Awash with vibrant energy Italy has had a huge appeal for people worldwide, who can enjoy the diversity of its art and cultural heritage. Check out our list of the top Italian baby boy names and pick the best one for your little bambino.
Have you not stood in awe, eyes flashing bright with admiration before the Colosseum?
Have you not been lured by the dreamlike romance that lingers in the air of Venice?
It’s all the more impressive considering the history of the place! Renowned Italian figures who profoundly influenced and inspired the world of arts - like, Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael - paved the way for the artistic revolution of the Renaissance period!
But the paramount impact of Italy on our world doesn't restrain itself to the realms of art alone. It's reflected even in Italian baby names!
Italian names have everything going for them: They boast a preeminent lyrical beauty and flowing harmony that echoes their Latin roots.
Anchored in a language full of riches, Italian names for boys can be an ode to eroticism and the instrument through which happiness and joy can flow!
In this article:
If you're aching for an Italian baby name awash in deep emotionalism and romantic delicacy our compendium of 180 Italian baby boy names and their meanings will do the trick:
Italian boy names:
Adriano: Man from the city of Adria
Agostino: Revered, venerable
Aldo: Old or wise
Alessandro: Defender of mankind
Alessio: Defender
Alfonso: Noble and ready
Alighiero: Noble, kind warrior
Amedeo: Love of God
Andrea: Manly or brave
Angelo: Angel or messenger
Anselmo: Divine protection
Antonio: Priceless or flower
Aronne: Exalted, strong
Arturo: Bear
Attilio: Father-like
Baldassare: Protector of the king
Bartolomeo: Son of Talmai (farmer)
Basilio: Kingly
Battista: Baptist
Benedetto: Blessed
Benito: Blessed
Bernardo: Brave as a bear
Berto: Bright, famous
Biagio: Stutterer or Royal, Kingly
Bonifacio: Good destiny
Bruno: Brown-haired or brown-skinned
Calvino: Bald
Carlo: Manly
Carmine: Vineyard
Cesare: Of Ceasar; Head or Hair
Ciro: Sun
Claudio: Lame
Clemente: Merciful, gentle
Corrado: Bold or wise counselor
Cosimo: Order, beauty
Damiano: To tame, subdue
Daniele: God is my judge
Dante: Steadfast or enduring
Dario: Rich or kingly
Davide: Beloved
Delfino: Dolphin
Desiderio: Desired
Domenico: Of the Lord
Donato: Given by God
Edoardo: Guardian of prosperity
Elia: The Lord is my God
Eligio: To choose
Elio: Sun
Elmo: Helmet, protection
Emanuele: God is with us
Emilio: Rival or Eager
Enrico: Ruler of the household
Enzo: Home ruler
Ercole: Hercules; glory of Hera
Ernesto: Serious or determined
Ettore: Steadfast
Ezio: Eagle
Fabio: Bean grower
Fabrizio: Craftsman
Faustino: Fortunate or lucky
Federico: Peaceful ruler
Felice: Happy or fortunate
Ferdinando: Brave journey
Ferruccio: Little iron one
Flavio: Blond, golden
Francesco: Freeman
Franco: Free or truthful
Fulvio: Yellow, tawny
Gabriele: God is my strength
Gaspare: Treasure bearer
Gelasio: Laughing, cheerful
Gennaro: January or dedicated to Janus
Gerardo: Spear hard
Giacomo: Supplanter
Gian: God is gracious
Giancarlo: Combination of "Gian" (God is gracious) and "Carlo" (man)
Gianluca: Combination of "Gian" (God is gracious) and "Luca" (from Lucania)
Giorgio: Farmer
Giovanni: God is gracious
Giraldo: Spear ruler
Giuliano: Youthful or downy
Giuseppe: He will add
Graziano: Grace, charm
Gregorio: Watchful, alert
Guglielmo: Will or determination protection
Guido: Guide
Iacopo: Supplanter
Ignazio: Fiery
Ilario: Cheerful or happy
Ippolito: Horse freer
Isidoro: Gift of Isis
Italo: From Italy
Lamberto: Bright land
Lazzaro: God has helped
Leandro: Lion-man
Leonardo: Brave lion
Liborio: Free
Lino: Cry of joy
Lodovico: Famous warrior (variant of Ludovico)
Lorenzo: Wise, Strong, and Victorious or Man of Laurel
Luca: Bringer of Light
Ludovico: Famous warrior
Manfredo: Strength, peace
Marcello: Little warrior
Marco: Warlike or Mars (the god of war)
Mario: Manly
Marzio: Warlike, god of war
Massimo: Greatest
Matteo: Gift of God
Maurizio: Dark-skinned or Moorish
Mauro: Dark-skinned
Michele: Who is like God?
