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324 Mexican baby names and their meanings

Writer's picture: Kostas DrakatosKostas Drakatos

Updated: Oct 6, 2023

Mexico is seen as an intoxicating brew of diverse nationalities gushing with a vibrant culture that's evolved over centuries. Four hundred years of Spanish colonialism have dramatically influenced all the realms of Mexico’s social fabric.

As a consequence, Mexican culture boasts a surpassingly unique and rich cultural tapestry.

This splendid blend of histories, cultures, and traditions is deeply reflected in Mexican baby names; the Spanish culture has touched these names, leaving an indelible mark of poetic beauty.

So, if you are a proud American with either Mexican or Spanish roots, don’t lose sight of our top Mexican names and their meanings.

Mexican baby girl names:

  1. Adriana - The feminine form of Adrian (a name of Latin roots). Adriana means "Dark, from Adria."

  2. Alejandra - The feminine version of Alejandro, meaning Defender of mankind

  3. Alicia - Noble

  4. Alma - Nurturing, Soul

  5. Amara - Eternal, Everlasting, Immortal or Grace

  6. Amelia - Work

  7. Ana - Gracious

  8. Anabel - Of Spanish roots, meaning Graceful and Beautiful

  9. Andrea - Courageous or manly

  10. Antonia - Priceless or beautiful

  11. Araceli - Altar of the sky

  12. Ariadna - Most holy

  13. Azucena - Madonna lily

  14. Bárbara - Stranger or Foreign

  15. Beatriz - Bringer of joy

  16. Belén - Bethlehem or house of bread

  17. Bianca - White or shining

  18. Blanca - White or Fair

  19. Blanquita - Little white one or Bright, Shining

  20. Camila - Young ceremonial attendant

  21. Carla - Female version of Charles, meaning manly

  22. Carlota - Freeman or Frenchman

  23. Carmen - Song or Garden

  24. Carolina - Free man

  25. Catalina - A Spanish form of Katherine, meaning Pure

  26. Cecilia - Blind

  27. Cielo - Sky or Heaven

  28. Citlali - Star (Nahuatl origin)

  29. Clara - Bright or clear

  30. Concepción - Conception

  31. Consuelo - Consolation, Comfort

  32. Cristina - Follower of Christ

  33. Daniela - God is my judge

  34. Debora - A Hispanic baby girl name, which comes from the Hebrew name Deborah. Debora means "Bee."

  35. Diana - Divine or heavenly

  36. Dolores - Sorrows

  37. Dulce - Sweet

  38. Elena - Shining light

  39. Elisa - God is my oath

  40. Elvira - All true or white

  41. Emilia - Rival or industrious

  42. Esmeralda - Emerald

  43. Esperanza - Hope

  44. Estela - Star

  45. Estrella - Star

  46. Eva - Life

  47. Fabiola - Bean grower

  48. Felicia - Fortunate or happy

  49. Fernanda - Adventurous or brave journey

  50. Flor - Flower

  51. Francisca - Free man

  52. Gabriela - God is my strength

  53. Gloria - Glory

  54. Gracia - Grace

  55. Graciela - Grace

  56. Guadalupe - River of the wolf (refers to the Virgin of Guadalupe)

  57. Inez - Pure or virginal

  58. Isabela - Devoted to God

  59. Isidora - Gift of Isis

