Have you ever thought of naming your child after a famous Russian ballerina or imagined her dancing to the mesmerizing rhythm of Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake? That would be awesome, right? Why not going through our list of Russian baby girl names and getting inspired?
While watching your beloved girl blossom into a great dancer might remain a dream, why not give her the chance to stand out with a wonderfully unique Russian name?
Packed with bounteous soulful depth and poetic beauty and rooted in the cultural phenomena of the 19th and 20th centuries, Russian names go hand in hand with the glorious artistic and literary wonders that have left an indelible mark on popular culture.
Can you sense the breathable, intoxicating “wind of change” in the bustling streets of Moscow, radiant and glowing with hope, when uttering names like “Anastasia,” or the luminous "Svetlana?”
These names capture the essence of humanity, offering hopeful nudges toward the first peaceful rays of the sun after a long winter!
Filled with an irresistibly alluring aura, Russian names, such as “Irina” and “Yulia,” will earn a place in your heart, while “Katerina” might just give your baby girl the kick of inspiration and charm!
All in all, it is no wonder that Russian girl names have captured the hearts of parents worldwide. These select names are simply wonderful!
In this article:
Read on and take a glimpse at our list of the top 172 Russian baby girl names and their meanings:
Russian female names:
Ada (Ада) - "Adornment" in Hebrew or "Nobility" in German.
Agafya (Агафья) - Agafya is the Russian variation of the Greek "Agathos," which means Good.
Aglaya (Аглая) - The Russian variant of the Greek "Aglaia," meaning Beauty.
Aksinya (Аксинья) - The Russian variant of the Greek "Xenia," meaning Hospitality.
Albina (Альбина) - White.
Aleksandra (Александра) - The feminine version of Alexandr, meaning Defender of mankind.
Alfia (Альфия) - Garden of Heaven.
Alinka (Алинка) - Noble or Light.
Alisa (Алиса) - Noble.
Alla (Алла) - To ascend or To go up
Almira (Альмира) - Princess.
Alyona (Алёна) - Torch.
Alyosha (Алёша) - Noble.
Amalia (Амалия) - Work.
Amaliya (Амалия) - Work.
Amina (Амина) - Trustworthy.
Anastasia (Анастасия) - Resurrection.
Anfisa (Анфиса) - Flower.
Angelina (Ангелина) - Angel.
Anika (Аника) - Gracious.
Anita (Анита) - Gracious.
Anna (Анна) - Grace.
Antonina (Антонина) - Priceless.
Anzhelika (Анжелика) - Angelic.
Ariadna (Ариадна) - Holy.
Ariana (Ариана) - Very holy.
Asel (Асель) - Honey.
Astra (Астра) - Star.
Asya (Ася) - Resurrection, short for Anastasia.
Avdotya (Авдотья) - To seem well.
Bella (Белла) - Beautiful.
Bogdana (Богдана) - Given by God.
Boleslava (Болеслава) - Great glory.
Bronislava (Бронислава) - Glorious protector.
Dana (Дана) - God is my judge.
Danara (Данара) - Wealthy.
Dariya (Дария) - Wealthy.
Darya (Дарья) - Wealthy.
Dinara (Динара) - Coin.
Domnika (Домника) - Belonging to the Lord.
Dunya (Дуня) - Diminutive of Avdotya (a name of Russian origin), meaning World.
Dusya (Дуся) - To seem well (To be happy).
Ekaterina (Екатерина) - Pure.
Elena (Елена) - Shining light.
Elizaveta (Елизавета) - My God is an oath.
Elmira (Эльмира) - Noble.
Elza (Эльза) - Noble.
Emilia (Эмилия) - Rival.
Emiliya (Эмилия) - Rival.
Ester (Эстер) - Star.
Eva (Ева) - Life.
Evgenia (Евгения) - Well-born.
Evpraksiya (Евпраксия) - Good conduct.
Faina (Фаина) - Shining.
Fedora (Федора) - Divine gift.
Fekla (Фекла) - Glory of God.
Felitsiya (Фелиция) - Lucky.
Galina (Галина) - Calm.
Galya (Галя) - Diminutive of Galina.
Gera (Гера) - Soldier.
Greta (Грета) - Pearl.
Illa (Илла) - The best, of superior quality.
Ilona (Илона) - Torch, Shining Light
Inessa (Инесса) - Innocent.
Inna (Инна) - Strong water or Little Girl.
Ira (Ира) - Peace.
Irina (Ирина) - Peace.
Irma (Ирма) - Whole.
Isabella (Изабелла) - Pledged to God.
Isidora (Исидора) - The female form of Isidoros (Greek origin), meaning Gift of Isis.
Izolda (Изольда) - She who is gazed upon.
Kapitolina (Капитолина) - Capitol.
Karina (Карина) - Dear.
Karolina (Каролина) - Free woman.
Kira (Кира) - Lord.
Klara (Клара) - Clear, bright.
