Greek baby names reign supreme as unique choices among parents and there are good reasons.
Just think about it. Where else but from Greece did the Achille’s adventurous journey to glory put forth? And where but from Greece, too, did Jason sally out to pursue his destiny and seek the golden fleece?
Ancient Greeks spawned a civilization steeped in beauty and wisdom, the echoes of which still resonate in our world.
But, the reason why parents continue to be inspired by names, such as Alexander, Athina, and Jason is because they remind them of their favorite Greek god or hero.
In the same vein, you can find a deep imprint of Greek culture in the dulcet and delectable cadences of modern names, like Sophia and Helen - which trace their origins back to Ancient Greece!
For those who don't want to tap into Ancient Greek mythology and seek a unique name with a Mediterranean rhythm, fret not. Our list will deliver!
In this article:
Read on to discover what are the top 372 Greek baby names and their meanings:
Greek baby girl Names:
Acacia - "Thorny"
Adelpha - "Beloved sister"
Agape - "Love"
Agathi - "Good"
Aggeliki - "Angel"
Aglaia - "Splendor, beauty"
Aikaterini - "Pure"
Aleka - "Defender"
Alkistis - "Best"
Alysia - "Entrancing"
Amalthea - "Tender goddess"
Anastasia - "Resurrection"
Andromeda - "Ruler of men"
Angelia - "Messenger"
Anika - "Grace"
Anna - The Greek version of the Hebrew name Hannah, meaning "Grace" or "Favor"
Anthea - "Blossom"
Antigone - "Against birth"
Antonia - "Priceless one"
Aphrodite - Goddess of love
Apollonia - "Of Apollo"
Areti - "Virtue"
Ariadne - "Most holy"
Ariana – “most holy" or "very holy"
Artemis – “Moon Goddess”
Aspasia - "Welcome"
Asteria - "Starry one"
Athanasia - "Immortal"
Athina - "Goddess of Wisdom"
Basilia - "Royal, kingly"
Berenike - "Bringing victory"
Briseis - "Daughter of Briseus"
Calia - "Beauty"
Calliope - "Beautiful voice"
Callista - "Most beautiful"
Calypso - "Hidden"
Carissa - "Grace"
Chara - "Joy"
Charis - "Grace, kindness"
Chloe - "Blooming"
Chrysanthi - "Golden flower"
Clea - "Glory"
Cleo - "Pride"
Clio - "Proclaimer"
Cyra - "Ladylike"
Damaris - "Gentle"
Danae - "God is my judge"
Delia - "Maiden"
Demetra - Goddess of agriculture or Goddess of Fertility
Despina - "Lady"
Dione - "Divine"
Dionysia - "Related to Dionysus"
Doris - "Gift"
Dorothea - "Gift of God"
Efi - The short form of Efrosini, meaning "mirth" or "joyfulness."
Efterpi - "Delight"
Eirene - "Peace"
Ekaterina - "Pure"
Electra - "Bright, shining"
Eleni - "Light"
Elenitsa - "Light"
Elisavet - "God's promise"
Elpida - "Hope"
Elysia - "Blissful"
Emmanuela - "God is with us"
Ersi - "Rainbow"
Eudokia - "Good thought"
Eugenia - "Noble"
Eulalia - "Sweet-speaking"
Eulampia - "Bright, shining"
Eunice - "Good victory"
Euphemia - "Well-spoken"
Euthalia - "Flourishing"
Evangelia - "Good tidings"
Evanthia - "Life-giving"
Evgenia - "Well-born"
Eva - The Greek form of the Hebrew name Eve, meaning "life" or "living one"
Evilena - A compound name, that is a combination of Evi (a diminutive form of Eva) and Lena (an adorable nickname for Helena)
Evita - "Life"
Faidra - "Bright"
Filomena - "Friend of strength"
Fotini - "Light"
Galatea - "Milk-white"
Galini - "Calm, peace"
Georgia - "Farmer"
Gregoria - "Watchful"
Helen - "Bright, shining light"
Hera - Queen of gods
Hermione - "Messenger"
Hero - "Brave"
