Whether you are drawn to the warmth of Italian culture, carry Italian legacy in your veins, or maybe in your photo album float some reminiscences of your last idyllic trip to the land of pasta and vino - giving your child an Italian baby name would be a beautiful homage.
From popular names, like "Leonardo" and "Sofia" to modern renditions with a contemporary charm, such as "Giulia" and "Francesco", Italian baby names are for all the world a lyrical splendor!
Chimed with your unique taste, an Italian baby name will make your child stand out in a world filled with the mundane at once that it will color their life with a brush of romanticism and vitality!
It will fascinate their classmates' attention!
In this article:
So, keep reading and find out what are the top Italian baby names and their meanings:
Italian Girl Names:
Agata: Good
Alessia: Defender
Allegra: Joyful
Amara: Bitter or eternal
Angela: Messenger of God
Anna: Grace
Arianna: Very holy
Aurora: Dawn
Beatrice: Bringer of joy
Benedetta: Blessed
Betta: God's promise
Bianca: White
Carla: Free woman
Carola: Free woman
Caterina: Pure
Cecilia: Blind
Chiara: Light, clear
Claudia: Lame
Concetta: Conception
Cosima: Order, beauty
Daniela: God is my judge
Delfina: Dolphin
Donatella: Beautiful star
Elena: Shining light
Eleonora: Shining light
Elide: Little sun
Elisa: God's promise
Elisabetta: God's promise
Emanuela: God is with us
Emilia: Rival
Fabiana: Bean grower
Fabiola: Bean grower
Filomena: Friend of strength
Fiorella: Little flower
Flavia: Golden, blonde
Francesca: Free woman
Gemma: Gem, jewel
Gianna: God is gracious
Ginevra: White wave
Giorgia: Farmer
Giovanna: God is gracious
Giulia: Youthful
Giulietta: Youthful
Honoria: Honor
Imelda: Universal battle
Ippolita: Horse-freer
Isabella: God's promise
Jolanda: Violet flower
Laura: Laurel
Letizia: Joy, happiness
Liliana: Lily
Livia: Envious
Lucia: Light
Luciana: Light
Lucrezia: Profit, gain
Mafalda: Mighty in battle
Mara: Bitter
Marcella: Warlike
Margherita: Pearl
Maria: Sea of sorrow
Marianna: Combination of Maria and Anna
Marina: Of the sea
Marisa: Of the sea
Marta: Lady
Martina: Warlike
Marzia: Martial, warlike
Massima: Greatest
Mattea: Gift of God
Meliora: Better
Melodia: Melody
Michela: Who is like God?
Milena: Gracious, dear
Mirabella: Wonderful
Mirella: Admire
Mirta: Sweet-smelling oil
Miuccia: Sweet, kind
Modesta: Modest
Monica: Advisor
Morena: Brown, brunette
Nadia: Hope
Nerina: Water
Nicoletta: Victory of the people
Nives: Snow
Noemi: Delight, pleasantness
Norina: Light
Olimpia: From Mount Olympus
Olivia: Olive tree
Oriana: Gold
Orietta: Little gold
Ornella: Flowering ash tree
Orsola: Little bear
Ortensia: Gardener
Osanna: Praise
Palmira: Palm tree
Paola: Small
Patrizia: Noblewoman
Perla: Pearl
Petronella: Stone
Pierina: Rock
Placida: Calm, gentle
Primavera: Spring
Prisca: Ancient
Quiteria: Tranquil
Rachele: Ewe, female sheep
Raffaella: God has healed
Renata: Reborn
Rina: Joyful melody
Rita: Pearl
Roberta: Bright fame
Romilda: Glorious battle maiden
Romina: From Rome
Rosa: Rose
Rosalba: White rose
Rosalinda: Beautiful rose
Rosaria: Rosary
Rosetta: Little rose
Rufina: Red-haired
Sancia: Sacred
Santina: Little saint
Sara: Princess
Serafina: Fiery ones
Serena: Calm, peaceful
Severina: Stern
Sibilla: Prophetess
Silvana: Forest
Silvia: Wood or forest
Simona: He who hears
Sofia: Wisdom
Stella: Star
Tecla: Glory of God
Teresa: Harvester
Tiziana: Honored
Tullia: Peaceful
Umbriana: From Umbria
Valentina: Strong, healthy
Valeria: Strong, valiant
Valeriana: Strength, health
Velia: Hidden, Veiled
Venere: Love
Venezia: From Venice
Verdiana: verdant, young
Viola: Violet
Vita: Life
Viviana: Lively
Zita: Little girl
Make sure not to miss our complete list of Italian girl names.
