Has it ever occurred to you that the most magical moments happen when we overcome our fate? Baby names that mean faith can contribute to those moments.
Now, faith, which comes from Latin fiedes and Old French feid, comes into play when we put things into perspective: Imagine that you’re inside a gloomy tunnel.
You take some steps forward, only to be enveloped again by pitch-black darkness. You feel your way some steps further and, once again, find no way out. Your fate seems to suck you into the dark void.
But, if you keep moving forward and hold on to your faith, that passingly gloomy impasse might turn into a sunlit gateway off the deep end.
This path - whether it’s spiritual or not - reminds us of the immense power of faith and the importance of never ceasing to believe in our dreams. While nothing is unearned, the cards are not inescapably stacked against us!
And, giving your baby a touchingly confident name that means faith can inspire them to faithfully pursue their dreams and take that path, no matter what.
In this article:
With that in mind, here is a cocktail of the top 65 names that mean faith - let's toast to life, faith, and hope.
Baby girl names names that mean faith:
Amil: Of Arabic origin, meaning "hope."
Amina: Of Arabic origin, meaning "trustworthy."
Ashia: Of Arabic origin, meaning "hope."
Chrissy: Of Irish origin, meaning "believer of Christ."
Creda: Of English origin, meaning "faith."
Eiddwen: Of Welsh origin, meaning "faith."
Emani: A variant of "Imani" which means "faith."
Emuna: A Hebrew girl name, meaning "faith."
Emunah: Of Hebrew origin, meaning "faithfulness."
Esperanza: Of Spanish origin, meaning "hope."
Fe: Of Spanish origin, meaning "faith."
Fey: Of Spanish origin, a variant of "Fe."
Fidelia: Of Latin origin, meaning "faithful."
Fideline: Of Latin origin, meaning "faithful."
Fidessa: Of English origin, derived from Latin "fides," meaning "faith."
Hiwa: Of Kurdish origin, meaning "hope."
Imani: Of Swahili origin, meaning "faith."
Jap: Of Sanskrit origin, meaning "chanting, to repeat."
Nada: Of Slavic origin, meaning "hope." The name Nada is associated with "faith."
Ne'emanah: Of Hebrew origin, meaning "faithful."
Nia: Of Swahili origin, meaning "resolve, purpose."
Pistis: Of Greek origin, the name of the goddess of trust and faith.
Saddha: Of Pali origin, meaning "faith" in Buddhism.
Shraddha: Of Sanskrit origin, meaning "faith, trust."
Tumaini: Of Swahili origin, meaning "hope, faith."
Tumani: Of Swahili origin, meaning "hope."
Vera: Of Russian origin, meaning "faith."
Verity: Of English origin, meaning "truth," associated with faithfulness.
Viera: Of Slovak origin, meaning "faith."
Baby boy names that mean faith:
Affan: Of Arabic origin, meaning "forgiving, pardoning."
Amanaki: Of Polynesian origin, meaning "hope."
Amani: Of Swahili origin, meaning "faith."
Amin: Of Arabic origin, meaning "faithful, trustworthy."
Arman: Of Persian origin, meaning "wish, hope," associated with faith.
Barloc: Of American and Celtic origin, meaning "strong warrior filled with love and hope"
Bharosa: Of Indian origin, meaning "trust, faith."
Chislon: Of Biblical origin, meaning "hopeful" and "confident"
Creed: Of English origin, derived from Latin "credo," meaning "I believe."
Daemyn: A variant of "Amin."
Deen: Of Arabic origin, meaning "religion, faith."
Deene: A gender-neutral name of French origin, meaning "hope."
Dillon: Of Welsh origin, meaning "like a lion, loyal"
Emani: A variant of "Iman."
Emon: A variation of "Iman."
Emun: Of Hebrew origin, meaning "faith."
Fidel: Of Latin origin, meaning "faithful."
Fido: Of Latin origin, meaning "faithful."
Fidus: Of Latin origin, meaning "faithful."
Iman: Of Arabic origin, meaning "faith, belief."
Imani: Of Swahili origin, meaning "faith."
Kibou: Of Japanese origin, meaning "filled with hope."
Loy: Of Old French origin, derived from "loyal."
Mahaz: Of Biblical origin, meaning "growing hope."
Mfidie: Of Akan (Ghana) origin, meaning "faith."
Minn: Of Old German origin, meaning "faithful."
Rahni: Of Sanskrit origin, meaning "faithful, reliable."
Salah: A popular name of Islamic origin, meaning "goodness."
Sadiki: Of Swahili origin, meaning "faithful."
Thiqah: Of Arabic origin, meaning "trust, confidence."
Tiernan: Of Irish origin, meaning "little lord, master," associated with faith.
Truman: Of Old English origin, meaning "faithful man."