Hesperia - "Evening Star"
Hyacinth - Flower name
Iaera - "Air"
Ianthe - "Purple flower"
Ifigenia - "Born strong"
Iliana - "Moon"
Io - A priestess of Hera
Iolanthe - "Violet flower"
Ione - "Violet"
Iris - "Rainbow"
Irisa - "Rainbow"
Isadora - "Gift of Isis"
Ismini - "Knowledge"
Kallista - "Most beautiful"
Kalypso - "Concealing"
Kassandra - "Prophetess"
Katerina - "Pure"
Kiriaki - "Belonging to the Lord"
Konstantina - The female version of Konstantinos, meaning "constant" or "steadfast"
Korinna - "Maiden"
Kynthia - "Of Mount Cynthus"
Kyriaki - "Of the Lord"
Larisa - "Fortress"
Leda - "Mother of Helen of Troy"
Leta - "Gladly"
Lydia - "Woman from Lydia"
Lyra - "Lyre"
Lysandra - "Liberator"
Magdalena - "Woman from Magdala"
Margarita - "Pearl"
Maria - "Beloved"
Marika - "Bitter"
Marilena - A compound name that is a combination of Maria and Helena
Melaina - "Dark"
Melanie - "Black, dark"
Melina - "Honey"
Melissa - "Bee"
Myra - "Myrrh"
Narcissa - "Narcissus flower"
Nausicaa - "Burner of ships"
Nefeli - "Cloud"
Nereida - "Nymph"
Nike - Goddess of Victory, meaning "victory"
Nikoleta - "Victorious people"
Nina - "Grace"
Nyx - Goddess of the night
Nyxia - "Night"
Odigitria - "She who shows the way"
Olena - "Torch"
Olympia - "From Olympus"
Ophelia - "Helper"
Ourania - "Heavenly"
Panagiota - The feminine version of Panagiotis, meaning "all holy"
Pandora - "All gifted"
Panthea - "Of all gods"
Paraskevi - "Preparation"
Pelagia - "Of the sea"
Penelope - "Weaver"
Persephone - "Bringer of destruction" or "Bringer of Death"
Petra - "Rock"
Phaedra - "Bright"
Philippa - "Lover of horses"
Phoebe - "Radiant"
Photini - "Light"
Polymnia - "Many hymns"
Rania - "Queen"
Rhea - "Flowing"
Rhoda - "Rose"
Sappho - "Sapphire"
Selene - "Moon"
Sevasti - "Venerable"
Sirena - "Entangler"
Sofia - "Wisdom"
Sotiria - "Salvation"
Spyridoula - "Spirit"
Stamatia - "Stop"
Stavroula - "Cross"
Stella - "Star"
Stephania - "Crown"
Styliani - "Pillar"
Sybil - "Prophetess"
Tasia - "Resurrection"
Terpsichore - "Delighting in dance"
Thalia - "To blossom"
Thea - "Goddess"
Thecla - "Glory of God"
Theodora - "Gift of God"
Theodosia - "God's gift"
Theone - "Divine"
Theresa - "Harvest"
Thetis - "Creation"
Thomais - "Twin"
Thyra - "Door"
Timandra - "Honoring man"
Urania - "Heavenly"
Vasiliki - "Royal"
Vasilisa - "Queen"
Vivi - An affectionate nickname of Viviana, which is of Latin origins and means "alive" or "lively"
Xanthe - "Golden-haired"
Xenia - "Hospitable"
Xylia - "From the woods"
Yannoula - "God is gracious"
Yianna - "God is gracious"
Yvette - "Yew"
Zephyra - "West wind"
Zoe - "Life"
Don't miss our complete list of Greek girl names.
Greek baby boy names:
Achilles - Hero from the Iliad, meaning "the one who wanders sorrowful," or "the one who causes pain or sorrow to the people (the enemies)"
Adonis - "Lord"
Aegeus - The name Aegeus is said to come from the ancient Greek word αἴξ (goat) or from the plural form of αἴξ, "αίγες"(high waves); It is also a theory that the name comes from the ancient Greek word "αἰγίς," which means "goatskin." and "apparel or armor made from goatskin" - thus referencing to Zeus' or Athina's and Apollo's shield, which was made from goatskin. "Aegeus" either means "goat-man" from "αίγειος"(of a goat) or "Protection" or "shield (often) made from goatskin" - the word "αιγίς" in modern Greek means also "protection."