Kristina (Кристина) - Follower of Christ.
Ksenia (Ксения) - Hospitality.
Lada (Лада) - Goddess of Beauty.
Lana (Лана) - Light, Shining or Blessed
Larisa (Лариса) - Seagull.
Lera (Лера) - A Russian diminutive of Valeria, meaning Strength.
Lidiya (Лидия) - Woman from Lydia.
Liliya (Лилия) - Lily.
Lina (Лина) - Tender.
Lola (Лола) - Sorrows.
Lyalya (Ляля) - Diminutive of Lyudmila.
Lyuba (Люба) - Love.
Lyubov (Любовь) - Love.
Lyudmila (Людмила) - People's favor.
Madina (Мадина) - City in Saudi Arabia.
Makarina (Макарина) - Blessed.
Mara (Мара) - Bitter.
Margarita (Маргарита) - Pearl.
Maria (Мария) - Bitter or sea of sorrow.
Marina (Марина) - From the sea.
Marta (Марта) - Lady.
Maya (Майя) - Magic or Illusion in Sanskrit and Courage or Bravery in the Maori language.
Mila (Мила) - Gracious, dear.
Milada (Милада) - Gracious or young.
Milena (Милена) - Gracious.
Nadezhda (Надежда) - Hope.
Naira (Найра) - Big eyes or Shining, Glittering.
Natalya (Наталья) - Born on Christmas Day.
Nelli (Нелли) - Shining light.
Nika (Ника) - Victory.
Nina (Нина) - Little girl or Favor, Grace. Nina was also the name of a Babylonian ocean Goddess.
Nonna (Нонна) - Ninth.
Oksana (Оксана) - Praise be to God.
Olena (Олена) - Torch.
Olesya (Олеся) - Holy.
Olga (Ольга) - Holy.
Palina (Палина) - Small, Little.
Pelagiya (Пелагия) - Sea.
Polina (Полина) - Little stone.
Rada (Рада) - Joy.
Radmila (Радмила) - Happy grace.
Raisa (Раиса) - Easy-going.
Raya (Рая) - Heaven.
Regina (Регина) - Queen.
Renata (Рената) - Reborn.
Rima (Рима) - Poetry.
Rita (Рита) - Pearl.
Roksana (Роксана) - Dawn.
Roza (Роза) - Rose.
Rufina (Руфина) - Red-haired.
Sabina (Сабина) - Ancient Italian tribe.
Sasha (Саша) - Defender of mankind, diminutive of Aleksandra.
Selena (Селена) - Moon.
Simona (Симона) - Listener.
Sofia (София) - Wisdom.
Sofiya (София) - Wisdom.
Sonya (Соня) - Wisdom.
Stasya (Стася) - Resurrection, diminutive of Anastasia.
Stella (Стелла) - Star.
Susanna (Сусанна) - Lily.
Svetlana (Светлана) - Light.
Taisiya (Таисия) - Goddess.
Tamara (Тамара) - Palm tree.
Tamilla (Тамилла) - Date palm.
Tanya (Таня) - Diminutive of Tatiana.
Tatiana (Татьяна) - Fairy queen.
Toma (Тома) - Twin.
Uliana (Ульяна) - Youthful.
Ulyana (Ульяна) - Youthful.
Ustinya (Устинья) - Just.
Valentina (Валентина) - Strong, healthy.
Valeriya (Валерия) - Strength.
Varvara (Варвара) - Foreign woman.
Vasilisa (Василиса) - Queen.
Venera (Венера) - Venus.
Vera (Вера) - Faith.
Veronika (Вероника) - Bringing victory.
Vika (Вика) - Victory, diminutive of Viktoriya.
Viktoriya (Виктория) - The feminine form of the name Victor, which means Victory.
Violetta (Виолетта) - Violet.
Vladislava (Владислава) - Glory of rule.
Yadviga (Ядвига) - Fight, battle.
Yana (Яна) - God is gracious.
Yaroslava (Ярослава) - Fierce and glorious.
Yelena (Елена) - Torch.
Yeva (Ева) - Life.
Yola (Ёла) - Violet flower.
Yulia (Юлия) - Youthful.
Zamira (Замира) - Thought.
Zara (Зара) - Radiance.
Zarina (Зарина) - Golden.
Zhenya (Женя) - Noble.
Zina (Зина) - Diminutive of Zinaida.
Zinaida (Зинаида) - Of Zeus.
Zlata (Злата) - Gold.
Zoya (Зоя) - Life.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a cute girl's name in Russia?
Russian girl names often have endearing diminutive forms, that add an extra layer of cuteness to their allure.
Here are some Russian names for girls with their cute diminutives:
Cute Russian baby names for girls:
Anastasia (Nastya): Of Greek origin, meaning "resurrection."
Alexandra (Sasha, Shura): Of Greek origin, meaning "defender of the people."
