Looking for a distinctive Spanish baby name for your little bundle of joy? We’ve managed to pool some of the most unique Spanish names that will leave a deep imprint on your cutie!
Hispanic names are steeped in Spanish culture, that dance to the rhythm of their ancient and gallant heritage.
Isn't it intriguing how Spanish names carry not one, but two surnames? It's a blend of a father's legacy and a mother's heritage, echoing the grand family narratives of Spanish society.
Spanish names also carry the melody of Spain’s profound history, whispering inspiring and bountifully pleasurable meanings. Can you hear the beautiful rhythm of 'Alegría', 'Esperanza', and 'Lucía'? These beautiful names capture the essence of hope, spurring us not to fling our cherished dreams to the wind!
Who can resist the charm of names like 'Renata' and 'Juventina', blooming with verve and the flowery passion of youth!
Still, more, popular names such as 'Isabel', 'Fernando', and 'Carlos' are the celebration of grace and elegance - a poetic ode to unique Spanish history!
In this article:
Heralded in ancient oral traditions and renowned for their mesmerizing lyricism here are the top 373 Spanish baby names and their meanings.
Spanish baby girl names:
Abril – April.
Adela – Noble or Serene.
Adriana – Dark.
Agustina – Venerable, esteemed, great, magnificent.
Aitana – Glory.Alba – Dawn or white.
Alegría – Joy.
Alicia – Noble.
Almudena – Sanctuary, referring to "Our Lady of Almudena" in Madrid or "Citadel" in Arabic.
Amaia – End, the beginning of the end.
Amalia – Hardworking or industrious.
Ambar – Amber.
Ana – Gracious or Merciful.
Anabel – Beautiful, Graceful.
Andrea – Courageous or Manly.
Ángela – Messenger of God.
Antonia – Priceless, invaluable, beautiful.
Araceli – Altar of the sky.
Arantxa – Thornbush.
Azahara – A pleasant and beautiful flower.
Azucena – Madonna Lily.
Bárbara – Stranger or foreign.
Beatriz – She who brings joy.
Belén – Bethlehem.
Belinda – Beautiful serpent.
Bienvenida – Welcome.
Blanca – White, pure.
Blasa – One who stutters.
Brisa – Breeze.
Camila – Young ceremonial attendant.
Candela – Candle.
Candelaria – Candle.
Caridad – Charity or dear, beloved.
Carla – Free woman.
Carlota – Little and strong.
Carmen – Garden or song.
Casilda – Dweller in the hooded cloak.
Catalina – Pure.
Cecilia – Blind to oneself's beauty.
Chiquinquirá – Named after the Virgin of Chiquinquirá.
Cielo – Sky.
Clara – Clear, bright.
Concepción – Conception.
Consuelo – Solace or consolation.
Cristina – Follower of Christ.
Dalia – Branch, bough of a tree.
Daniela – God is my judge.
Delfina – Dolphin.
Desideria – Desired.
Dolores – Sorrows.
Dulce – Sweet.
Elba – Dawn.
Elda – Battle.
Elena – Shining light.
Elisa – My God is an oath.
Elodia – Foreign riches.
Elvira – All true or trustworthy.
Emilia – Rival.
Encarnación – Incarnation.
Esmeralda – Emerald.
Esperanza – Hope.
Estefanía – Crown or garland.
Estela – Star.
Esther – Star.
Estrella – Star.
Eva – Life or Animal.
Evangelina – Good news.
Fabiola – Bean grower.
Fátima – Although of Arabic origin, this name is well-known in Spain due to its weighty religious importance; It means “daughter of the prophet.”
Faustina – Fortunate.
Felicia – Happy or lucky.
Fernanda – Adventurous, courageous.
Flor – Flower.
Florencia – Blooming.
Gabriela – God's strength.
Gerarda – Gerarda is the female form of Gerard and it means “Brave spear.”
Gertrudis – Strong Spear.
Gloria – Glory.
Gracia – Grace.
Graciela – Grace.
Guadalupe – River of the wolf.
Hada – Fairy, Noble spirit
Helena – Variant of Elena; shining light.
Hortensia – Garden.
Idoya – Pond.
Imelda – All-consuming battle.
Inés – Chaste, pure.
Inmaculada – Immaculate.
Irene – Peace.
Isabel – God is my oath or "Pledged to God."
Isabella – Devoted to God.
Jacinta – Hyacinth.
Jimena – Listener.
Josefina – God will increase.
Jovita – Jovial or Happy
Juana – God is gracious.
Julia – Youthful.
Julieta – Youthful.
Lara – Protection.
Laura – Laurel.
Leonor – Leonor is the Spanish version of "Eleanor" and it means "Light."