Milo: Merciful
Natale: Birth, especially Christ's birth
Nazzareno: From Nazareth
Niccolo: Victory of the people
Noe: Rest, wandering
Norberto: Northern brightness
Orazio: Timekeeper
Oreste: Mountain man
Orlando: Famous throughout the land
Osvaldo: God's power
Ottavio: Eighth
Palmiro: Pilgrim
Pasquale: Related to Passover or Easter
Pietro: Rock or stone
Pio: Pious
Placido: Calm, gentle
Ponzio: Of the sea
Primo: First
Prospero: Prosperous
Quinto: Fifth
Raffaele: God has healed
Raimondo: Protecting hands
Raniero: Wise warrior
Remo: Oar, swift
Renato: Reborn
Riccardo: Powerful ruler
Rinaldo: Wise power
Roberto: Bright fame
Rocco: Rest
Rodolfo: Famous wolf
Romano: Roman
Rosario: Rosary
Ruggero: Famous spear
Sabino: Sabine man
Salvatore: Savior
Samuele: Heard by God
Sante: Saint
Savino: Sabine man
Sebastiano: From Sebastia or Revered and Illustrious
Sergio: Servant
Settimio: Seventh
Silvano: Wood or wild
Silvio: Wood or forest
Simone: He who hears - listens
Siro: Sun (variant of Ciro)
Stefano: Crown or wreath
Taddeo: Braveheart
Tancredo: Thoughtful counsel
Teodoro: Gift of God
Tito: Honored
Tiziano: Giant
Tolomeo: Warlike or aggressive or combative
Tommaso: Twin
Tullio: Peaceful
Ubaldo: Bold, brave
Ugo: Heart, spirit, or mind
Ulderico: Ruler of all
Ulisse: Wrathful, hater
Umberto: Bright bear
Valentino: Strong or healthy
Venanzio: Hunter
Vincenzo: Conqueror or Victorious
Virgilio: Staff bearer
Vito: Life
Vittorio: Conqueror or victory
Viviano: Alive
Zaccaria: The Lord has remembered or recalled
Zeno: Gift of Zeus
Frequently Asked Questions
What are rare Italian baby boy names?
Rare Italian boy names are, by all odds, unequaled in terms of mesmerizing lyricism and powerful meanings.
Let us glance at some uncommon Italian names for boys that are truly remarkable; from the lusty Alessio and glorious Vittorio to the celestial Raffaele and scintillating Luciano:
Emilio: Derived from the Roman family name Aemilius, meaning "rival" or "emulating."
Alessio: A variation of Alessandro, meaning "defender of mankind" or "protector of men."
Matteo: Italian version of Matthew, meaning "gift of God" or "gift from Yahweh."
Niccolo: Italian version of Nicholas, meaning "victory of the people" or "people's conqueror."
Lorenzo: Derived from the Latin name Laurentius, meaning "wise, strong and victorious" or "crowned with laurel."
Marcello: Derived from the Roman family name Marcellus, meaning "young - young warrior" or "warlike."
Raffaele: Italian version of Raphael, meaning "God has healed" or "God heals."
