adolf - Noble/majestic wolf.
Adrian - From the town Hadria.
Albert - Noble and bright or famous
Albrecht - Bright nobleman.
Alois - Famous warrior.
Andreas - Manly or brave.
Anselm - God's helmet.
Anton - Priceless.
Armin - Whole/Universal or Warrior.
Arnold - Eagle power.
August - Venerable.
Axel - Father of peace.
Baldwin - Brave friend.
Benedikt - Blessed.
Berend - Brave as a bear.
Bernard - Brave as a bear.
Berthold - Bright ruler.
Bertram - Bright Raven.
Bruno - Brown.
Carl/Karl - Man.
Caspar - Keeper of the treasure.
Christian - Follower of Christ.
Christoph - Bearer of Christ.
Clemens - Gentle, merciful.
Conrad/Konrad - Brave counsel.
Detlef - People's heritage.
Dieter - Army of the people.
Dietrich - People's ruler.
Dirk - Famous ruler.
Dominik - Of the Lord.
Eberhard - Strong as a boar.
Eckbert - Bright edge.
Eckhardt - Brave edge or point.
Edgar - Fortunate and powerful.
Edmund - Rich protector.
Eduard - Guardian of riches.
Egon - Edge of a sword.
Elias - Jehovah is God.
Emil - To strive or excel or rival.
Engelbert - Bright angel.
Erich - Ever ruler.
Ernest/Ernst - Serious or determined.
Eugen - Well-born, noble.
Ewald - Law or nature.
Fabian - Bean grower.
Falk - Falcon.
Felix - Fortunate or happy.
Ferdinand - Adventurous, courageous.
Franz - Free man.
Frederik - Peaceful ruler.
Friedhelm - Peaceful helmet.
Friedrich - Peaceful ruler.
Fritz - Peaceful ruler.
Gabriel - God is my strength.
Georg - Farmer.
Gerd - Strong spear.
Gerhard - Brave spear.
Gernot - Desire and spirit.
Gerwin - Spear friend.
Gottfried - God's peace.
Gotthard - Strong god.
Gottlieb - God's love.
Gregor - Watchful.
Gunter/Günther - Battle warrior.
Gustav - Staff of the gods.
Hagen - Youngster.
Hanno - Gift from God.
Hans - God is gracious.
Harald - Army ruler.
Hartmann - Strong man.
Heiko - Home ruler.
Heiner - Home ruler.
Heinrich - Home ruler.
Helge - Holy.
Hellmut - Brave and light.
Helmut - Courage.
Helmuth - Brave helmet.
Hendrik - Home ruler.
Henrik - Home ruler.
Herbert - Bright army.
Hermann - Warrior.
Hinrich - Home ruler.
Holger - Spear island.
Horst - "Man from the forest" or wood, thicket.
Hubert - The bright heart or bright mind - bright intellect.
Hugo - Heart, spirit, or spirit.
Immanuel - The German form of Emmanuel and it means "God is with us."
Ingmar - Famous son.
Ingo - Protected by Yngvi.
Ingvar - Warrior of Yngvi.
Isaak - He will laugh.
Ivo - Yew wood.
Jakob - Supplanter.
Jan - God is gracious.
Jannik - God is gracious.
Jens - God is gracious.
Jens - God is gracious.
Jesper - Keeper of the treasure.
Joachim - Established by Yahweh.
Jochen - God will add.
Johann - God is gracious.
Johannes - God is gracious.
Jonas - Dove.
Josef - He will add.
Jost - To fight.
Jurgen - Earth worker.
Justus - Just, fair.
Kai - Sea
Kaspar - Treasurer.
Klaus - Victory of the people.
Klemens - Merciful.
Knud - Knot.
Konstantin - Constant.
Kurt - Counsel.
Lars - Crowned with laurel.
Leif - Heir, descendant.
Leon - Lion.
Leonard - Brave lion.
Leopold - Brave people.
Lorenz - Laurel or Crowned with laurel.
Lothar - Famous army.
Ludwig - Famous warrior.
Luitger - Famous spear.
Lukas - From Lucania.
Lutz - Famous in war.
Magnus - Great or large.
Manfred - Man of peace.
Manuel - God is with us.
Marius - Manly.
Marko - Warlike.
Markus - Warlike.
