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Top 328 Vintage baby girl names and their meanings

Writer's picture: Kostas DrakatosKostas Drakatos

Updated: Oct 6, 2023

Have you ever realized - in this vast tapestry of the world’s beautiful riches - what’s in store for your cute girl? Our extensive list consists of the top vintage baby girl names in order to find the best for you little angel.

Woven in the same fabric that makes a flower blossom and a cute kitty gently purr, human history - fueled by the harmony that ties everything in nature together - is bursting with aesthetic nobility and vibrance.

Our cultural heritage has graced us with a trove of wondrous marvels, that today serve as paragons of imaginative brilliance and genius.

Although some people tend to earn the lion’s share of the covetable gems, the timelessly unique pool of these treasures is endless.

Some people are impressed by great kings and empires, and others are stunned by the loaves and fishes miracles.

On the other side, some are inspired by the simple pleasures of life that have been cherished by our ancestors - like a lovely blinking of a baby’s eyes. Got you reminiscing, didn’t we?

And within history’s glorious pantheon, you can find some invisible arrows that will hit you straight to the heart!

Remember those precious simple things? Well, this secret proves to be all-important, because we’re revisiting the top vintage baby girl names and their meanings - who’d have thought that simple names would carry such a huge cultural significance!

Drenched in beauty, vintage girl names are a slice of old stories - told and untold - and as mirrors of our unfathomable history have marked a lasting impression on parents across the globe!

Since there is nothing new under the sun, their memorability endures as they peak in popularity; names like Beatrix, Athina, and Eleanora were also given to beautiful girls centuries ago!

These vintage vehicles can even have you retracing the story of your own ancestors!

In this article:

So, without further ado here are the best vintage baby girl names, each one telling a story:

Vintage girl names:

