If you feel uncertain about the best Irish girl name to give your little lass, we can’t help knowing your worry! That's why we’ve compiled a list of the top 147 Irish baby girl names and their meanings.
Boasting overtly powerful and enchanting meanings, traditional Irish baby girl names capture the majestic and eye-popping landscapes of the Emerald Isle and echo the country's rich heritage!
Female names, such as Saoirse and Aoife hit the sweet spot between being authentic testaments to Irish tradition and modern popularity - they're the gold standard in the Emerald Isle, ticking all the boxes for those looking to honor their Irish ancestry!
Embracing a lovely and cute name for your child will mean so much to her. Names such as the vibrant Sophie or the lyrical Aisling will set her face alight in the classroom!
Whatever your preferences, our list is a nugget of timeless classics, modern marvels, and unique gems.
In this article:
Let us glance together at the top 147 Irish girl names and their meanings:
Top Irish baby girl names
Abigail – Delight/Joy of the father
Ailbhe - White, noble, bright, or rock
Ailís - Noble
Áine - Radiance, splendor, brightness or happiness
Aisling - Dream or Vision
Alannah - Little Child
Aoibheann - Of Radiant beauty
Aoife - Beautiful, Radiant
Ashling - Dream or Vision
Beibhinn - Melodious/Fair lady
Bevin - Fair lady
Bidelia - Exalted one or Strength
Blaithin - Little flower
Branna - Raven or Beauty with Hair as Dark as a Raven
Breena - Little raven or Raven-haired
Briana - High, noble, exalted
Bríd - The High One or Strength
Bridie - Exalted One, Fire Goddess or Strength, and Vigor
Bróna - Sorrow
Cadhla - Beautiful or Graceful
Cáit - Pure
Caitlín - Pure
Caitria - Pure
Caoimhe - Gentle, beautiful
Cara - Friend
Carleen - Little and womanly
Cassidie - Curly-haired
Cassidy - Curly-haired
Ceara - Sorrowful
Ciara - Black-haired one
Clíodhna - Shapely
Clodagh - Name of an Irish river
Clover - Clover plant
Colleen - Young girl
Conchobhar - Lover of hounds/canines
Corey – In or From the Hollow
Dáireann - Fruitful or Fertile
Darcy – Dark-haired or Descendant of The Dark
Deirdre - Sorrowful
Delaney – Dark Challenger
Dervla - Poet's Daughter
Devnet - Young Deer
Doireann - Sullen
Doreen - Brooding, Gilded, or Sullen
Dymphna - Fawn
Eabha - Life or Living
Éadaoin - Jealousy
Eavan - Fair
Edana - Fire
Eilinora - Shining light
Éilís - Noble
Eimear - Swift
Éireann - From Ireland
Eithne - Kernel or grain
Elva - Leader
Emer - Swift
Enya - Kernel
Erela – Angel and Messenger of God
Erin - Peace
Fainche - Raven
Fallon - Leadership
Fiadh - Untamed or Wild
Fidelma - Beauty
Finola - Fair shoulder
Fionnuala - Fair shoulder
Geraldine - Spear ruler
Gobinet - Smith
Gráinne - Grain or Love
Honora - Honor or Woman of Honor
Íde - Thirst
Imelda - Powerful fighter or universal battle
Iona - Purple jewel
Isolt - Fair lady
Ita - Thirst
Kathleen - Pure
Keelin - Slender
Keeva - Beautiful
Keira - Dark-haired
Kerri - Dark-haired
Kyna - Wise/Intelligent or Royal
Laoise - Radiant or Light
Liadán - Grey lady
Macha - Of the Plain
Mada - Powerful in battle
Maegan - Pearl
Maeleachlainn - Servant
Maeve - Intoxicating
Máire - Wished-for child
Mairead - Pearl
Mallaidh - Bitter
Malone - Servant of Saint John
Maura - Bitter
Mave - Joy
Méabh - Intoxicating
Meaghan - Pearl
Meara - Merry
Melvina - Armored chief
Moira - Bitter
Mona - Noble
Moreen - Great
Morgana - Sea-born or White sea
Morrigan - Phantom queen
Muire - Mary
Muireann - Long-haired
Muriel - Bright sea
Neala - Champion
Nessa - Rough
Niamh - Brightness
Nola - Famous
Nóra - Honor
Orfhlaith - Golden princess
Orla - Golden princess
Órlaith - Golden princess
Pádraigín - Noble
Pegeen - Pearl
Peig - Pearl
Reagan - King
Riley – Courageous or Valiant
Ríona - Queen
Róise - Rose
Róisin - Little rose
Róisín - Little rose
Rosaleen - Little rose
Rowan - Little red-haired one
Sadbh - Goodness
Saoirse - Freedom
Shannon - Wise River, Old River, or Possessor of Wisdom
Shayla - From the Fairy palace
Sheelagh - Blind
Sheena - God is gracious
Shivawn - God is gracious
Sibeal - Prophetess or God is my oath
Síle - Heaven or Blind
Siobhán - God's grace or God has been gracious
Síofra - Elf or challenging
Síomha - Good Peace
Siún - Peace
Sláine - Health
Sorcha - Bright or Shining
Sorley - Summer sailor/wanderer
Talulla - Princess of Abundance or Leaping Water
Tara – Hill or Star
Teagan - Little poet
Tierney - Lord or Master
Treasa - Strength or Power
Triona - Pure
Úna - One, only, or lamb
Frequently Asked Questions
What are some unique Irish girl names?
