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Writer's pictureKostas Drakatos

Top 218 Hebrew baby girl names and their meanings

Updated: Oct 5, 2023

Overflowing with historical significance, Hebrew names for girls have been favored by parents from all over the globe. With that in mind, we’ve found it helpful to compile a list of the top 218 Hebrew baby girl names and their meanings.

From stunningly unique to infectiously popular and rich in religious relevance, we present a varied array of Hebrew girl names for all of you!

From the grand Jedidah and strong Yael to the unbelievably charming Seraphina and Eliora, Jewish girl names come with their own crowns!

Female names, like Sarah, Abigail, Naomi, and Miriam wear the bejeweling crown of that gleeful age-old charm while being - all in one take - culturally resonant and packed with brilliance!

These names aren’t just for the chosen ones; Hebrew monikers have traveled, adapted, and been warmly embraced by all, from the coasts of California to the lanes of London.

In this article:

So, here’s a look at the 218 Hebrew names for girls that are aesthetically unique and super beautiful:

Hebrew names for girls:

  1. Abigail (Avigail) - "My Father's joy"

  2. Adah - "Ornament" or "Beauty, adornment"

  3. Adi - A gender-neutral Hebrew name, which means "Jewel or Ornament"

  4. Adina - "Delicate"

  5. Adva - "Wave"

  6. Ahava - "Love"

  7. Ahuva - "Beloved"

  8. Aleeza - "Joy"

  9. Aliza - "Joyful"

  10. Almog - "Coral"

  11. Amal - "Work, labor"

  12. Amalya - "Work of the Lord"

  13. Amita - "Truth"

  14. Anael - "God answered"

  15. Anat - "To sing"

  16. Ariella - "Lioness of God"

  17. Ashira - "Rich"

  18. Atara - "Crown"

  19. Ateret - "Diadem"

  20. Avishag - "My father strays"

  21. Avital - "Father of dew"

  22. Aviva - "Spring"

  23. Ayala - "Doe, gazelle"

  24. Ayelet - "Gazelle"

  25. Aziza - "Mighty"

  26. Azura - "Sky blue"

  27. Baila - "Dance"

  28. Basya - "Daughter of God"

  29. Bat-Ami - "Daughter of my people"

  30. Bat-Chen - "Daughter of grace"

  31. Bathsheba - "Daughter of the oath"

  32. Batya - "Daughter of God"

  33. Beulah - "To marry"

  34. Bilha - "Shy, modest"

  35. Bracha - "Blessing"

  36. Carmel - "Vineyard"

  37. Chagit - "Festive"

  38. Dafna - "Laurel"

  39. Dalia - "Branch"

  40. Dana - "Arbiter"

  41. Davida - "Beloved"

  42. Deborah (Devora) - "Bee"

  43. Dekel - "Palm tree"

  44. Delilah - "Delicate"

  45. Dinah - "God will judge or Justified"

  46. Drorit - "Freedom"

  47. Edna - "Rejuvenation, Delight or Renewer"

  48. Efrat - "Honored"

  49. Eilat - "Palm tree"

  50. Ela - "Terebinth tree"

  51. Eldora - "Gift of God"

  52. Eliana - "God has answered"

  53. Elisheba - "God is my oath"

  54. Elisheva (Elizabeth) - "God is my oath"

  55. Elke - "God's promise"

  56. Eliora - "God is my Light"

  57. Elnora - "God is my light"

  58. Erela - "Angel"

  59. Eshkol - "Cluster"

  60. Esther - "Star or Myrtle Tree"

  61. Esti - "Sweetness"

  62. Eve (Chava) - "Life or Living"

  63. Gal - "Wave"

  64. Galit - "Wave"

  65. Galya - "God has redeemed"

  66. Ganya - "Garden of God"

  67. Gavriella - "God is my strength"

  68. Gefen - "Vine"

  69. Geula - "Redemption"

  70. Gila - "Joy"

  71. Golda - "Gold"

  72. Hadara - "Splendid"

  73. Hadas - "Myrtle"

  74. Hadasha - "New"

  75. Hadassah - "Myrtle tree"

  76. Hagar - "Flight or Forsaken"

  77. Hallel - "Praise"

  78. Hannah (Chana) - "Grace"

  79. Hodaya - "Thanksgiving"

  80. Idit - "Elite, Choicest, The best of"

  81. Ilana - "Tree"

  82. Ilit - "The best"

  83. Irit - "Iris"

  84. Isra - "Nocturnal journey"

  85. Jerusha - "Possession or Inheritance"

  86. Jordana - "Descend"

  87. Judith (Yehudit) - "Jewess"

  88. Kalanit - "Anemone flower"

  89. Karmela - "Garden"

  90. Karmiya - "Vineyard of the Lord"

  91. Katriel - "God is my crown"