  60. Itzayana - Gift of God (Mayan origin)

  61. Itzel - Rainbow lady/goddess or star of the aurora sky (Mayan origin)

  62. Jacinta - Hyacinth flower

  63. Jimena - Listener

  64. Josefina - God will increase

  65. Juana - God is gracious

  66. Julia - Youthful or downy

  67. Karina - Beloved or dear

  68. Leticia - Joy or happiness

  69. Liliana - Lily

  70. Lilis - Lily

  71. Linda - Pretty

  72. Lola - Sorrows (diminutive of Dolores)

  73. Lorena - Crowned with laurels

  74. Lucero - Bright star

  75. Lucia - Light

  76. Luisa - Famous warrior

  77. Lupe - River of the wolf (short for Guadalupe)

  78. Luz - Light

  79. Luzma - Combination of Luz and Maria

  80. Magdalena - From Magdala

  81. Manuela - God is with us

  82. Margarita - Pearl

  83. Maria - Wished-for child or rebellion

  84. Mariana - Blend of Maria and Ana

  85. Maribel - Combination of Maria and Isabel

  86. Maricela - Combination of Maria and Cielo

  87. Marisol - Sea and sun

  88. Marlen - Combination of Maria and Elena

  89. Marta - Lady

  90. Maya - Water and Illusion or Magic

  91. Mercedes - Mercies

  92. Micaela - Who is like God?

  93. Mireya - Miracle

  94. Monica - Advisor or solitary

  95. Montserrat - Jagged mountain

  96. Natalia - Born on Christmas Day

  97. Nayeli - I love you (Zapotec origin)

  98. Nieve - Snow

  99. Noelia - Christmas

  100. Nora - Light or honor

  101. Olivia - Olive tree

  102. Oralia - Golden

  103. Paloma - Dove

  104. Patricia - Noble

  105. Paula - Small or humble

  106. Paz - Peace

  107. Perlita - Little pearl

  108. Pilar - Pillar (referring to the Virgin Mary)

  109. Quetzalli - Precious feather or quetzal bird (Nahuatl origin)

  110. Rafaela - God has healed

  111. Ramona - Wise protector

  112. Raquel - Ewe or sheep

  113. Rebeca - To tie or bind

  114. Reina - Queen

  115. Renata - Reborn

  116. Rocio - Dew or Dewdrops

  117. Rosa - Rose

  118. Rosalia - Garland of roses

  119. Rosario - Rosary

  120. Salma - Safe

  121. Sandra - Defender of mankind

  122. Sara - Princess or joy and happiness

  123. Silvia - Forest

  124. Sofía - Wisdom

  125. Sol - A beautiful Hispanic girl name, that means Sun.

  126. Soledad - Solitude

  127. Susana - Lily

  128. Talia - Morning dew

  129. Teresa - Harvester

  130. Valentina - Strong or brave

  131. Valeria - To be strong

  132. Vanesa - Butterfly

  133. Veronica - She who brings victory

  134. Victoria - Victory

  135. Vida - Life

  136. Violeta - Violet

  137. Ximena - Listener

  138. Xochitl - Flower (Nahuatl origin)

  139. Yadira - Friend

  140. Yara - Small butterfly

  141. Yaretzi - You will always be loved (Nahuatl origin)

  142. Yazmin - Jasmine

  143. Yesenia - Palm Tree or Floral

  144. Yolanda - Yolanda is a Hispanic girl name, meaning Violet flower

  145. Zara - Princess

  146. Zarita - Little Sara

  147. Zenaida - Life of Zeus

  148. Zoe - Life

  149. Zulema - Peace

Make sure not to miss our complete list of Mexican girl names.

Mexican boy names:

  1. Adán - Man or of the Earth

  2. Adelmo - Noble protector

  3. Adrián - From Adria or Dark One

  4. Agustín - The exalted one

  5. Alejandro - Defender of mankind

  6. Alfonso - Noble and prepared

  7. Amado - Loved

  8. Amancio - Loving

  9. Andrés - Manly or brave

  10. Ángel - Angel or messenger

  11. Antonio - Priceless or of inestimable worth

  12. Apolinar - Belonging to Apollo

  13. Armando - Soldier or warrior

  14. Arturo - Noble or courageous

  15. Aurelio - Golden

  16. Baltazar - God protect the king

  17. Benedicto - The Spanish form of Benedict (Latin origin), meaning Blessed

  18. Benito - Diminutive of Benedicto

  19. Bernardo - Brave as a bear

  20. Beto - Noble, bright

  21. Bienvenido - Welcome

  22. Braulio - Flash, gleam

  23. Bruno - Brown-haired or Brown

  24. Calixto - Beautiful

  25. Camilo - Young ceremonial attendant

  26. Carlos - Manly or free man

  27. Casimiro - Proclaims peace

  28. Cayo - Rejoice

  29. Celestino - Heavenly

  30. César - Hairy or long-haired

  31. Chuy - God is salvation

  32. Claudio - Lame

  33. Cristóbal - Bearer of Christ

  34. Cruz - Cross

  35. Dámaso - Tame

  36. Damián - To tame

  37. Daniel - God is my judge.

  38. David - Beloved.

  39. Demetrio - Follower of Demeter.

  40. Desiderio - Desired.

  41. Diego - Related to Supplanter

  42. Dionisio - Follower of Dionysus

  43. Donato - Given

  44. Eduardo - Wealthy guardian

  45. Efrén - Fruitful

  46. Elías - The Lord is my God

  47. Elio - Sun

  48. Eliseo - God is salvation

  49. Eloy - Choice

  50. Emiliano - Rival

  51. Emilio - Rival

  52. Enrique - Home ruler

  53. Ernestino - Serious

  54. Ernesto - Serious or resolute

  55. Esteban - Crown

  56. Eulalio - Sweetly-speaking

  57. Ezequiel - God will strengthen

  58. Fausto - Fortunate

  59. Federico - Peaceful ruler

  60. Feliciano - Fortunate

  61. Felipe - Lover of horses

  62. Fermín - Strong

  63. Fernando - Adventurous or bold journey

  64. Fidel - Faithful

  65. Florencio - Flourishing

  66. Francisco - Free man

  67. Gabriel - God is my strength

  68. Gael - Stranger

  69. Gerardo - Spear ruler

  70. Gertrudis - Strong spear

  71. Gervasio - Spear servant

  72. Gilberto - Bright pledge

  73. Gonzalo - Battle

  74. Guillermo - Resolute protector

  75. Gustavo - Staff of the gods

  76. Hermenegildo - Complete sacrifice

  77. Hernán - Adventurous

  78. Hilario - Cheerful

  79. Horacio - Timekeeper

  80. Hugo - Heart, spirit, or mind

  81. Ignacio - Fiery

  82. Inocencio - Innocent

  83. Isaías - Salvation of the Lord

  84. Isandro - Free man

  85. Isidro - Gift of Isis

  86. Jacinto - Hyacinth

  87. Jairo - He shines

  88. Javier - New house

  89. Jeremías - God will uplift

  90. Jerónimo - Sacred name

  91. Jesús - God is salvation

  92. Joaquín - Raised by Yahweh

  93. Jorge - Farmer

  94. José - He will add

  95. Jovito - Jupiter

  96. Juan - God is gracious

  97. Julio - Youthful

  98. Ladislao - Rules with glory

  99. Lázaro - God has helped

  100. Leocadio - Clear, bright

  101. Leonardo - Brave lion

  102. Leopoldo - Brave people

  103. Lionel - Young lion

  104. Lorenzo - From Laurentum

  105. Lucas - From Lucania

  106. Luis - Famous warrior

  107. Manuel - God is with us

  108. Marcelino - Little warrior

  109. Marcelo - Young warrior

  110. Marcos - God of war

  111. Mario - Male, manly, brave

  112. Martín - Warlike

  113. Mateo - Gift of God

  114. Mauricio - Dark-skinned

  115. Maurilio - Dark-skinned or Moor

  116. Maximiliano - Greatest

  117. Maximo - Greatest

  118. Miguel - The one is like God

  119. Modesto - Modest

  120. Moisés - Drawn out of water

  121. Nemesio - Just

  122. Néstor - Return

  123. Nicanor - Victor or Conqueror

  124. Nicolás - People's victory

  125. Octavio - Eighth

  126. Odón - Wealthy protector

  127. Orlando - Famous land

  128. Óscar - God spear, gentle friend

  129. Osvaldo - God's power

  130. Otilio - Wealthy

  131. Pablo - Little, Small or Humble

  132. Pascual - Related to Passover

  133. Patricio - Noble

  134. Pedro - Rock or stone

  135. Plácido - Calm

  136. Porfirio - Purple

  137. Prudencio - Cautious

  138. Quirino - Spear

  139. Rafael - God has healed

  140. Ramiro - Wise protector

  141. Ramón - Wise protector

  142. Raúl - Wolf counsel

  143. Remigio - Oarsman.

  144. René - Reborn.

  145. Reynaldo - Counsel power

  146. Ricardo - Powerful leader

  147. Roberto - Bright fame

  148. Rodrigo - Famous ruler

  149. Rogelio - Request

  150. Rubén - Behold, a son

  151. Salvador - Savior

  152. Samuel - Asked of God

  153. Sandro - Defender of mankind

  154. Santiago - Saint James

  155. Santos - Saints

  156. Sergio - Servant

  157. Silverio - Wooded or wild

  158. Simón - He has heard

  159. Tadeo - Praise

  160. Teodoro - Gift of God

  161. Timoteo - Honoring God

  162. Tito - Honored, of the Giants

  163. Tomás - Twin

  164. Ubaldo - Bold

  165. Ulises - In the Spanish language, Ulises is the form of Ulysses (Latin origin). The name refers to Greek mythology and the famous hero Odysseus. Ulises means Wrathful

  166. Urbano - From the city

  167. Valentín - Health, love

  168. Vasco - Basque

  169. Venancio - Hunting

  170. Vicente - Conquering

  171. Victor - Victor

  172. Vidal - Life

  173. Yael - Mountain goat

  174. Zacarías - It's a Hispanic boy name, in particular the Spanish version of the name Zechariah (Hebrew origin). Zacarias means "The Lord remembers," or "God has remembered"

  175. Zeferino - West wind

Make sure not to miss our complete list of Mexican boy names.