Leticia – Joy, happiness.
Lidia – Woman from Lydia or Beautiful One.
Liliana – Lily.
Lola – Sorrows (short form of Dolores).
Lorena – Crowned with laurel.
Lucía – Light.
Luisa – Famous warrior.
Lupe – Short for Guadalupe; River of the wolf
Lupita – From Guadalupe.
Luz – Light.
Magdalena – Woman from Magdala.
Malena – Woman from Magdala.
Manuela – God is with us.
Margarita – Pearl.
María – Wished-for child, or "of the sea," or bitter or beloved.
Mariana – Like Maria.
Maribel – Maria + Isabel.
Maricruz – Maria + Cruz (Cross).
Mariluz – Maria + Luz (Light).
Marisa – Of the sea.
Marisol – Maria + Sol (Sun).
Marta – Lady.
Matilde – Mighty in Battle
Melisa – Of Greek origins, Melissa means “Bee” or "Honey"
Mercedes – Our Lady of Mercy or Mary of Mercies
Micaela – Who is like God?
Milagros – Miracles.
Mireya – Miracle or admired
Modesta – Modest.
Montserrat – Of Latin origin, Montserrat means "Jagged mountain."
Nadia – Hope or Delicate or Fragile
Natalia – Birthday (referring to Christ's birthday).
Natividad – Nativity.
Nerea – Mine.
Nieves – Snows.
Noelia – Birthday of the Lord or Born on Christmas (referring to Christ's birth).
Nuria – Light.
Octavia – Eighth.
Odalys – Wealthy.
Olimpia – Of Greek origin, Olimpia is used in Spanish-speaking countries and refers, of course, to the mythical Mountain of Olympus.
Olivia – Olive tree or Peace
Paloma – Dove.
Pascuala – Child of Easter.
Paquita – Free
Pastora – Shepherdess.
Patricia – Noble.
Paula – Small.
Paz – Peace.
Perlita – Little pearl.
Perpetua – Perpetual, everlasting.
Pilar – Pillar.
Priscila – Ancient or Venerable.
Queralt – A Catalan name related to a mountain sanctuary.
Ramona – Wise protector.
Raquel – Ewe.
Rebeca – To bind or tie.
Reina – Queen.
Remedios – Remedies.
Renata – Reborn.
Rita – Pearl.
Rocío – Dew.
Rogelia – Famous spear.
Rosa – Rose.
Rosamaria – Combination of Rosa (Rose) and Maria.
Rosario – Rosary.
Rufina – Red-haired
Salomé – Peace.
Sancha – Sacred.
Sandra – Defender of mankind.
Sara – Princess.
Selena – Moon.
Silvia – Forest.
Sirena – Mermaid or Siren
Sofía – Wisdom.
Sol – Sun.
Soledad – Solitude
Susana – Lily.
Tania – Beautiful Princess.
Teodora – Gift of God.
Teresa – To harvest.
Tiziana – Female version of Tiziano, meaning "Honored."
Trinidad – Trinity.
Valentina – Brave, strong.
Valeria – To be strong.
Valeriana – To be strong.
Vera – Truth.
Verónica – True image.
Victoria – Victory.
Vida – Life.
Violeta – Violet.
Viviana – Alive.
Ximena – One who hears.
Yamilet – Beautiful, Elegant.
Yara – Small butterfly or Water Lady.
Yesenia – Flower.
Yolanda – Violet flower.
Zafiro – Sapphire.
Zarina – Golden.
Zoe - Life.
Don't miss our complete list of Spanish girl names.