Martin - Of Mars, the god of war.
Matthäus - Gift of God.
Matthias - Gift of God.
Maximilian - Greatest.
Meinhard - Strong might.
Meinrad - Strong advisor.
Michael - Who is like God?
Moritz - Dark-skinned.
Nico - Victory of the people.
Niklas - Victory of the people.
Norbert - Northern brightness.
Olaf - Ancestor's descendant.
Oliver - Elf army.
Oscar - God's spear.
Otto - Wealth.
Pascal - The name is of Latin origin and it means "Relating to Easter (Passover)."
Paul - Small.
Peter - Rock.
Philipp - Lover of horses.
Raimund - Wise protector.
Rainer - Deciding warrior.
Ralf - Wolf counsel.
Raphael - God heals.
Reinhard - Brave counsel.
Reinhold - Deciding counsel.
René - Reborn.
Richard - Brave power.
Robert - Bright fame.
Roland - Famous land.
Rolf - Famous wolf.
Rudolf - Famous wolf.
Sebastian - Venerable.
Siegfried - Peaceful victory.
Sigmund - Victorious protector.
Silas - Forest.
Sören - The German version of "Severinus," meaning "Stern."
Stefan - Crown.
Sven - Young man.
Theo - Gift of God.
Thomas - Twin.
Till - Estate Ruler or Ruler of the people
Tillmann - Mighty in battle or Virile
Timo - Honoring God.
Tobias - God is good.
Torsten - Thor's stone.
Udo - Prosperity.
Ulf - Wolf.
Ulrich - Prosperity and power.
Urban - From the city.
Uwe - Inheritance.
Valentin - Healthy, strong.
Victor - Conqueror.
Vincent - Conquering.
Volkmar - People's fame.
Waldemar - Ruler.
Walter - Ruler of the army.
Werner - Army guard.
Wilfried - Desiring peace.
Wilhelm - Determined protector.
Wolfgang - Wolf's gait.
Wolfram - Wolf raven.
Yannik - God is gracious.
Don't miss our complete list of German boy names.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are some rare German baby boy names?
Uncommon German names are every bit as appealing as the popular German baby names for boys. Is that to be wondered at?
Awash with the timeless beauty of the Germanic language, they convey altogether both the inward strength and the history of the Germans.
Keep on reading to unearth some unique German baby boy names:
Germanic Names for boys:
Anselm: Derived from the Germanic elements "ans" meaning "god" and "helm" meaning "helmet" or "protection." Anselm can be interpreted as "divine protection" or "protected by God."
Arno: The name Arno means "eagle."
Arndt: This unique name means "eagle ruler."
Arvid: A combination of the Old Norse elements "arn" meaning "eagle" and "vidr" meaning "tree" or "wood." Arvid signifies "eagle of the forest" or "eagle tree."
Bastian: The name Bastian means "venerable."
Bendix: Originally a German surname, Bendix is derived from the name Benedict, which means "blessed" or "well spoken of."
Caspar: This name has Persian origins and is associated with the biblical figure of one of the Three Wise Men who visited baby Jesus. Caspar is often interpreted as meaning "treasurer" or "keeper of the treasure."
Egon: Derived from the Germanic elements "agi" meaning "edge" or "sword" and "haim" meaning "home" or "estate." Egon can be understood as "sharp sword" or "guardian of the estate."
Ewald: The name Ewald means "powerful law."
Falko: Derived from the Germanic word "falk" meaning "falcon." Falko represents the qualities associated with a falcon, such as swiftness, agility, and grace.
Finnian: Derived from the Irish name Finn, which means "fair" or "white." Finnian can be understood as "fair-haired" or "white-haired."
Friedhelm: Composed of the Germanic elements "fridu" meaning "peace" and "helm" meaning "helmet" or "protection." Friedhelm signifies "peaceful protection" or "peaceful guardian."
Geert: This name means "Brave Strength."
Gerhard: A combination of the Germanic elements "ger" meaning "spear" and "hard" meaning "brave" or "hardy." Gerhard can be interpreted as "brave with the spear" or "strong spear."
Gunther: Derived from the Germanic elements "gunth" meaning "war" and "hari" meaning "army" or "warrior." Gunther signifies "warrior" or "battle-ready."