  92. Keila - "Citadel"

  93. Kelila - "Crown"

  94. Keren - "Horn, ray"

  95. Keshet - "Rainbow"

  96. Ketzia - "Cassia, cinnamon"

  97. Kinneret - "Harp"

  98. Leah - "Weary"

  99. Leeba - "Loved one"

  100. Levana - "Moon"

  101. Liana - "To answer"

  102. Liel - "God is mine"

  103. Lielit - "God is mine"

  104. Lior - "My light"

  105. Liora - "Light for me"

  106. Livana - "Moon"

  107. Maayan - "Spring of water"

  108. Machal - "Sickness"

  109. Malka - "Queen"

  110. Malkia - "Queen"

  111. Margalit - "Pearl"

  112. Marnina - "Causing joy"

  113. Mattea - "Gift of God"

  114. Mazal - "Luck"

  115. Meira - "Illuminating"

  116. Meital - "Dew water"

  117. Merav - "Many, a lot"

  118. Micha - "Who is like God"

  119. Michal - "Stream"

  120. Miriam - "Bitter sea, Wished for child, Beloved or Rebellion"

  121. Moriah - "The Lord is my teacher"

  122. Naama - "Pleasant"

  123. Naomi - "Pleasantness"

  124. Nava - "Beautiful"

  125. Nessa - "Miracle"

  126. Neta - "Plant"

  127. Nili - "God's victory"

  128. Nitzan - "Bud"

  129. Nitzana - "Flower bud"

  130. Noa - "Movement"

  131. Nogah - "Brightness"

  132. Noya - "Divine beauty"

  133. Odel - "Praise God"

  134. Odeleya - "I will thank God"

  135. Odelia - "I will praise God"

  136. Ofra - "Fawn"

  137. Omer - "Sheaf of wheat"

  138. Ora - "Light"

  139. Oralee - "My light"

  140. Orli - "Light for me"

  141. Orna - "Pine tree"

  142. Osnat - "Belonging to God"

  143. Otzelia - "God's wealth"

  144. Pazia - "Golden"

  145. Peli - "Miracle"

  146. Penina - "Pearl"

  147. Pnina - "Pearl"

  148. Rachael (Rachel) - "Ewe"

  149. Rael - "Sheep's friend"

  150. Rahel - "Traveler"

  151. Raizel - "Rose"

  152. Rakefet - "Cyclamen"

  153. Ravid - "Jewelry, ornament"

  154. Raziela - "God's secret"

  155. Rebecca (Rivka) - "To tie, bind"

  156. Rena - "Joyful melody"

  157. Reviva - "Rain"

  158. Rifka - "Join, tie"

  159. Rina - "Joyous song"

  160. Rivka - "Join, tie"

  161. Ronit - "Joyful song"

  162. Ruhama - "Pitied"

  163. Ruth - "Friend"

  164. Sagit - "Archer"

  165. Sarah - "Noblewoman or Princess"

  166. Sarai - "Princess"

  167. Seraphina - "Burning one or Fiery"

  168. Shachar - "Dawn"

  169. Shai - "Gift"

  170. Shaina - "Beautiful"

  171. Shalva - "Peace"

  172. Shani - "Scarlet, red"

  173. Sharona - "A plain"

  174. Sheera - "Singing"

  175. Shemesh - "Sun"

  176. Shifra - "Good, lovely"

  177. Shira - "Song, poem"

  178. Shirli - "Song for me"

  179. Shoshan - "Lily"

  180. Shoshana - "Rose"

  181. Sigal - "Violet flower"

  182. Sigalit - "Violet"

  183. Simcha - "Joy"

  184. Sirel - "God's Song"

  185. Tal - "Dew"

  186. Talia - "Morning dew"

  187. Tamar - "Date (fruit)"

  188. Tamara - "Palm tree"

  189. Tehila - "Praise"

  190. Tikva - "Hope"

  191. Tirza - "Favored or pleasantness"

  192. Tirzah - "Delight"

  193. Topaz - "Topaz"

  194. Tova - "Good"

  195. Tsofia - "Watch"

  196. Tzipporah - "Bird"

  197. Vered - "Rose"

  198. Yaara - "Honeycomb"

  199. Yachne - "Gracious"

  200. Yael - "Ibex, Mountain goat"

  201. Yaffa - "Beautiful"

  202. Yakira - "Precious"

  203. Yarden - "To flow down, descend"

  204. Yardena - "Jordan River"

  205. Yarona - "Song of joy"

  206. Yemima - "Dove"

  207. Yonina - "Dove"

  208. Yonit - "Little dove"

  209. Zahara - "Shining, bright"

  210. Zehava - "Gold"

  211. Zehavi - "Golden"

  212. Zemira - "Song"

  213. Zila - "Shadow"

  214. Zillah - "Shadow, Shade or the Tingling of the Ear"

  215. Ziona - "Sign, omen"

  216. Zipporah - "Bird"

  217. Zohar - "Glow, brilliance"

  218. Zoya - "Life"

Frequently Asked Questions

What are authentic Hebrew girl names?

We’ve pooled some wonderfully unique and authentically Hebrew girl names. Most of them are Biblical girl names while some of them resonate with serenely beautiful sounds.