Italian boy names
Aldo: Old or wise
Alessandro: Defender of mankind
Alessio: Defender
Andrea: Manly or brave
Angelo: Angel or messenger
Antonio: Priceless or flower
Arturo: Bear
Baldassare: Protector of the king
Benito: Blessed
Biagio: Stutterer
Bruno: Brown-haired or brown-skinned
Carlo: Manly
Carmine: Vineyard
Cesare: Of Ceasar; Head or Hair
Ciro: Sun
Corrado: Bold or wise counselor
Daniele: God is my judge
Dante: Steadfast or enduring
Dario: Rich or kingly
Davide: Beloved
Edoardo: Guardian of prosperity
Elia: The Lord is my God
Elio: Sun
Emanuele: God is with us
Emilio: Rival or Eager
Enrico: Ruler of the household
Ernesto: Serious or determined
Ettore: Steadfast
Fabio: Bean grower
Fabrizio: Craftsman
Faustino: Fortunate or lucky
Federico: Peaceful ruler
Felice: Happy or fortunate
Francesco: Freeman
Franco: Free or truthful
Gabriele: God is my strength
Gennaro: January or dedicated to Janus
Giacomo: Supplanter
Giancarlo: Combination of "Gian" (God is gracious) and "Carlo" (man)
Gianluca: Combination of "Gian" (God is gracious) and "Luca" (from Lucania)
Giorgio: Farmer
Giovanni: God is gracious
Giuliano: Youthful or downy
Giuseppe: He will add
Guglielmo: Will or determination protection
Guido: Guide
Ignazio: Fiery
Ilario: Cheerful or happy
Leandro: Lion-man
Leonardo: Brave lion
Lino: Cry of joy
Lorenzo: From Laurentum (a town in ancient Italy)
Luca: From Lucania
Lucca: Light or Bringer of Light
Ludovico: Famous warrior
Marcello: Little warrior
Marco: Warlike or Mars (the god of war)
Mario: Manly
Massimo: Greatest
Matteo: Gift of God
Maurizio: Dark-skinned or Moorish
Mauro: Dark-skinned
Michele: Who is like God?
Niccolo: Victory of the people
Orlando: Famous throughout the land
Palmiro: Pilgrim
Pasquale: Related to Passover or Easter
Pietro: Rock or stone
Quinto: Fifth
Raffaele: God has healed
Raimondo: Protecting hands
Renato: Reborn
Riccardo: Powerful ruler
Roberto: Bright fame
Salvatore: Savior
Samuele: Heard by God
Sergio: Servant
Silvano: Wood or wild
Silvio: Wood or forest
Simone: He who hears - listens
Stefano: Crown or wreath
Teodoro: Gift of God
Tiziano: Giant
Tommaso: Twin
Ugo: Heart, spirit, or mind
Umberto: Bright bear
Valentino: Strong or healthy
Vincenzo: Conqueror or Victorious
Vito: Life
Vittorio: Conqueror or victory
Zeno: Gift of Zeus
Make sure not to miss our complete list of Italian boy names.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are some good Italian baby names?
Liberally charming and engrained with musical intonation Italian baby names evoke warm feelings of appeal over parents all over the world.