Alina (Alinochka): Of Slavic origin, believed to mean "bright" or "beautiful."
Anna (Anya, Annushka): Of Hebrew origin, meaning "grace" or "favor."
Ekaterina (Katya, Katenka): Russian version of Katherine, Greek origin, meaning "pure."
Elizaveta (Liza, Lizochka): Russian version of Elizabeth, Hebrew origin, meaning "God is my oath."
Elena (Lena, Lenochka): Russian version of Helen, Greek origin, meaning "torch," "shining light" or "bright one."
Irina (Ira, Irinochka): Greek origin, meaning "peace."
Maria (Masha, Mashenka): Russian form of Mary, Hebrew origin, meaning "bitter" or "wished-for child."
Natalia (Natasha, Nata): Of Latin origin, meaning "birth" or "Christmas Day."
Olga (Olya, Olenka): Of Scandinavian origin, meaning "holy" or "blessed."
Polina (Poli, Polinka): Possibly derived from Paulina, of Latin origin, meaning "small" or "humble."
Sofia (Sofa, Sofiechka): Of Greek origin, meaning "wisdom."
Svetlana (Sveta, Svetik): Of Slavic origin, meaning "light."
Tatiana (Tanya, Tanushka): Of Roman origin, the name of a Sabine and Roman saint.
Valentina (Valya, Valyusha): Of Latin origin, meaning "strong" or "healthy."
Victoria (Vika, Vikochka): Of Latin origin, meaning "victory."
Yulia (Yulya, Yulochka): Russian form of Julia, Latin origin, meaning "youthful" or "soft-haired."
Zlata (Zlatik, Zlatochka): Of Slavic origin, meaning "golden."
Daria (Dasha, Dashenka): Of Persian origin, meaning "possesses a lot" or "wealthy."
What is the prettiest Russian name?
It goes without saying that no singular choice could string together the distinct charms of beautiful Russian girl names.
As such, no name is granted unfaltering greatness, and, since absolute beauty can never be admitted into the distinctions of a name, here are some Russian names that are often admired for their melodic sound and significance:
Beautiful Russian girl names:
Anastasia (Анастасия): The feminine form of Anastasiy. It means "resurrection" and is often associated with royalty and the famous Russian Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna.
Ksenia (Ксения): This name has Greek origins, meaning "hospitality."
Tatiana (Татьяна): A classic Russian name with Roman origins.
Elizaveta (Елизавета): The Russian version of Elizabeth.
Natalia (Наталья): It means "birth" and is often associated with Christmas.
Ekaterina (Екатерина): The Russian variation of Katherine.
Maria (Мария): Timelessly elegant, this name is popular across many cultures.
Irina (Ирина): Meaning "peace," this name has ancient Greek roots.
Olesya (Олеся): A melodious name, often associated with the forest due to its roots in the name "Alesia."
Yulia (Юлия): The Russian variation of Julia, meaning "youthful."
What is the most used Russian girl's name?
According to Statista, here are the most popular Russian girl names in Moscow - from January to November 2021 -, in order of popularity:
Popular girl names in Russia:
Sofiya (София): Of Greek origin, meaning "wisdom."
Mariya (Мария): Russian form of Mary, which has Hebrew origins and is often interpreted as "bitter," "beloved," "rebellious," or "wished-for child."
Anna (Анна): A variation of Hannah from Hebrew, meaning "grace" or "favor."
Alisa (Алиса): Russian variation of Alice, of Germanic origin, meaning "noble."
Eva (Ева): The Russian form of Eve, which is of Hebrew origin, meaning "life" or "living."
Victoriya (Виктория): Russian form of Victoria, from Latin origin, meaning "victory."
Polina (Полина): Believed to be derived from Paulina, which is of Latin origin, meaning "small" or "humble."
Alexandra (Александра): Of Greek origin, meaning "defender of the people."
Elizaveta (Елизавета): The Russian form of Elizabeth, of Hebrew origin, meaning "God is my oath."
Varvara (Варвара): Russian form of Barbara, which is of Greek origin, meaning "foreign" or "strange."
What is the Russian girl's name for "flower?"
A female Russian name that means "flower" is "Tsvetana" (Цветана). Derived from the word "цветок" (tsvetok), which means "flower" in Russian, "Tsvetana" is a common female Russian name in Slavic countries like Bulgaria.
However, it's not a very common first name for girls in Russia itself. If you're looking for a nature-inspired name or a name touched with a flowery allure, the name "Rozaliya" (Розалия), which is related to roses, or "Liliya" (Лилия), which means "lily" can do the trick.
Final thoughts
Weaved into the rich tapestry of traditional Russian heritage and laced with its people’s strength and charismatic talents, Russian baby girl names are nothing short of a reflective mirror of Russia’s plethoric signal beauty.
If you wish to deep further into Russia’s wondrousness tap into our lists of the best Russian baby names and their meanings and of the top Russian baby boy names and their meanings.