Spanish baby boy names:
Abelardo - Noble strength or resolute
Adolfo - Noble or majestic wolf
Adrián - Son of Adria and Dark One
Agapito - Beloved
Agustín - Great, venerable, magnificent
Alberto - Noble and bright or famous
Alejandro - Defender of the people
Alfonso - Noble, ready
Alonso - Ready for battle or noble
Álvaro - Guardian, all guard, Elf warrior
Amado - Beloved
Amancio - Loving, who loves
Andrés - Manly, brave, warrior
Ángel - Angel, messenger of God
Antonio - Priceless, flower
Armando - Armed man or soldier
Baldomero - Bold, famous
Baltazar - Baal protects the King
Bautista - Baptist
Beltrán - Bright raven
Benedicto - Blessed
Benjamín - Son of my right hand
Bonifacio - Good destiny
Bruno - Brown
Candelario - Candle
Carlos - Freeman, valiant
Carmelo - Garden
César - Head of Hair
Ciro - Sun
Clemente - Merciful, gentle
Cornelio - Horn
Cristian - Follower of Christ
Cruz - Cross
Dámaso - Tame
Damián - To tame, subdue
Daniel - God is my judge
Dante - Enduring
David - Beloved
Demetrio - Folower of Demeter (goddess of the harvest)
Desiderio - Desired
Diego – Supplanter or Substitute
Dionisio - Follower of Dionysus (god of wine)
Domingo - Belonging to the Lord, "of the lord"
Eduardo - Wealthy guardian
Efrén - Fruitful
Eleuterio - Free
Elias - My God is Jehovah
Eliseo - God is my salvation
Eloy - Chosen one or High
Emilio - Rival
Enrique - Home ruler
Epifanio - Manifestation
Ernesto - Serious, earnest
Esteban - Crowned
Ezequiel - God will strengthen
Faustino - Lucky, fortunate
Fausto - Lucky
Federico - Peaceful ruler
Felipe - Lover of horses
Fernando - Adventurous, courageous
Fidel - Faithful
Florentino - Blooming
Francisco - Freeman
Fulgencio - Bright, brilliant
Gabriel - God is my strength or Hero of God
Gaspar - Treasurer or treasure bringer or master of the treasure
Gerardo - Brave spear
Gervasio - Spear servant
Giraldo - Spear rule
Gonzalo - Battle, war
Héctor - Holding fast
Hilario - Cheerful, happy
Hipólito - Freer of horses
Homero - Hostage or pledge
Horacio - Timekeeper
Hugo - Intelligent
Ignacio - Fiery, ardent
Iker - Visit, encounter
Indalecio - He who is like teacher, teacher-like
Inocencio - Innocent
Isaías - Salvation of the Lord
Isandro - Liberator
Isidro - Gift of Isis
Ismael - God will hear
Jacinto - Hyacinth
Jairo - He shines
Javier - New house
Jesús - God is salvation
Joaquín - God will judge
Jorge - Farmer
José - God will increase
Juan - God is gracious
Julio - Youthful
Justo - Just, righteous
Kiko – Blessed child or Child without equal or hope or beauty
Lázaro - God has helped
Leandro - Lionman
Leonardo - Brave as a lion
Leoncio - Lion
Leopoldo - Bold people
Lorenzo - From Laurentum
Lucas - Light
Ludovico - Famous warrior
Luis - Famous warrior
Manuel - God is with us
Marcelo - Little warrior
Marcos - Warlike, Mars (god of war)
Mario - Male, manly or warring
Martín - Warlike
Mateo - Gift of God
Matías - Gift of God
Mauricio - Dark-skinned, Moorish
Maximiliano - Greatest
Máximo - Greatest
Miguel - Who is like God?
Modesto - Modest
Narciso - Sleep, numbness
Natividad - Nativity, birth
Nereo - Water
Nestor - Traveler, homecoming
Nicolás - Victory of the people
Octavio - Eighth
Odón - Wealthy protector
Oriol - Golden
Oscar - God's spear
Pablo - Small
Paco - Free
Patricio - Patrician or Noble; form of Patrick
Pedro - Rock, stone
Plácido - Calm, gentle
Ponciano - From the personal name Ponciano (derived from Latin Pontianus)
Primo - First
Quico - Freeman (another nickname for Francisco)
Quintín - Fifth
Quirino - Spear
Rafael - God has healed
Ramón - Wise protector
Raúl - Wolf counsel
Remigio - Oarsman
Renato - Reborn
Reynaldo - King's advisor
Ricardo - Brave ruler
Roberto - Bright fame
Rodrigo - Famous power
Rogelio - Famous spear
Rosendo - Journey, path
Rubén - Behold, a son
Salvador - Savior
Samuel - God has heard
Santiago - Saint James
Sergio - Servant
Severo - Stern
Silvio - Wood, wild
Tadeo - Heart
Teodoro - Gift of God
Tito - Giant
Tomás - Twin
Ubaldo - Bold, brave, or mind
Ulderico - Power of the Wolf
Ulises - To be angry, to hate, wrathful
Urbano - City dweller
Valentín - Healthy, strong
Venancio - Hunter
Ventura - Good fortune
Vicente - Conquering
Víctor - Conqueror
Vidal - Life
Wilberto - Bright will
Wilfredo - Desiring peace
Ximeno - Son, kin
Yago - Supplanter (variant of Jacob)
Zacarías - The Lord remembers
Zenobio - Gift of Zeus or Host
Zenón – Living
Don't miss our complete list of Spanish boy names.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a pretty Spanish name?
While there are many Spanish names of undeniable beauty, choosing just one as the most distinct might not only be impossible but also unjust.