  1. Abigail: Joy of the father or Father rejoices.

  2. Ada: Nobility.

  3. Adelaide: Noble kind.

  4. Adele: Noble.

  5. Adeline: Noble, kind.

  6. Agatha: Good.

  7. Agnes: Pure or holy

  8. Alberta: Noble and bright.

  9. Alexandra: Defender of the people.

  10. Alice: Noble, kind.

  11. Alma: Nourishing or Soul.

  12. Althea: Healer or With healing power.

  13. Alyssa: Noble, kind.

  14. Amelia: Work, Industrious or Striving.

  15. Anastasia: Resurrection.

  16. Angela: Messenger of God.

  17. Annabelle: Loving Grace.

  18. Antonia: Praiseworthy, Priceless

  19. Arlene: Promise or Oath.

  20. Audrey: Noble strength.

  21. Aurelia: A classic girl name, which means Golden.

  22. Ava: Life.

  23. Barbara: Foreign.

  24. Beatrice: Bringer of joy.

  25. Belinda: Beautiful.

  26. Bernadette: Brave as a bear.

  27. Beryl: Gemstone.

  28. Bessie: Pledged to God.

  29. Bethany: House of figs.

  30. Betsy: Pledged to God.

  31. Blanche: White, fair.

  32. Bonnie: Pretty.

  33. Brenda: Sword.

  34. Bridget: Strength.

  35. Camille: Young ceremonial attendant.

  36. Candace: Queen mother.

  37. Caroline: Free woman.

  38. Cassandra: Prophetess.

  39. Catherine: Pure.

  40. Cecelia: Blind.

  41. Cecily: Blind.

  42. Celeste: Heavenly.

  43. Charity: Love or Kindness

  44. Charlotte: The female version of Charles and it means Free Woman.

  45. Cheryl: Beloved.

  46. Christine: Anointed.

  47. Claire: Clear, bright.

  48. Clara: Bright, clear.

  49. Clarissa: Bright, clear.

  50. Clementine: Merciful.

  51. Constance: Steadfast.

  52. Cora: Maiden.

  53. Cordelia: Heart.

  54. Cornelia: Horn.

  55. Cynthia: Moon goddess.

  56. Daisy: Day's eye - It signifies innocence, purity, and simplicity.

  57. Daphne: Laurel tree.

  58. Darlene: Darling.

  59. Deborah: Bee.

  60. Delia: Belonging to Delos.

  61. Delilah: Delicate.

  62. Delphine: Dolphin.

  63. Diana: Divine.

  64. Dinah: Judged or God will judge.

  65. Dolores: Sorrows.

  66. Donna: Lady.

  67. Dora: Gift.

  68. Dorothea: Gift of God.

  69. Dorothy: Gift of God.

  70. Edith: Rich war.

  71. Edith: Wealthy, fortunate.

  72. Edna: Delight.

  73. Eileen: Bright, shining one.

  74. Eleanor: Light.

  75. Eleanora: Light.

  76. Eliza: Pledged to God.

  77. Elizabeth: Pledged to God.

  78. Ella: Fairy or Light.

  79. Ellen: Light or Bright one.

  80. Elma: Helmet or Protection.

  81. Eloise: Healthy or Wide.

  82. Elsie: Pledged to God.

  83. Elspeth: God is my oath.

  84. Emmeline: Hardworking or Industrious.

  85. Enid: Life or Spirit.

  86. Estelle: Star.

  87. Esther: Star or Myrtle leaf.

  88. Ethel: Noble.

  89. Eudora: Good gift.

  90. Eugenia: Noble.

  91. Eulalia: Sweet-speaking.

  92. Eunice: Good victory.

  93. Eva: Life.

  94. Evangeline: Messenger of good news.

  95. Fannie: Free.

  96. Fay: Fairy.

  97. Faye: Fairy.

  98. Felicia: Fortunate.

  99. Felicity: Happiness.

  100. Fern: Fern plant.

  101. Flora: Flower.

  102. Florence: Flourishing.

  103. Frances: Free one.

  104. Frederica: Peaceful ruler.

  105. Genevieve: Tribe woman.

  106. Georgia: Farmer.

  107. Geraldine: Ruler of the spear.

  108. Gertrude: Spear of strength.

  109. Gilda: Sacrifice.

  110. Gladys: Sword.

  111. Gloria: Glory.

  112. Grace: Divine favor.

  113. Gwendolyn: White ring.

  114. Hannah: A Hebrew girl name, which means Graceful or Favor.

  115. Harriet: The feminine form of "Henry," meaning Estate ruler.

  116. Hazel: Hazelnut tree.

  117. Helen: Light or Bright One

  118. Helena: Light.

  119. Henrietta: Estate ruler.

  120. Hermione: Well-born.

  121. Hester: Star.

  122. Hilda: Battle.

  123. Honora: Honor.

  124. I da: Hardworking - due to its German roots, it can also mean "Work" or "Labor."

  125. Imelda: Universal battle.

  126. Ingrid: Fair, beautiful.

  127. Irene: Peace.

  128. Isabel: Pledged to God.

  129. Isadora: Gift of Isis.

  130. Iva: Yew.

  131. Ivy: Ivy plant.

  132. Jacqueline: Supplanter.

  133. Jane: God's gracious gift.

  134. Janet: Little Jane.

  135. Jean: God's gracious gift.

  136. Jeanette: God's gracious gift.

  137. Jemima: Dove.

  138. Jennifer: White wave.

  139. Jessamine: Jasmine.

  140. Jessica: God's grace.

  141. Jill: Youthful.

  142. Joan: God's gracious gift.

  143. Joanna: God's gracious gift.