The unbounded eroticism completes the smooth phonetics and all this, and doubtless much more can be found in their unique qualities.
Here are some popular and beautiful Italian baby names:
Italian baby girl names:
Sofia: Wisdom
Isabella: Devoted to God
Giulia: Youthful
Francesca: Free one
Aurora: Dawn
Valentina: Strong, healthy
Mia: Mine or beloved
Emma: Universal or whole
Lucia: Light
Chiara: Bright or clear
Italian baby boy names:
Leonardo: Brave lion
Luca: Bringer of light
Matteo: Gift of God
Gabriel: God is my strength
Alessandro: Defender of mankind
Giovanni: God is gracious
Marco: Warlike or dedicated to Mars (the Roman god of war)
Lorenzo: Laurel wreath or crowned with laurels
Antonio: Worthy of praise
Francesco: Freeman or Frenchman
What are rare Italian names?
Here are some uncommon Italian names, thick with intoxicating lyricism and as unique as they come:
Italian girl names:
Fiorella: Little flower
Ottavia: Eighth
Vittoria: Victory
Annalisa: Oath of God or Graced with God's bounty
Olimpia: From Mount Olympus
Noemi: Pleasantness
Calandra: Lovely one or Lark
Viola: Violet
Selene: Moon
Letizia: Joy, happiness
Italian names for boys:
Renzo: Laurel wreath
Ettore: Loyal, steadfast
Nello: Strong and energetic
Remo: Oarsman
Osvaldo: Divine power
Dante: Enduring
Raffaele: God heals
Gualtiero: Powerful ruler
Feliciano: Happy, fortunate
Dario: Upholder of good
What is a classic Italian name?
With tenacious popularity throughout the centuries, classic Italian names radiate splendor and timeless historical significance. If you aim to carry the torch of your heritage a traditional Italian name would be the perfect fit!
Here are some popular baby names that are considered classic in Italy:
Girl names:
Maria: Wished-for child or rebellion
Anna: Gracious or full of grace
Laura: Laurel or bay tree
Elena: Shining light or bright one
Teresa: Harvester or reaper
Rosa: Rose
Caterina: Pure or innocent
Giulia: Youthful
Giovanna: God is gracious
Beatrice: Bringer of happiness or blessed
Boy names:
Giuseppe: God will add or increase
Giovanni: God is gracious
Antonio: Priceless or Flower
Luigi: Famous warrior or renowned fighter
Francesco: Freeman or Frenchman
Stefano: Crown or wreath
Marco: Warlike or dedicated to Mars (the Roman god of war)
Matteo: Gift of God
Alessandro: Defender of mankind
Roberto: Bright fame or renowned glory
Leonardo: Brave lion or strong lion
Paolo: Small or humble
What is the prettiest Italian girl's name?
There’s so much beauty pervading each and every place in Italy that it’s not possible to capture it in words.
The country’s thriving history of arts boasts a legacy of some pure masterpieces, that have solidified beauty as a hallmark of Italian artistic quality and culture.
Taking them all together, you would be hard-pressed not to acknowledge the romantic effeminacy and abundant beauty that Italian names for girls effuse.
Take a look for yourself:
Beautiful Italian baby girl names:
Isabella: Devoted to God or pledged to God.
Sophia: Wisdom or wise.
Giulia: Youthful or youthful beauty.
Aurora: Dawn or morning.
Valentina: Strong or vigorous.
Serena: Serene or calm.
Chiara: Bright or clear.
Francesca: Free one or from France.
Elena: Shining light or bright one.
Alessia: Defender or protector of mankind.
Final Thoughts
Italian names, vibrant and lyrical, are stand-out choices for your little bundle of joy! To keep the ball rolling with Italian monikers, immerse yourself in our compilation, spanning the top Italian baby boy names with their meanings, as well as the best baby girl names and their meaning!