Aeneas - "To praise"
Agapios - "Love"
Agathon - "Good"
Agathoklis - "The one who carries good fame"
Ajax - "Eagle"
Alekos - Form of Alexander, meaning "defender"
Alexis - "Defender"
Alkaios - "Strong," "Courageous"
Anastasios - "Resurrection"
Andreas - "Manly" or "brave"
Andronikos - "Victory of a man"
Angelis - "Messenger"
Angelos - "Messenger" or "angel"
Aniketos - "Unconquerable"
Antonios - "Priceless" or "inestimable"
Apollo - God of light and music
Apostolos - "Messenger, apostle"
Archimedes - "Master thinker" or "Master Planner"
Argyros - "Silver"
Aristarchus - "Best ruler"
Aristophanes - "Best appearance"
Aristos - "Best" or "excellent"
Aristotle - "The best purpose"
Artemios - Related to the goddess Artemis
Basilios - "King"
Byron - "Barn for cows"
Calix - "Very handsome"
Callias - "Beauty"
Charalampos - "Shining happiness"
Christophoros - "Bearer of Christ"
Christos - "Anointed" or "bearer of Christ"
Chrysanthos - "Golden flower"
Chrysostomos - "Golden-mouthed"
Cleisthenes - "Glorious strength"
Cleon - "Famous"
Costas - Short for Konstantinos, "constant"
Damon - "To tame" or "subdue"
Demos - "Of the people"
Dimitrios - "Devoted or belonging to Demeter"
Dimitris - Probably coming from the ancient words "δά"(earth) and μήτηρ (mother), which refers to Demeter, the goddess of the harvest, and metaphorically means "earth."
Diogenes - "Born of Zeus"
Dionysios - "Of Dionysus (god of wine)"
Dorkon - "Gazelle"
Dorus - "Gift"
Efstathios - "Steadfast"
Eleftherios - "Free"
Elias - "The Lord is my God"
Ephraim - "Fruitful, productive"
Epictetus - "Acquired"
Erebus - "Darkness"
Ermis - Another name for the god Hermes
Eros - God of love
Eusebios - "Pious"
Eustace - "Steadfast"
Evangelos - "Bearer of good news"
Evangelos - "Good news" or "messenger"
Evripidis - "Goodly voice"
Fanourios - "Reveal"
Filippos - "Lover of horses"
Fotis - "Light"
Galinos - "Calm"
Gennadios - "Noble, generous"
George - "Farmer"
Gerasimos - "Honorable elder"
Giannis - Form of John, "God is gracious"
Gregorios - "Watchful, alert"
Haris - "Grace"
Helios - "Sun"
Herakles - "Glory of Hera"
Hermes - Messenger of the gods
Hesiod - "To throw song"
Hieronymus - "Sacred name"
Hippocrates - "Horse power"
Hyacinth - "Blue larkspur" or "precious stone"
Iason - "Healer"
Icarus - Son of Daedalus, "follower"
Ilias - Form of Elijah, "Yahweh is my God"
Ioannis - Greek form of "John"
Iosif - "He will add"
Ippolitos - "Freed horse"
Isidoros - "Gift of Isis"
Kallias - "Beauty"
Kallistos - "Most beautiful"
Konstantinos - "Constant, steadfast"
Kosmas - "Order, beauty"
Kostas - "Constant" or "steadfast"
Kyriakos - "Of the Lord"
Kyrillos - "Lordly"
Laertes - "Stone" or "rafter"
Leandros - "Lion man"
Lefteris - "Free"
Leonidas - "Lion's son"
Lykos - "Wolf"
Lysander - "Liberator"
Lysimachos - "A release from battle"
Makarios - "Blessed"
Markos - "Warlike"
Maximos - "Greatest"
Manolis - "God is with us"
Melanthios - "Black flower"
Menas - "Enduring"
Menelaus - "Withstanding the people"
Miltiades - "red or having the color of blood"
Mpampis - "Short form of Charalambos"
Myron - "Sweet oil" or "Perfume"
Nektarios - "Of nectar"
Nereus - "Water"
Nestor - "Homecoming"
Niketas - "Victorious"
Nikiforos - "Bringer of victory"
Nikolaos - "Victory of the people"
Nikos - "Short form of Nikolaos"
Odysseus - "Angry man"
Olympios - "From Olympus"
Orestes - "Mountain man"
Orion - A hunter in Greek mythology
Panagiotis - "All holy"
Panos - Short for Panagiotis, "all holy"
Panteleimon - "All compassionate"
Pelagios - "Of the sea"
Perseus - "Destroyer"
Petros - "Rock" or "stone"
Phaedrus - "Bright"
Philemon - "Affectionate"
Philippos - "Friend of horses"
Photios - "Of the light"
Platon - "Broad"
Plutarch - "Rich in life"
Polydeuces - "Very sweet"
Prokopios - "Progress"
Pyrrhus - "Flame-colored, red"
Sabbas - "Old man"
Sarantos - "Forty"
Severus - "Stern"
Socrates - "Whole power"
Solon - "Wise"
Sotiris - "Salvation"
Spyridon - "Spirit"
Spyros - Short for Spyridon, "spirit"
Stamatios - "Stop"
Stavros - "Cross"
Stelios - "Pillar"
Stephanos - "Crown" or "garland"
Stratos - "Army"
Stylianos - "Pillar" or "column"
Takis - Short for Panagiotakis, meaning "all holy"
Tasos - Short for Anastasios, meaning "resurrection"
Telemachos - "Distant fighter"
Thales - "To blossom"
Thanos - Short for Athanasios, "immortal"
Themistoklis - "Glory of the law"
Theo - Short for Theodore, "God's gift"
Theodosios - "God's gift"
Theophilos - "Friend of God"
Theron - "Hunter"
Thucydides - "Desiring glory"
Timon - "Honor"
Titos - "Honorable"
Triantafillos - "Rose"
Triton - "Third"
Tryphon - "Soft, delicate"
Vangelis - Short for Evangelos, "bearer of good news"
Vasilis - "King"
Xanthos - "Blond-haired"
Xenophon - "Strange voice"
Xenos - "Stranger"
Yiannis - Another form of "John"
Yiorgos - Greek form of George, "farmer"
Zacharias - "Remembered by God"
Zenon - "Gift of Zeus"
Zephyros - "West wind"
Zois - "Life"
Zoticus - "Full of life"
Don't miss our complete list of Greek boy names.