  144. Jocelyn: Little Goth.

  145. Josephine: God will increase.

  146. Joyce: Lord.

  147. Judith: Praise.

  148. Julia: Youthful.

  149. Juliana: Youthful.

  150. Juliet: Young.

  151. June: Young.

  152. Kathleen: Pure.

  153. Kay: Rejoice.

  154. Kendra: The name Kendra means "Knowledge," but is also seen as the female form of Kenneth, meaning "Handsome."

  155. Lana: Light.

  156. Laura: Laurel.

  157. Laverne: Like the spring.

  158. Leona: Lion.

  159. Leontine: Lion-like.

  160. Leticia: Joy.

  161. Lila: Night.

  162. Lillian: Lily.

  163. Linda: Beautiful.

  164. Lorelei: Alluring.

  165. Lorna: Lonely.

  166. Lorraine: From Lorraine.

  167. Louella: Famous elf.

  168. Louise: Famous warrior.

  169. Lucille: Light.

  170. Lucinda: Light.

  171. Lucretia: Wealth.

  172. Lucy: Light.

  173. Luella: Famous warrior.

  174. Lulu: Famous warrior.

  175. Lydia: Beautiful one.

  176. Mabel: Lovable.

  177. Madeline: High tower.

  178. Mae: Bitter.

  179. Magdalene: Woman from Magdala.

  180. Mamie: Pearl.

  181. Marcia: Warlike.

  182. Margaret: Pearl.

  183. Margery: Pearl.

  184. Marian: Bitter.

  185. Marianne: Bitter or sea of bitterness.

  186. Marilyn: Drop of the sea.

  187. Marion: Bitter.

  188. Marjorie: Pearl.

  189. Marla: From the high tower.

  190. Martha: Lady.

  191. Mary: Bitter, Wished for child or Rebellion.

  192. Matilda: Battle-mighty.

  193. Maude: Battle-mighty.

  194. Mavis: Songbird.

  195. Maxima: Greatest.

  196. Maxine: Greatest.

  197. May: Bitter.

  198. Megan: Pearl.

  199. Melinda: Gentle.

  200. Melissa: Honeybee.

  201. Mercy: Compassion.

  202. Merle: Blackbird.

  203. Mildred: Gentle strength

  204. Millicent: Strong in work.

  205. Minnie: Rebel.

  206. Miriam: Bitter.

  207. Muriel: Bright sea.

  208. Myra: Myrrh.

  209. Myrna: Beloved.

  210. Myrtle: Myrtle tree.

  211. Nadia: Hope.

  212. Nadine: Hope.

  213. Nancy: Grace.

  214. Naomi: Pleasant.

  215. Natalie: Birthday.

  216. Nell: Bright, shining one.

  217. Nellie: Bright, shining one.

  218. Nettie: Grace.

  219. Nina: Little girl.

  220. Nora: Light.

  221. Norma: From the north.

  222. Octavia: Eighth.

  223. Odessa: Wrath.

  224. Odette: Wealth.

  225. Olena: Torch.

  226. Olga: Holy.

  227. Olive: Olive tree.

  228. Opal: Jewel.

  229. Opaline: Jewel.

  230. Ophelia: Help.

  231. Pamela: All honey.

  232. Patience: Enduring.

  233. Patricia: Noble.

  234. Patsy: Noble.

  235. Paula: Small.

  236. Pearl: Pearl.

  237. Peggy: Pearl.

  238. Penelope: Weaver.

  239. Philippa: Lover of horses.

  240. Phoebe: Bright.

  241. Phyllis: Leaf.

  242. Polly: Great sorrow.

  243. Priscilla: Ancient.

  244. Prudence: Careful.

  245. Rachel: Ewe.

  246. Ramona: Wise protector.

  247. Rebecca: To bind.

  248. Regina: Queen.

  249. Rilla: Stream.

  250. Rita: Pearl.

  251. Roberta: Bright fame.

  252. Robina: Bright fame.

  253. Rosalie: Rose.

  254. Rosalind: Beautiful rose.

  255. Rosalyn: Rose.

  256. Rosamund: Horse protection.

  257. Rose: Rose flower.

  258. Roseanne: Gracious rose.

  259. Rosemary: Based on its Latin roots, "Rosemary" means Dew of the sea.

  260. Rosetta: Little rose.

  261. Rowena: White spear.

  262. Roxanne: Dawn.

  263. Ruby: Red gemstone.

  264. Ruth: Companion.

  265. Sabrina: From River Severn or From Cyprus.

  266. Sadie: Princess.

  267. Sally: Princess.

  268. Samantha: Listener.

  269. Sandra: Defender.

  270. Sarah: Princess.

  271. Selina: Moon.

  272. Sheila: Heaven.

  273. Shelley: Clearing on a bank.

  274. Shirley: Bright meadow.

  275. Sibyl: Prophetess.

  276. Sibylla: Prophetess.

  277. Sigrid: Beautiful victory.

  278. Simone: Listening.

  279. Sophia: Wisdom.

  280. Stella: Star.

  281. Stephanie: Crown.

  282. Susan: Lily of the valley.

  283. Susannah: Lily of the valley.

  284. Sylvia: Wood.

  285. Sylvie: From the forest.

  286. Tabitha: Gazelle.

  287. Tallulah: Leaping water.

  288. Tamara: Palm tree.

  289. Teresa: To harvest

  290. Tess: To harvest

  291. Thelma: Will.

  292. Theresa: Summer.

  293. Thomasina: Twin.

  294. Tillie: Battle-mighty.

  295. Ursula: Little bear.

  296. Ursuline: Little she-bear.

  297. Valentina: Strong, healthy.

  298. Valerie: Strength.

  299. Vanessa: Butterfly.