Hartwig: Composed of the Germanic elements "hard" meaning "brave" or "hardy" and "wig" meaning "battle" or "war." Hartwig represents a "brave warrior" or a "strong fighter."
Ingmar: A combination of the Germanic elements "Ing" referring to the Germanic god Ing (related to fertility and agriculture) and "mar" meaning "famous" or "renowned." Ingmar can be understood as "famous Ing" or "renowned by Ing."
Jannis: Derived from the Greek name Ioannis, which is the equivalent of the English name John. Jannis means "God is gracious" or "God's gift."
Kasimir: Derived from the Slavic name Kazimierz, which is composed of the elements "kazi" meaning "proclaim" and "mir" meaning "peace." Kasimir represents "proclaiming peace" or "bringing peace."
Lennert: A combination of the Germanic names Lennart and Leonard. Lennert means "brave lion" or "lion-hearted."
Magnus: Derived from the Latin word "magnus" meaning "great" or "mighty."
Nils: A Scandinavian variant of the name Nicholas, which means "victory of the people" or "people's triumph."
Odell: The name Odell means "little wealthy one."
Odilo: Derived from the Germanic elements "odo" meaning "wealth" or "riches" and "hil" meaning "helmet" or "protection." Odilo signifies "wealthy protector" or "rich guardian."
Quirin: Derived from the Roman family name Quirinius. Its meaning is uncertain, but it is associated with the Sabine god Quirinus, who was later identified with the Roman god Mars.
Ragnar: Derived from the Old Norse elements "regin" meaning "advice" or "decision" and "arr" meaning "army" or "warrior." Ragnar can be interpreted as "wise warrior" or "advice of the army."
What is a traditional German name?
Eternally unique, traditional German names are jam-packed with profound meanings and some of them have been enshrined in Germans’ naming traditions.
How best to pay tribute to your German ancestry than by giving your baby a traditional German name with powerful meaning!
It’s a great way to pass on your proud heritage!
Our list includes popular baby names in Germany:
German boy names with powerful meanings:
Hans: "God is gracious."
Klaus: "Victorious people."
Friedrich: "Peaceful ruler."
Heinrich: "Ruler of the home" or "home ruler."
Ludwig: "Famous warrior" or "renowned fighter."
Wilhelm: "Will" or "desire" (with the connotation of strong determination).
Johann: "God is gracious."
Karl: "Man" or "free man."
Hermann: "Army man" or "soldier."
Franz: "Free man."
Otto: "Wealth" or "prosperity."
Ernst: "Serious" or "earnest."
Dieter: "Warrior of the people."
Werner: "Defender" or "protector of the army."
Gerhard: "Brave spear" or "hardy warrior."
German Girl Names with Strong Meanings:
Anna: "Grace" or "favor."
Maria: "Bitter" or "rebellious" (though it is more commonly associated with the Virgin Mary in a religious context).
Emma: "Whole" or "universal."
Margarethe: "Pearl."
Charlotte: "Free man" or "manly."
Frieda: "Peace" or "joy."
Helga: "Holy," "blessed," or "sacred."
Ursula: "Little bear."
Ingrid: "Beautiful" or "fair."
Elisabeth: "God is my oath."
Gertrud: "Spear of strength" or "strong spear."
Gisela: "Pledge" or "hostage."
Hilde: "Battle" or "war."
Irmgard: "Whole," "universal," or "whole enclosure."
Mathilde: "Mighty in battle" or "Strength in battle."
What is a fancy German name for a boy?
A fancy German name for a boy? How about "Maximilian?" Derived from the Roman name Maximilianus and steeped in history, the name means "greatest!"
It is ever such a charming and aristocratic name that reflects decorum, nobility, and grandeur.
It’s so every way elegant and it would be a great name for your boy!
What is a cool German name for a girl?
Derived from the Latin word for "moon," the German girl name "Luna" can set off your girl's charm through and through!
The name boasts a luminous, celestial feel, touched with mystery and ethereal light, and radiates elegance.
It is every bit a cool name that stands with a good reason as a popular choice among parents looking for a trendy German name for their girl.
Final thoughts
It might seem a little rocky to decide, but - in all likelihood - our list won't get you down. However, if you haven't yet found a name that sings the right melody to your heart delve once more into our lists of the top German baby boy and German baby girl names and their meanings.