Frequently asked questions:
What is the most beautiful name in Greek?
There's a treasure trove of Greek names, each with its own singular allure and distinct charm; there is no such thing as a single golden Greek name.
We've compiled a list that includes not only some popular Greek names but also unique choices with beautiful meanings.
Without further ado let’s get a closer look at our list:
Greek baby names for girls:
Sophia: Wisdom
Zoe: Life
Daphne: laurel
Ariana: Most Holy or Very Pure
Calliope: Beautiful Voice
Penelope: Faithful or Weaver
Chloe: Blooming or Young Green Shoot
Anastasia: Resurrection or Rebirth
Eleni: Torch or Light
Ariadne: Most Holy or Utterly Pure
Greek baby names for boys:
Alexander: Defender of Men
Theodoros: Gift of God
Sebastian: Venerable or Revered
Elias: Yahweh is My God
Gabriel: God is My Strength
Dimitris: Follower of Demeter (Greek goddess of agriculture)
Andreas: Man or Manly
Damian: To Tame or Subdue
Nico: Victorious People
Leonidas: Lion
What are some cute names in Greece?
From the god-like Aris to the joyful Zoe, we present some of the most endearing and cutest Greek names:
Greek girl names:
Niki (Νίκη) - meaning "victory"
Eleni (Ελένη) - meaning "torch" or "light"
Katerina (Κατερίνα) - meaning "pure"
Thalia (Θάλεια) - meaning "to blossom" or "to flourish"
Zoe (Ζωή) - meaning "life"
Greek boy names:
Niko (Νίκος) - a shortened form of Nikolas, meaning "victorious people"
Panos (Πάνος) - meaning "all-encompassing" or "universal"
Andreas (Ανδρέας) - meaning "manly" or "warrior"
Ari (Άρης) - meaning "warrior"
Ilias (Ηλίας) - meaning "the Lord is my God"
What is a rare Greek girl name?
Are you opting for a name with unique significance and meaning? Check out some rare Greek names for your girl that are inspiring through and through. Some of them are:
Melinoe (Μελινόη) - meaning "black, dark"
Alethea (Αλήθεια) - meaning "truth"
Eudocia (Ευδοκία) - meaning "good will"
Charicleia (Χαρίκλεια) - meaning "graceful glory"
Heliodora (Ηλιοδώρα) - meaning "gift of the sun"
Iphigeneia (Ιφιγένεια) - meaning "born to strength"
Philomela (Φιλομέλα) - meaning "lover of song"
Thetis (Θέτις) - meaning "disposer" or "establisher"
Xanthippe (Ξανθίππη) - meaning "yellow horse"
Zenais (Ζήναις) - meaning "of Zeus"
What is a Greek name for a girl and boy?
Derived from the Greek word "alexein," which means "to defend" or "to protect," a great unisex name is "Alexis!"
"Alexis" is derived from "Alexandros," a name that has gone down in history as the emblem of strength and courage by the legendary figure - Alexander the Great.
Isn't that intriguing? For all that, it has surged in popularity and is chosen for both genders worldwide! Graceful and packed with history, will adorn your child's life; much like a pendant set in bronze!
Final thoughts
In the main, popular Greek names have a graceful flowing, that will flow through you, happiness shining through your child!
If you haven’t yet decided, check our list of the 130 Greek baby boy names and their meaning and 130 Greek baby girl names and their meaning.