Unique Irish girl names abound with intriguing and beautiful meanings, evincing the poetic soul of the Irish people.
While some of them boast an august and royal touch, others capture the breathtaking beauty of nature.
Our list includes 10 unique Irish girl names that are aesthetically noble and would be some thoughtful choices for your girl:
Aisling (ASH-ling) - Meaning "dream" or "vision."
Caoimhe (KEE-va) - Derived from the Irish word for "gentleness" or "beauty."
Fiadh (FEE-ah) - Meaning "wild" or "untamed."
Orlaith (OR-lah) - Derived from the Irish word for "golden princess."
Saoirse (SEER-sha) - Meaning "freedom" or "liberty." The name also belongs to the renowned American actress Saoirse Ronan.
Niamh (NEEV) - Derived from the Irish word for "bright" or "radiant."
Eilis (AY-lish) - The Irish version of the name Elizabeth.
Caoilfhionn (KEEL-in) - Meaning "slender and fair."
Eimear (EE-mer) - Derived from the Irish word for "swift" or "quick."
Síofra (SHEE-fra) - Meaning "elf" or "sprite," or challenging.
What is a popular name for an Irish girl?
One of the most famous names for an Irish girl is Aoife (pronounced EE-fa), according to a recent research. It has been a beloved name in Ireland for centuries and is derived from the Gaelic word "aoibh," which means "beauty" or "radiance."
In Irish folklore, Aoife is associated with Aoife MacMurrough, also known as Aoife of Leinster. She was a 12th-century Irish princess and the daughter of King Dermot MacMurrough. Other popular Irish girl names include Saoirse, Ciara, Caoimhe, and Niamh.
What are some beautiful Irish names?
There is no shortage of Irish names awash with beauty and charm.
Nevertheless, some popular Irish names are richly endowed with beautiful meanings making them stand out.
Some of them are:
Names for Girls:
Aoife (EE-fa) - Meaning "beautiful" or "radiant."
Caoimhe (KEE-va) - Meaning "gentle," "beautiful," or "kind."
Maeve (MAYV) - Derived from the Irish word for "intoxicating" or "she who intoxicates."
Niamh (NEEV) - Meaning "bright," "radiant," or "golden."
Róisín (RO-sheen) - Derived from the Irish word for "little rose."
Síofra (SHEE-fra) - Meaning "elf" or "challenging."
Brigid (BRIJ-id) - Derived from the Irish goddess associated with fertility, healing, and poetry.
Eilis (AY-lish) - The Irish version of the name Elizabeth, meaning "pledged to God."
Ciara (KEE-ra) - Meaning "dark-haired" or "dark beauty."
Fiona (fee-OH-nah) - Derived from the Irish word for "fair" or "pale," and "beautiful."
Names for Boys:
Cian (KEE-an) - Meaning "ancient" or "enduring."
Declan (DEK-lan) - Derived from the Irish saint St. Declan of Ardmore.
Finn (FIN) - Meaning "fair," "white," or "blond."
Liam (LEE-um) - A shortened form of the Irish name Uilliam, meaning "resolute protector."
Ronan (RO-nan) - Meaning "little seal" or "wise."
Sean (SHAWN) - The Irish form of the name John, meaning "God is gracious."
Eamon (AY-mon) - Derived from the Irish name Éamonn, meaning "guardian" or "protector."
Oisin (UH-sheen) - Derived from Irish mythology, the name means "little deer" or "fawn."
Colm (KOLM) - Meaning "dove" or "dove-like."
Dara (DA-ra) - Derived from the Irish word for "oak tree" or "wise."
What is the rarest girl's name in Ireland?
A name for a girl that is considered quite rare in Ireland is "Éilís" (AY-lish). It is the Irish form of the name Alice and has seen limited usage in recent years.
However, it has a feminine allure and distinctive charm - a formidable combination - making it a unique choice for your beautiful girl.
What is the prettiest Irish girl's name?
One of the prettiest Irish names for girls could be Aoife. This traditional Gaelic name means "beauty" or "radiance," and it's a perfect fit for a lovely baby girl.
Other beautiful Irish names for girls include Siofra (meaning “elf”), Niamh (meaning “bright”), and Ciara (meaning “dark-haired one).
When it comes to Irish female names, there are many beautiful and unique options. A few of the most popular ones include Aoife (”meaning radiant” or ”beautiful”), Caoimhe (meaning ”gentle”), Ciara (meaning ”dark-haired”), Maeve (meaning ”she who intoxicates”), and Siofra (meaning ”elf”). Other less common but still beautiful Irish girl names include Ailis (meaning ”noble”), Áine (meaning ”radiance” or ” splendor”), Bláthnaid (meaning ”little flower”), Caitríona (meaning ”pure”), Fionnuala (meaning ”white shoulder”), and Niamh (meaning ”bright”).
No matter which name you choose, though, any Irish girl's name will be the perfect way to honor your little baby girl and your Irish origin.
Final thoughts
Heaped up with wondrous effulgences and handsome beauty, Irish girl names take things up a notch - they will set your girl apart from the pack, setting off her unique and magnificent allure!
It would be a dreamlike choice, and there's more in store: Our list of the top Irish baby names and their meaning wastes no time immersing you in the magical world of these beautiful Irish monikers.