Frequently asked questions

What are some rare Mexican names?

We’ve compiled a list running a unique gamut of rare Mexican names; all of them deriving their appalling beauty from the awe-inspiring landscapes of Mexico.

Filled with shades of beautiful meanings and utterly unique, the following names bring to light the Mexicans’ unwavering connection with nature; this bond has been a major source of inspiration for their cultural traditions and signally advances their beauty:

  1. Xóchitl - This name means "flower" in Nahuatl, an indigenous language spoken in Mexico.

  2. Itzel - This name has a Mayan origin and means "rainbow lady." It's a rare and beautiful name that's not often heard outside of Mexico or Central America.

  3. Erendira - This name means "smiling."

  4. Yaretzi - This name means "you will always be loved" in Nahuatl.

  5. Tizoc - This name has an Aztec origin and means "sharpener of arrows."

  6. Coatl - This name means "snake" in Nahuatl.

  7. Mixtli - This name means "cloud" in Nahuatl.

  8. Quetzalli - This name means "precious feather" or "beautiful feather" in Nahuatl.

What is the prettiest Mexican girl's name?

Who can tell what defines beauty properly; Beauty is rather subjective than a uniform quality of all things. Yet, this doesn’t make Mexican girl names one whit the less beautiful and unique!

Distinctly charming and resonating with joyful and meaningful connotations, the following popular names for girls are the epitome of sublimity:

  1. Guadalupe - This name is derived from the Nahuatl language and means "river of black stones."

  2. Frida - This name is of German origin and means "peaceful ruler." It is associated with the iconic Mexican artist Frida Kahlo and has become a popular name in Mexico and around the world.

  3. Ana - This name is of Spanish origin and means "gracious" or "full of grace." It is a simple and classic name that is widely used in Mexico.

  4. Jimena - This name is of Spanish origin and means "listener."

  5. Ximena - This name is derived from the Basque language and means "hearkening." It is a popular name in Mexico and has a unique and exotic sound.

  6. Natalia - This name is of Latin origin and means "born on Christmas Day."

  7. Valentina - This name is of Latin origin and means "strong" or "healthy."

What is a good Mexican name for a boy?

Here are some Mexican boy names for your cutie to write home about:

  1. Santiago - Santiago means "Saint James" in Spanish. It is derived from the Latin name Sanctus Iacobus, which refers to the apostle James, one of the twelve disciples of Jesus. Santiago is a popular name in Mexico and other Spanish-speaking countries,

  2. Diego - Diego means "supplanter" or "he who replaces" in Spanish. It is a Spanish version of the name James.

  3. Carlos - Carlos means "strong" or "free man" in Spanish. It is a Spanish version of the name Charles, derived from the Germanic name Karl.

  4. Mateo - Mateo means "gift of God" in Spanish. It is a Spanish form of the name Matthew, which has Hebrew origins.

  5. Luis - Luis means "famous warrior" or "renowned fighter" in Spanish. It is a Spanish form of the name Louis, which has Germanic origins.

  6. Emiliano - Emiliano means "rival" or "emulating" in Spanish. It is a Spanish form of the name Aemilianus, derived from the Roman family name Aemilius. Juan - Juan means "gracious" or "God is gracious" in Spanish. It is a Spanish form of the name John, which has Hebrew origins.

  7. Alejandro - Alejandro means "defender" or "protector" in Spanish. It is a Spanish form of the name Alexander, which has Greek origins.

What are some rare Mexican girl names?

Looking for a unique Mexican name for your girl? Infused with ancient roots and majestic meanings, the following names are particularly appealing to Mexican parents and will single-handedly inspire you:

  1. Citlali - This name means "star" in Nahuatl, an indigenous language spoken in Mexico. It's a rare and beautiful name that's not often heard outside of Mexico.

  2. Ximena - This name is derived from the Basque language and means "hearkening." It's a unique and exotic name that's gaining popularity in Mexico and other Spanish-speaking countries.

  3. Tsitsiki - This name means "flower" in Nahuatl.

  4. Ameyalli - This name means "gift of God" in Nahuatl.

  5. Malinalli - This name means "grass" or "herb" in Nahuatl.

  6. Xochiquetzal - This name means "precious flower" in Nahuatl.

  7. Atzi - This name means "rain" in Nahuatl.

  8. Iztel - This name means "rainbow Goddess" or "moon Goddess" in Nahuatl.

Final thoughts

Overall, we hope that our list helped you decide which name fits your darling girl! Looking for more inspiration? Bask in our list of the top Mexican baby boy names and their meaning and the best Mexican baby girl names and their meaning.



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