Without further ado, let's explore some genuinely authentic Hebrew baby names that could be an excellent choice for your little one:

Authentic Hebrew girl names:

  1. Abigail - Meaning "my father is joy", Abigail is a name mentioned in the Bible. She was the wife of King David.

  2. Adina - This name means "gentle".

  3. Aviva - Aviva means "springtime or springtime".

  4. Batya - Batya, also spelled Bithiah, is an ancient Hebrew name that means "daughter of God". This was the name of the daughter of Pharaoh who rescued Moses from the Nile river.

  5. Chava - A variant form of "Eve," Chava means "life" or "living one".

  6. Dalia - It's a name that means "Branch" in Hebrew.

  7. Esther - From the Bible, Esther was a Jewish queen and the heroine of the Book of Esther. The name means "star".

  8. Hannah - This name means "grace". Hannah was a significant figure in the Bible.

  9. Leah - Leah was Jacob's first wife in the Bible, and the name means "weary".

  10. Miriam - The Hebrew form of Mary, means "sea of bitterness," "sea of sorrow" or "beloved, rebellion." Miriam was the sister of Moses and Aaron.

  11. Naomi - Naomi is a name that means "pleasantness or my delight". In the Bible, Naomi Ruth's mother-in-law.

  12. Rachel - Rachel was a wife of Jacob in the Bible, and the name means "ewe" or "female sheep".

  13. Sarah - Meaning "princess or noblewoman", Sarah was the wife of Abraham and mother of Isaac in the Bible.

  14. Tamar - Tamar means "date palm or palm tree". In the Bible, Tamar was the name of King David's daughter.

  15. Yael - Also spelled Jael, this name means "mountain goat". In the Bible, Yael was a heroic woman who killed Sisera to deliver Israel from the troops of King Jabin.

  16. Ziva - This name means "brilliance" or "brightness, glow".

What are some cute Israeli girl names?

Imbued with an endearing aura and enriched by their deeply lovely meanings, the following Jewish names for girls perfectly blend simplicity with femininity:

Cute Jewish girl names:

  1. Maya - This name has roots in many cultures, including Hebrew, where it means "spring or water source."

  2. Tali - This name means "dew" in Hebrew. It is considered a cute name due to its simplicity and soft sounds.

  3. Lior - Meaning "my light" in Hebrew, this gender-neutral Hebrew name is a popular choice in Israel.

  4. Nava - A unique and adorable name that means "lovely or beautiful" in Hebrew.

  5. Noa - A popular name in Israel, it was the name of a female figure from the Bible and means "movement or motion".

  6. Shira - Shira means "song" or "poem" in Hebrew, making it an endearing choice.

  7. Eden - Often associated with the Garden of Eden, this name means "delight or pleasure".

  8. Yael - This Hebrew name means "mountain goat". It is a common and cute name in Israel.

  9. Avigail - It's the Hebrew form of Abigail, which means "my father's joy". It is often shortened to Avigay or Avi, making it even more adorable.

  10. Rina - Rina is a cute, simple name that means "joyous song".

  11. Zohar - While traditionally a male name, Zohar has been adopted for girls as well. It means "light" or "brilliance".

  12. Amit - Although Amit is traditionally a boys' name, it is often used for girls as well in Israel. It means "friend or companion".

What Hebrew girl's name means gift from God?

The Hebrew girl's name that means 'gift from God' is "Shai". However, it's important to note that "Shai" is often used as a Gender-neutral name in Hebrew.

Another name that has a similar meaning is "Doron", which means "gift". While it's more commonly used for boys, it can also be given to girls.

"Matana" is another female name, more specifically used for girls, which directly translates to "gift". While it doesn't explicitly mean 'gift from God', the implication could potentially be inferred.

"Netanya" is another female name that means 'Gift of God', but it's more common as a place name of a city in Israel rather than a first name.

There's also "Nathalia" or "Natalia", feminine forms of the name "Nathan" which in Hebrew means 'gift of God'. However, these versions have found more popularity in Christian and Western cultures with the aforementioned meaning.

Collectively, these names encapsulate powerful symbolism, acting as poignant reminders of the significance of prayers and the profound spiritual bond with the divine. Through these names, God's answer to heartfelt prayers is celebrated — the cherished arrival of your girl.

What is the Hebrew name for Princess?

Seeking a female name imbued with an elegant and regal aura? Look no further than "Sarah." In Hebrew, Sarah translates to "Princess." Biblically, she was the esteemed wife of Abraham and the devoted mother of Isaac.

The name truly embodies the essence of "princess" or "noblewoman" in Hebrew. Its universality is evident as it has found a home in numerous cultures and languages, sometimes with subtle variations in spelling or pronunciation.

Final thoughts

Hebrew names indeed capture the essence of Jewish tradition, consistently standing out as both unique and meaningful.

If you're in search of a Jewish name that genuinely shines in its uniqueness and splendor, delve into our lists: the best Hebrew baby names and their meanings and the Hebrew baby boy names and their meanings.

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