  300. Velma: Protector.

  301. Vera: Truth.

  302. Veronica: True image.

  303. Victoria: Victory.

  304. Vienna: From Vienna.

  305. Viola: Violet.

  306. Violet: Violet flower.

  307. Violetta: Purple.

  308. Virginia: Virgin.

  309. Vivian: Alive.

  310. Vivienne: Alive.

  311. Wanda: Wanderer.

  312. Wendy: Wanderer.

  313. Wilhelmina: Will-helmet.

  314. Wilma: Resolute protector.

  315. Winnifred: Peaceful friend.

  316. Yolanda: Violet.

  317. Yvette: Yew.

  318. Yvonne: Yew.

  319. Zara: Princess.

  320. Zelda: Battle maid.

  321. Zelma: Helmet of God.

  322. Zillah: Shade.

  323. Zita: Little girl.

  324. Zoe: Life.

  325. Zora: Dawn.

  326. Zula: Brilliant.

  327. Zuleika: Fair.

  328. Zylphia: Woodland.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are old-fashioned girl names back in style?

Although trends are not set in stone, some elegant old-fashioned names haven’t fallen into obscurity having made a resurgence in popularity.

Here is a list of 10 ultra-stylish old-fashioned names for girls that will put Madonna to shame:

Elegant vintage girl names:

  1. Eleanor: Originally of Greek origin, meaning 'bright, shining one'.

  2. Violet: A floral name that was popular in the early 1900s.

  3. Hazel: Another name that carries nature vibes, representing the hazel tree.

  4. Clara: Of Latin origin, meaning 'clear, bright'.

  5. Mabel: A name that means "lovable."

  6. Beatrice: Of Latin origin, meaning "she who brings happiness."

  7. Cora: A name of Greek origin, possibly derived from "kore" meaning "maiden."

  8. Stella: Meaning "star" in Latin.

  9. Florence: After the beautiful Italian city, but also reminiscent of "flourishing."

  10. Evelyn: Originally a surname, this name has surged in popularity.

  11. Lillian: A variant of Lily, a flower symbolizing purity.

  12. Matilda: Of German origin, meaning "mighty in battle."

  13. Josephine: The feminine form of Joseph, which has Hebrew roots.

  14. Edith: Of Old English origin, meaning "prosperous in war."

  15. Rose: Another timeless floral name.

  16. Maeve: Of Irish origin, meaning "she who intoxicates."

  17. Olive: Before it was a fruit, it was a name.

  18. Adelaide: Of German origin, meaning "noble kind."

  19. Dorothy: Greek origin, meaning "gift of God."

  20. Margot/Margaret: Meaning "pearl."

What is a rare but beautiful girl's name?

Beauty is like the highest mountaintop: difficult to climb, but easy to alight on for those who can fly. That said, only some uniquely charming uncommon names shall make the list.

Here are some unique girl names to get you wowed:

  1. Aislinn: An Irish name meaning "dream" or "vision."

  2. Calista: Of Greek origin, meaning "most beautiful."

  3. Dahlia: Named after the flower, it has Scandinavian origins.

  4. Elara: One of Zeus's lovers in Greek mythology and also a moon of Jupiter.

  5. Faelina: A variant of the name Faela, meaning "cat-like."

  6. Galiana: Of Arabic origin, meaning "haughty."

  7. Isolde: Of German origin, linked to a tragic love story in Arthurian legend.

  8. Jael: A Hebrew name found in the Old Testament.

  9. Kaelith: A fantasy-inspired name.

  10. Liora: Of Hebrew origin, meaning "my light."

  11. Mireille: A French name meaning "to admire."

  12. Noemi: A variation of Naomi, of Hebrew origin meaning "pleasantness."

  13. Oriana: Of Latin origin, meaning "dawn" or "gold."

  14. Pomeline: Of French origin, meaning "apple."

  15. Quilla: In Quechuan mythology, a goddess of the moon.

  16. Raeliana: A name of uncertain origin but sounds enchanting.

  17. Seraphina: Of Hebrew origin, meaning "fiery-winged," referring to the seraphim angels.

  18. Thalassa: Greek name for "sea." Also, the primordial Greek sea goddess.

  19. Undine: A water spirit or nymph from European mythology.

  20. Vespera: Latin for "evening star."

What is an old-timey girl's name?

Some vintage names for girls are a class apart; Being cast in the same mold, here are 33 old-school female names with a legacy that is still going strong:

  • Agatha: Greek, meaning "good."

  • Agnes: Greek, meaning "pure" or "holy."

  • Alberta: German, feminine form of Albert, meaning "noble" and "bright."

  • Alma: Latin, meaning "nurturing" or "soul."

  • Bernadette: French, feminine diminutive of Bernard, meaning "brave bear."