Trust: Of English origin, meaning "reliable, faithful."
Vero: A baby boy name, derived from Latin, meaning "truth, faith."
Vishwas: Of Sanskrit origin, meaning "faith, trust."
Wafai: Of Arabic origin, meaning "loyalty, faithfulness."
Frequently Asked Questions:
What’s a name that means faith?
Have you ever listened to the fluttering leaves when swept by the wind? Have you followed them with your thoughts?
Just like those leaves, our lives too often find themselves in the throes of tempestuous and thunderous storms. What will you do then? Will you wait to see the way the cat jumps and let yourself get carried away by the storm?
Of course not! Having some faith during difficult circumstances can do wonders. Why not start by giving your baby a name that means faith?
That said, here are some lovely choices for your little bundle of joy:
Faith meaning names for boys:
Emun - A Hebrew name that means "faith".
Amin - An Arabic name meaning "trustworthy" or "faithful".
Fidel - Of Latin origin, this name means "faithful".
Vishwas - A Sanskrit name commonly used in India, meaning "faith" or "trust".
Iman - An Arabic name meaning "faith" or "belief". It's used for both boys and girls, but more commonly for boys in many cultures.
Dillon/Dylan - Of Welsh origin, this name can mean "faithful" or "loyal".
Eamon - An Irish name meaning "guardian" or "the protector", which conveys a sense of trust and faithfulness.
Faith meaning names for girls:
Imani - This is of African origin and it means "faith" in Swahili.
Niamh (pronounced NEEV) - An Irish name meaning "brightness, radiance", it's often associated with faith and hope.
Vera - Of Russian origin, this name means "faith".
Asta - Of Norse origin, meaning "divine strength" or "faith".
Esperanza - This name is of Spanish origin and means "hope", which is closely linked to the concept of faith.
Shraddha - A Sanskrit name commonly used in India, meaning "faith" or "devotion".
What name in the Bible means faith?
Several Biblical figures embody the spirit of faithful devotion to God through their stories and actions: You’ve guessed it; There isn’t a Biblical name directly translating to faith.
Here are some Biblical names associated with faith:
Abraham (Abram): He is known as the "father of faith" because of his unwavering trust in God, especially when asked to sacrifice his son Isaac.
Elijah: A prophet who displayed great faith during his confrontations with the prophets of Baal and throughout his ministry.
Thomas: One of Jesus' disciples, he is sometimes called "Doubting Thomas" because he initially doubted Jesus' resurrection. However, when he encountered the risen Christ, his faith was confirmed. His name doesn't mean "faith," but his story is often used to discuss aspects of belief and doubt.
Peter (Simon Peter): Despite his denial of Jesus during the crucifixion, Peter's faith grew, and he became a foundational figure in early Christianity.
Paul (Saul): Once a persecutor of Christians, Paul underwent a profound conversion and became one of the most influential apostles, spreading the message of Christianity with deep faith.
What do names that mean Faith mean for girls?
Have you ever wondered about the power of faith? Christians believe that if we have a kernel of faith, we can move mountains.
Not literally, of course, but even a modicum of faith is truly a wonderworker superpower; you might not be able to move mountains, but nonetheless, you are certainly to take command of the ship when it’s hit with curveballs.
A name that means faith is just a speck of this superpower that can grant your girl a miraculously gifted life, echoing the vibrant stir of a mountain; resonant with limitless potential and full of wonders!
What name means gift from God?
Here are some beautiful choices for your baby that exude an invigorating and otherworldly aura, owing to their captivating meaning:
Boy names that mean faith:
Theodore (Theo) - Of Greek origin, meaning "God-given" or "gift of God".
Matthias/Matthew - Of Hebrew origin, meaning "gift of Yahweh".
Jonathan - Of Hebrew origin, meaning "God has given".
Nathaniel/Nathan - Hebrew names meaning "gift of God".
Bogdan - Of Slavic origin, meaning "given by God" or "gift from God".
Eldad - A Hebrew name meaning "God has loved" or can be seen as a type of gift from God in terms of love.
Shiloh - A Hebrew name that can mean "his gift".
Seth - A Hebrew name that means "placed" or "appointed".
Ataullah - An Arabic name meaning "gift from God".
Girls' names that mean faith:
Dorothea/Dorothy - Greek origin, the feminine form of Theodore, meaning "gift of God".
Final thoughts
In conclusion, faith appears to be a form of secret knowledge, serving somewhat as a propellant that urges us forward during difficult times.
Whether through belief in God or a greater existence, people have managed to endure monumentally unfavorable circumstances throughout history.
Faith also comes into play when we have a strong belief in ourselves and our unique strength to excel past the limits of our abilities, especially when failure looms large.
Allow this sacred knowledge to imbue your child, and rest assured, they will have nothing to fear!