Overall, here are some Spanish names brimming with charm and unmistakable allure:
Spanish Girl names:
Isabella - "Pledged to God" or "God is my oath"
Sofia - "Wisdom" or "Wise"
Valentina - "Strong" or "Healthy"
Camila - "Attendant" or "Servant of the temple"
Luna - "Moon"
Emilia - "Rival" or "Striving"
Gabriela - "God is my strength" or "Heroine of God"
Natalia - "Christmas Day" or "Birthday (of the Lord)"
Aurora - "Dawn" or "Goddess of the dawn"
Clara - "Clear" or "Bright"
Spanish boy names:
Mateo - "Gift of God" or "Gift from Yahweh"
Santiago - "Saint James" or "Saint Jacob"
Leonardo - "Brave lion" or "Strong as a lion"
Gabriel - "God is my strength" or "Hero of God"
Alejandro - "Defender of men" or "Protector of mankind"
Adrián - "From the city of Hadria" or "Dark one"
Rafael - "God has healed" or "Healing from God"
Diego - "Supplanter" or "Substitute"
Andrés - "Manly" or "Brave"
Javier - "New house" or "Bright"
What is a popular baby name in Spain?
According to the most recent data from the Social Security Administration, Isla, Elena, and Emilia are among the 100 most popular baby names for girls.
As for boys, Mateo, Leo, and Santiago continue to be favorite choices among parents.
What are traditional Spanish names?
Derived chiefly from biblical stories and imbued with religious significance some celestially-inspired Hispanic names of unflinching popularity are:
Spanish baby girl names:
Ana: Ana is a name derived from Hebrew and means "grace" or "favor." It has biblical origins and is associated with Saint Anne, the mother of Mary, in the Christian tradition.
Carmen: Carmen is a Spanish name with Latin roots. It is believed to have originated from Mount Carmel in Israel, which holds religious significance in Christianity.
Dolores: Dolores means "sorrows" or "pains" in Spanish. It is often associated with the Virgin Mary under the title of "Nuestra Señora de los Dolores" (Our Lady of Sorrows).
Elena: Elena is the Spanish version of the Greek name "Helene," which means "torch" or "bright."
Esperanza: Esperanza means "hope" in Spanish.
Isabel: Isabel is the Spanish version of the name "Elizabeth" and means "consecrated to God" or "God is my oath.”
Josefa: Josefa is the feminine form of "José" and means "God will add" or "God will increase."
María: María is a name of Hebrew origin and is the Spanish form of "Mary."
Pilar: Pilar means "pillar" in Spanish. It is associated with the title "Virgen del Pilar" (Our Lady of the Pillar), a Marian apparition and the patroness of Spain.
Rosa: Rosa means "rose" in Spanish.
Teresa: Teresa is a name of Greek origin and means "to harvest" or "summering." It is derived from the Greek word "θερίζειν," which means "to harvest," but also "summering (from θέρος)" - the word "θέρος" means "harvesting" and "summer" in ancient Greek. The name is associated with Saint Teresa of Ávila, a prominent Spanish mystic and writer.
Victoria: Victoria means "victory" in Spanish.
Spanish baby boy names:
Francisco: "Freeman" or "Frenchman"
José: "God will add" or "God will increase"
Antonio: "Worthy of praise" or "priceless one," or "Flower."
Manuel: "God is with us" or "God is among us"
Javier: "New house" or "bright"
Juan: "God is gracious" or "God's gift"
Miguel: "Who is like God?" or "Who is like the Lord?"
Carlos: "Freeman" or "manly"
Luis: "Famous warrior" or "renowned in battle"
Alejandro: "Defender of men" or "protector of mankind"
What are good Spanish baby boy names?
Hispanic names are lavishly endowed with unmatched beauty and are by great odds a marvelous choice for your baby.
Here are some wonderful Hispanic names that will make your boy stand out from the pack:
Mateo: "Gift of God" or "gift from Yahweh"
Santiago: "Saint James" or "Saint Jacob"
Gabriel: "God is my strength" or "Hero of God"
Daniel: "God is my judge" or "God is my strength"
Alejandro: "Defender of men" or "protector of mankind"
Andrés: "Manly," "brave" or "Warrior"
Javier: "New house" or "bright"
Emilio: "Rival" or "striving"
Diego: "Supplanter" or "substitute"
Lucas: "Bringer of light" or "illuminated"
Adrián: "From the city of Hadria" or "dark one"
Rafael: "God has healed" or "healing from God"
Nicolás: "Victorious" or "conqueror of the people"
Francisco: "Freeman" or "Frenchman"
Carlos: "Freeman" or "manly," "valiant"
Final Thoughts
Finding a name that resonates is foremost - everything else comes in its rear. If you're still in search of that perfect moniker for the baby in your life, dive into our list of the best baby girl names and their meanings and the top baby boy names and their meanings.