  • Bertha: German, meaning "bright" or "famous."

  • Beryl: Greek, named after the precious green gemstone.

  • Blanche: French, meaning "white" or "fair."

  • Constance: Latin, meaning "steadfastness."

  • Doris: Greek, named after a sea region, meaning "gift of the ocean."

  • Edna: Hebrew, meaning "pleasure" or "delight."

  • Ethel: Old English, meaning "noble."

  • Eunice: Greek, meaning "good victory."

  • Fern: English, named after the green shade-loving plant.

  • Gertrude: German, meaning "spear of strength."

  • Gladys: Welsh, possibly meaning "royalty" or "princess."

  • Harriet: English, feminine form of Henry, meaning "estate ruler."

  • Ida: German, meaning "work" or "labor."

  • Loretta: Italian, diminutive of Laura, meaning "little laurel."

  • Louise: German, feminine form of Louis, meaning "famous warrior."

  • Mabel: Latin, derived from Amabel, meaning "lovable."

  • Mildred: Old English, meaning "gentle strength."

  • Myrtle: English, named after the evergreen shrub.

  • Nellie: English, diminutive of Helen or Eleanor, often meaning "bright, shining one."

  • Opal: Sanskrit, named after the precious gemstone.

  • Pearl: English, named after the precious gem.

  • Phyllis: Greek, meaning "foliage" or "green bough."

  • Ruth: Hebrew, meaning "compassionate friend."

  • Thelma: Greek, possibly meaning "will" or "volition."

  • Velma: English/German, possibly a variation of Wilma or derived from Anselma, meaning "helmet of protection."

  • Viola: Latin, named after the violet flower.

  • Wilma: German, diminutive of Wilhelmina, meaning "resolute protection."

  • Winifred: Welsh, meaning "blessed peace."

What are some pretty vintage names for girls?

From beautiful “Helen” to forbearing “Penelope”, the following names whisper endless old stories. Some of these stories have come down to our modern world as emblems of the golden age of antiquity and, as the story goes…:

  • Adelaide: German origin, meaning "noble kind."

  • Amelia: Of German origin, meaning "work."

  • Aurelia: Latin origin, meaning "golden."

  • Beatrice: Latin origin, meaning "she who brings happiness."

  • Cecilia: Latin origin, from "Caecilius," meaning "blind."

  • Clara: Latin origin, meaning "clear, bright."

  • Cordelia: Of uncertain origin, possibly Celtic, meaning "heart" or "daughter of the sea."

  • Daisy: Old English origin, a name of the flower but also a derivative of "Margaret."

  • Eleanor: Of Old French origin, meaning "alien" or "other."

  • Eloise: Old German origin, meaning "famous warrior."

  • Estelle: French origin, meaning "star."

  • Evelyn: Of Old English origin, meaning "desired" or "water, island."

  • Florence: Latin origin, meaning "flourishing."

  • Genevieve: Of Germanic or Celtic origin, meaning "woman of the race" or "white wave."

  • Georgia: Greek origin, meaning "farmer."

  • Hazel: Old English origin, named after the hazel tree.

  • Helena: Greek origin, meaning "bright, shining light."

  • Imogen: Of Celtic origin, possibly meaning "maiden."

  • Iris: Greek origin, named after the flower and meaning "rainbow."

  • Josephine: French origin, the feminine form of Joseph, meaning "Jehovah increases."

  • Lillian: Derived from the flower name Lily, symbolizing purity.

  • Lucille: French origin, diminutive of "Lucia," meaning "light."

  • Mabel: Of Latin origin, derived from "Amabel," meaning "lovable."

  • Mae: English origin, a diminutive of names like "Margaret" or "Mary" or named after the month.

  • Margot: French origin, a diminutive of "Margaret," meaning "pearl."

  • Nora: Short for "Honora," an Anglo-Norman name, or "Eleanor" or "Leonora," meaning "light."

  • Olive: Latin origin, named after the olive tree, symbolizing peace.

  • Penelope: Greek origin, meaning "weaver."

  • Rosalind: Old German origin, meaning "gentle horse," though often associated with roses.

  • Vera: Russian origin, meaning "faith" or "truth."

Final Thoughts

All in all, vintage girl names reel in parents all across the board, since it’s pretty much guaranteed that they evoke nostalgic feelings and long-lasting memories that are lovingly remembered.

If this joy ride intrigues you, explore further the unending elegance of our best vintage baby names and their meanings and the top vintage baby boy names and their meanings.



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