Ettore: Italian version of Hector, the Trojan hero in Greek mythology.
Orlando: Derived from the Germanic name Roland, meaning "famous throughout the land."
Giorgio: Italian version of George, meaning "farmer" or "earthworker."
Tiziano: Derived from Titianus, a Roman family name, associated with the Italian painter Titian.
Fabrizio: Derived from the Roman family name Fabricius, meaning "smith" or "craftsman."
Amadeo: Derived from the Latin name Amadeus, meaning "for the love of God" or "loves God."
Ottavio: Italian version of Octavius, meaning "eighth" or "born in the eighth month."
Renzo: Short form of Lorenzo, meaning "third link" or "laurel."
Vittorio: Italian version of Victorius, meaning "victorious" or "conqueror."
Luciano: Derived from the Roman family name Lucianus, meaning "light" or "illumination."
Alessandro: Italian version of Alexander, meaning "defender of mankind" or "protector of men."
Giuseppe: Italian form of Joseph, meaning "God will add" or "God increases."
Tommaso: Italian version of Thomas, meaning "twin" or "one who is a twin."
What Italian male name means strong?
The name you are looking for is “Fortunato”. It is derived from the Latin word "fortunatus", which means "fortunate, lucky, or strong".
What is the name of a handsome Italian man?
You can find sundry Italian names that share beauty and elegance in their own right, but the name “Alessandro” is accounted by all hands as instinct with timeless appeal.
The name “Alessandro” is the Italian form of Alexander and exudes an imposingly alluring sense of charm - it has a strong sound and is often associated with attractiveness and good looks.
It effuses wondrous delicacy and carries a touch of refined sophistication.
What are good Italian baby names?
Fueled by a rich historical heritage and tinged with poetic romanticism, Italian baby names have amassed popularity through the years, standing out as thoughtful choices for parents all over the world.
For all these reasons, then, any way you may look at it, an Italian name could be a great fit for your baby boy.
Here are some popular names to consider:
Italian Boy names:
Leonardo: Derived from the Germanic name Leonard, meaning "brave lion" or "lion-hearted."
Matteo: Italian form of Matthew, meaning "gift of God" or "gift from Yahweh."
Giovanni: Italian form of John, meaning "God is gracious" or "God has shown favor."
Marco: Italian form of Mark, meaning "warlike" or "dedicated to Mars," the Roman god of war.
Luca: Derived from the Latin name Lucas, meaning "light" or "bringer of light."
Gabriel: Derived from the Hebrew name Gabriel, meaning "God is my strength" or "God's messenger."
Alessandro: Italian form of Alexander, meaning "defender of mankind" or "protector of men."
Lorenzo: Derived from the Latin name Laurentius, meaning "wise, strong and victorious" or "crowned with laurel."
Francesco: Italian form of Francis, meaning "Frenchman" or "free one."
Antonio: Italian form of Anthony, meaning "priceless" or "flower."
Italian Girl names:
Isabella: Derived from Elizabeth, meaning "pledged to God" or "oath of God."
Sofia: Italian form of Sophia, meaning "wisdom" or "knowledge."
Giulia: Italian form of Julia, meaning "youthful" or "downy-haired."
Valentina: Derived from the Latin word valens, meaning "strong" or "healthy."
Chiara: Italian form of Clara, meaning "clear," "bright," or "famous."
Emma: Derived from the Germanic word ermen, meaning "whole" or "universal."
Beatrice: Derived from the Latin word beatus, meaning "blessed" or "she who brings happiness."
Aurora: Derived from the Latin word aurora, meaning "dawn" or "daybreak."
Mia: Italian word meaning "mine" or a diminutive form of names like Maria or Emilia.
Stella: Derived from the Latin word stēlla, meaning "star."
Final Thoughts
So now that you have an inkling of the plethora of Italian boy names, you can pluck one that resonates with your baby boy!
And should you look for further inquiries make sure you have a look at our top Italian baby names and their meaning!